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Riemann球面上复解析动力系统的研究是许多数学家和数学工作者感兴趣的课题,它起源于上世纪初,P. Fatou和G. Julia受Newton迭代法以及Mobius变换群的子群的极限集的启发独立地作了系列研究,形成了Riemann球面上复解析动力系统的研究思想和经典的Fatou-Julia理论.近几十年来,电子计算机飞速发展给研究者提供了有效的工具,使得这一领域的研究方兴未艾.借助于快速计算和精确模拟,研究者可以更直观地观察到Julia集漂亮丰富而复杂的拓扑结构,更准确的把握动力学性质,很多构想因此而实现,并进一步促进这一学科的发展,使之成为复分析的主要研究方向之一.许多国际上著名的数学家如A. Douady, J. H. Hubbard, D. Sullivan, W. Thurston, I. N. Baker和J-C. Yoccoz等均在这一研究领域作出了杰出贡献.
     关于Fatou集,P. Fatou曾经猜想,对有理函数来说,不存在游荡的Fatou连通分支,后来Sullivan引进了有理函数的拟共形形变证明了这个猜想,并对Fatou分支进行了分类,从而有理函数在Fatou集上的动力系统有了完整的刻画[71].此后,Shishikura利用拟共形手术给出了有理函数Fatou循环域个数的精确的上界估计[68].
     借助于Caratheodory定理,若Julia集拥有良好的拓扑性质如局部连通性等则可以继承Fatou域中有序的动力模型,因此,有理函数Julia集局部连通性的研究是很关键的工作,对于探索动力学平面进一步的结构非常重要.许多数学家和数学工作者倾注于这个课题:如多项式情况下Douady-Hubbard的研究[30]; Yoccoz [57]利用拼图技术证明了当二次多项式的所有周期点都是排斥周期点并且函数不是无穷可重整的时对应的Julia是局部连通的;Douady找到了一个无穷可重整的二次多项式,其Julia集不是局部连通的[57]; Roesch和尹永成老师证明了多项式的有界吸性或抛物Fatou分支的边界是一条简单闭曲线,进一步,若边界上没有抛物点和回归的临界点则边界是一个拟圆周[67]Roesch[66]研究了三次多项式求根过程中Newton迭代公式的动力系统,证明除了一些特殊情况外Julia集都是局部连通的;继双曲和次双曲的有理函数之后[32][42],谭蕾和尹永成老师[73]证明了更广的几何有限有理函数Julia集的局部连通性;Carleson-Jones-Yoccoz[15]证明了半双曲多项式的Fatou分支都是John域从而是局部连通的,Mihalache[54]把这一结果推广到半双曲的有理函数.
     作为对最简单的m次单项式z(?)zm的有理扰动,McMullen研究了有理函数Fλ(z)=Zm+λ/zl,λ∈c*=c\{0},1/m+1/l<1. (0.0.1)的Julia集,证明当参数λ充分小时Fλ的Julia集是Cantor环[52].这种类型的Julia集是多项式不具备的,此外,当1/m+1/e≥1时Cantor环的情况也不会发生[27].之后,这族函数的动力学性质引起了很多研究者的兴趣,如Devaney及其合作者[8,9,18-23,25-29],Roesch[65],Steinmetz[69,70]等.他们发现并证明了这族函数Julia集的丰富拓扑性质,并对参数空间结构进行了细致研究.这些文章中绝大多数针对m=e的情况作了讨论,也就是Fλ(z)=zm+λ/zm,λ∈c*,m≥2, (0.0.2)此时函数族具有更加丰富的对称性.
     式(0.0.1)中的有理函数Fλ(z)通过z(?)(1/A)zd半共轭到fn(z)=ηzm(1+1/z)d,1/m+1/l<1. (0.0.3)这里η=Am-1,d=m+e.我们通过研究fη的动力系统来导出Fλ动力系统的相应性质在操作上更加可行,这是由于有理函数fη只有一个自由临界点,该自由临界点是Fλ的d个临界点在z(?)(1/λ)zd下的像.
The dynamics of the rational maps on the Riemann sphere is a topic that many mathematicians and researchers are interested in, which originated in the beginning of last century when P. Fatou and G. Julia both made series of study, with the ideas derived from the Newton method and the subgroup of the Mobius transformation group, which came into being the typical Fatou-Julia throry about the the complex dynamics on the Riemann sphere. Over the past few decades, the development of the computer provided efficient tools for the researchers and brought this field towards prosperity. With the help of rapid calculation and accurate simulation, the researchers become conscious of the rich and beautiful topological structure of the Julia set and hold the dynamical structure precisely, which promote the development of complex dynamics and make it one of the major research fields of complex analysis. Many international mathematics such as A. Douady, J. H. Hubbard, D. Sullivan, W. Thurston, I. N. Baker and J-C. Yoccoz made notable contributions to it.
