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With the accelerating process of urbanization in China, building walls are more andmore favored by people as dominant outdoor decoration of modern buildings. Widespreadproblems are existed in the current building curtain wall installation and construction, suchas: site security is poor, construction efficiency is low, construction quality is difficult toguarantee, manual tasks are labor-intensive and process standards are not uniform.
     Under the support of Research on plate installation and interior decoration robotsystem (2007AA04Z240)in the National High Technology Research and DevelopmentProgram (863Program), according to the building panels installation process andconstruction site environmental characteristics, we carry out the key technology research onrobotic construction equipment of construction curtain wall installation, and aim to developthe automated construction equipment for building curtain wall installation. This article willfocus on the key technologies of building curtain wall installation robot to perform thefollowing studies:
     First, analyses on problems of traditional hand-building curtain wall installationprocess and the installation process have been put forward, and according to thecharacteristics of the automated installation, we have developed a complete automatedinstallation process for building plates. The research status on construction robot and platemounting robot at home and abroad has been analyzed, also, combined with automatedinstallation process, we have research and designing on the structure of the installationrobot.
     According to the installation robot workflow, utilizing the robot kinematics theory, wehave established an inverse kinematics equation of the series-parallel structure. And theinverse kinematics equation of the parallel mechanism was verified by simulation software,also provides a reliable theoretical basis for the robot motion control. We have donesingularity analysis for parallel structure platform, and have used mathematical analysissoftware to make search algorithm on work space of their attitude adjustment.
     For the low-frequency vibration on operating robot in the process of building platesinstalled robot system, we have modal analysis on upgrading system structure of theinstallation robot, depending on the installation process, the vibration modes which affectthe plate mounting accuracy can be determined. The damping vibration suppression methodbased on passive combining the vibration characteristics of the system has been put forward. According to the principle of vibration parameters and damping vibration suppressionsystem, design vibra buttresses institutions to make the system vibration near criticaldamping vibration to achieve the goal of the vibration suppression, and we do experimentalverifications.
     The article selects visual inspection method based on structured light to detect theposition of the pending installation plate relatives to the wall, to overcome the impact of thedetection accuracy of unstructured built environment towards the image processing. By theresearch of the structured light detection mathematical model analysis and imageprocessing algorithms, Visual inspection methods and principles based on structured lightare established. And applying online calibration method based on neural network cameras,to solve visual system parameter calibration problems under complex built environment.Finally, we develop the curtain wall installation robot prototype, and do experimentalverifications both under simulation conditions and in actual engineering. Experimentalresults show that, the structure of the curtain wall installation robot is reasonable, and therobot can complete the automated installation of curtain wall construction, also, to someextent, this system improves the level of automation of large panels installed.
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