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Objective:To observe the effect and mechanism which BuShenNing(BSN)decoction bushenning regulating rat neurotransmitters and reproductive function in the ovulation inhibition of kidney yang, which replicate by applying hydoreortisone.
     Methods:The sixty mature female Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into six groups radomly:normal contrast group,model contrast group,clomifene group, BSN low,middle and high dosage group. normal contrast group used physiological saline, the other groups replicated kidney-yang defieiency model by muscle injecting hydoreortisone 36mg/kg,for 11 day.After 11 day,used the corresponding medicine treatment by 15 day.Observe each group the change of rat body weight ; the level of serum estrogen ( E2 ),Follicle-Stimulating Hormone( FSH) and Luteinizing Hormone( LH); the content of hypothalamus DA、NE、5-HT ,each group the hypothalamus, ovarian , uterine changed in histomorphological differences by light microscope; ultrastrucure changed of ovarian, uterine; the expression of hypothalamus Gondaotropin releasing hormone( GnRH); the expression of hypothalam, usterine, Follicle-Stimulating Hormon receptor( FSHR); the expression of Follicle-Stimulating Hormon receptor mRNA( FSHR mRNA).
     Results:①After taken medicine,the weight of rat in BSN groups heighten evidently,have significant differerce compared with model contrast group and clomifene group( P<0.01),and superiord to BSN low dosage group(P<0.05).②BSN low,middle and high dosage group and clomifene group all increased level of the rat serum E2, FSH and LH, and regulate the contents of DA,NE and 5-HT,clomifene group and BSN high dosage group the most significant.③BSN low, middle and high dosage group improvd the structure damage of ovarian,uterine of deficient kidney yang rat,the higher the dose, the effect of the more obvious; model contrast group decreased in number of ovarian growth follicle and luteum,BSN low,middle,high dosage group and clomifene group could increase in quantity of ovarian growth follicle and luteum, BSN middle, high dosage group and clomifene group were similar to normal contrast group; BSN middle and high dosage group improved the morphology of rat uterine stromal and glandular , were superiored to clomifene group, were similar to normal contrast group;hypothalamus of each group were observed no significant difference by light microscope.④BSN low,middle and high dosage group improvd ultrastrucure damage of ovarian , uterine , BSN middle and high dosage group were superiored to clomifene group.⑤BSN low, middle, high dosage group and clomifene group all could enhance the express of hypothalamus GnRH, have significant differerce compared with model contrast group ( P<0.01 ),clomifene group and BSN high dosage group the most significant.⑥BSN low, middle, high dosage group and clomifene group all could enhance the express of ovarian and uterine FSHR, BSN middle and high dosage group were similar to normal contrast group ( P > 0.05 ), were superiored to clomifene group( P< 0.05)and model contrast group( P<0.01).⑦BSN low,middle,high dosage group and clomifene group all could enhance the express of ovarian FSHRmRNA,were superiored to model contrast group( P< 0.05),BSN middle and high dosage group were significant superiored to model contrast group( P<0.01),were similar to normal contrast group( P> 0.05), BSN high dosage group was superiored to clomifene group in the express of ovarian FSHRmRNA( P< 0.05) .
     Conclusions: BSN decoction could overall regulation hypothalamus- pituitary-ovarian axis function of kidney-yang defieiency female rat model. BSN decoction could significant improve the weight of rat , level of the rat serum E2,FSH and LH;regulate the content of DA,NE and 5-HT;improve the histomorphology of rat ovarian, uterine and ultrastrucure of ovarian,uterine; improve the expression of hypothalamus Gondaotropin releasing hormone( GnRH);enhance the express of uterine,ovarian FSHR;enhance the express of ovarian FSHRmRNA.BSN decoction had the effect of inducing ovulation and recovering the function of ovary, the allover effect was better than clomifene.
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