     We divides the Riemann sphere into two parts from the sensitivity of the limit of the orbit on the initial state:if an iterated sequence{fn} is normal on z in the sense of Montel, then we call z a normal point. All the normal points form the Fatou set with whose complement the Julia set, which is also the closure of all the repulsive periodic orbit.
     P. Fatou once made a conjugate about the Fatou set that there is no wandering Fatou component for the rational maps. Sullivan proved this conjugate with the help of quasiconformal deformation and classified the Fatou components. Up to then, the dynamics of rational maps on the Fatou set is completely described. Later, Shishikura made a precise calculation of the upper bound of the number of Fatou cycles [68].
     From Caratheodory theorem we know that if the Julia set has good topolog-ical properties such as local connectivity then it can inherit the ordered dynamic model. Thus to study the local connectivity is a key step to discuss further dy-namic structure of the Julia set. In fact, many researchers devoted to this work. In addition to Douady-Hubbard's study [30], Yoccoz [57] proved with the help of 'puzzle'that when all the periodic points are repulsive and the function is not in-finitely renormalized the Julia set of quadratic polynomials are locally connected. Douady found an infinitely renormalized quadratic polynomial whose Julia set is not locally connected [57]; Roesch and Y. C. Yin proved that for polynomials the boundary of a bounded attractive or parabolic Fatou component is a simply closed curve, what's more, if there is neither parabolic point nor recurrent critical point on the boundary then it is a quasicircle [67]. Roesch [66] studied the complex dynamics of Newton formula for cubic polynomials and proved that the Julia sets are locally connected with rare exceptions; After the hyperbolic and subhyperbolic rational maps [32] [42], geometrically finite rational maps, which are a kind of more general rational maps, were studied and proved to have locally connectied Julia set by L. Tan and Y. C. Yin [73]; Carleson-Jones-Yoccoz [15] proved that the Fatou com-ponents of simihyperbolic polynomials are John domains this are locally connected, which is generalized to simihyperbolic rational maps by Mihalache [54].
     The so-called'Branner-Hubbard-Yoccoz'puzzles are very useful in the study of the local connectivity of Julia set. However, there are no suitable puzzles for all the rational maps. People usually choose some kind of them to study. Refer to [66] and [63] for the two examples of puzzle.
     As a rational singular perturbation of the monomial z→zm, McMullen studied the Julia set of the rational maps Fλ(z)= zm+λ/zl, A∈C*= C\{0},1/m+1/l.(0.0.4) It was shown in [52] that the Julia set of Fλis a Cantor set of circles if the parameterλis sufficiently small, which neither exists for a polynomial nor the case 1/m+1/l≥1
     [27]. For the whole family, rich topological structures of Julia sets and the bifurcation locus of this family were recently found by many authors, for example, Devaney and his collaborators [8,9,18-23,25-29], Roesch [65], Steinmetz [69,70]. In most of papers (but not all) listed above, attentions were focused on the case of m= l, that is, the family of rational maps Fλ(z)=zm+λ/zm,λ∈C*, m≥2, (0.0.5) for which there are rich symmetries.
     By the famous work of Devaney, Look and Uminsky [27], it is known that when the free critical orbits escape to oo, the Julia set of the rational map Fλin (0.0.4) or (0.0.5) is either a Cantor set, or a Cantor set of circles, or a Sierpinski curve (the escape trichotomy theorem). The Sierpinski curve Julia set was also found for some post critical finite cases in this family [18,25]. In all of these cases, functions are restricted so that the critical orbits have simple behaviors. However, when the critical points have complicated orbits, for example, the critical orbits are recurrent, what will happen? When the Julia set can be a Sierpinski curve again? In [24], Devaney posed an open problem that if the boundary of the attracting basin of the infinity for Fa in (0.0.5) is always a Jordan curve when the Julia set is not a Cantor set? It can be also asked when the Julia set of Fλis locally connected if it is connected. Note that these two properties are the necessary conditions that the Julia set becomes a Seirpinski curve.
     When the parameter A is a complex number, the similar topological properties of Fatou components and the Julia set of Fλis discussed in [63] for the case m≥3. The approach in [63] is based on a Yoccoz partition, but no suitable partition can be made forλ> 0. So the case with positive parameter need to be discussed separately. In this paper, we will discuss the topology of Fatou components and the Julia set of rational map Fλin (0.0.5) when the parameterλis positive, and is not limited to the case m=l. Letλ> 0. It is shown that the immediately attracting basin Bλof oo is always a Jordan domain if the Julia set of Fλis not a Cantor set, which not only answers Devaney's problem about (0.0.5) but also generalizes the result to (0.0.4) for positive parameter case. Further regularity of Bλis also discussed. It is obtained that Bλis a quasidisk unless there is a parabolic fixed point on the boundary of Bλ. It is also shown that if the Julia set of Fλis connected then it is also locally connected and all Fatou components are Jordan domains. Furthermore, we can get more detailed description for the topology of the Julia set of Fa whenλ> 0. In fact, we gives an complete description to the problem when the Julia set is a Sierpinski curve.
     The rational map Fλ(z) in (0.0.4) is semi-conjugate to fη(z)=ηzm(1+1/z)d,1/m+1/l<1. under z→(1/λ)zd, whereη=λm-1 and d= m+l We study the dynamics of fηinstead of Fλbecause it has only one'free'critical point which is the image of Fλ's d critical points under z→(1/λ)zd. It will be more convenient technically and Fλinherits the dynamic property of fηwith no important information lost.
     When the map fηis defined on the positive real axis, 1/m+1/l< 1, we denote byηo the parameter corresponding to the case that fηis tangent to y= x, and byη* the parameter corresponding to the case that the image of the critical value is equal to the greater zero of fη(x) - x. Let Bηbe the immediately attracting basin of oo for fη. We have Theorem 1.Ifη>η0, then (?)Bη= J(fη) is a Cantor set.If0<η<η0, then (?)Bηis a Jordan curve.
     Theorem 1 answers Devaney's question [24] in the real positive parameter case and deduces the conclusion with m not necessary equal to l. And the simply con-nected Bv has more wonderful property with rare exception. Theorem 2. If 0<η<η0, then Bv is a quasidisk. If Ifη=η0, then Bv is not a quasidisk.
     For the whole Julia set, we know J(fη) is a Cantor set whenη>η0, a Cantor set of circles when 0<η<η* and connected whenη<η0. We prove that Theorem 3.Ifη*≤η≤η0, then J(fn) is locally connected, and every Fatou component is a Jordan domain.
     It is shown in Chapter 4 that for everyη∈[η*,η0] we have a corresponding parameter c= c(η)∈[-2,1/4] such that J(fη) contains an embedded image of the Julia set of quadratic polynomial pc(z)= z2+c. And: Theorem 4. Letη*≤η≤η0.The Julia set J(fη) is a Sierpinski curve if and only if one of the following conditions holds
     (i)η≠η* and c(η) is not in the closure of any hyperbolic component of the Man-delbrot set;
     (ii) c(η) is in a primitive hyperbolic component of the Mandelbrot set of period great than 1;
     (iii) c(η) is the root of a primitive hyperbolic component of period great than 1.
     For definitions of primitive hyperbolic component of the Mandelbrot and its root, see Chapter 5.
     On the basic of above theorems, when Bλis simply connected, it is a Jordan domain whose boundary is a closed Jordan curve, and with rare exception (η=η0) this simply connected Bλis also a quasidisk. If Bλis not simply connected then it must be infinitely connected which corresponds to a Cantor Julia set. In this case, as the unique Fatou component, what properties will Bλhave? Since quasidisk is a simply connected uniform domain, we guess that Bλis also a uniform domain.
     In order to study the infinitely connected uniform domain, we consider a kind of typical set-self-similar set, which is an attractor of a finite family of contracting similarities. We have
     Theorem 5. The complement of a strong open set condition self-similar set on Riemann sphere is a uniform domain.
     After this we study a kind of more general sets-self-conformal set. The only difference of self-conformal set from self-similar set is that the iterated function system is made up of finite conformal maps. Similarly, strong open set condition creates uniform domain.
     Theorem 6. The complement of a strong open set condition self-conformal set on Riemann sphere is a uniform domain.
     On the basic of these two theorem, we consider the Fatou component of the McMullen family Fλin (0.0.4). The Julia set is a strong open set condition self-conformal set when it is a Cantor set. Furthermore the attractor is invariant.
     Corollary 7. For the function Fλin (0.0.4), if J(Fλ) is a Cantor set, then Bλis a uniform domain.
     In fact, we can prove a more general conclusion: Corollary 8.If the Julia set of a hyperbolic rational map is a Cantor set, then the only Fatou component is a uniform domain.
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