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     4.用western blot和荧光定量PCR的方法检测胎鼠肾脏、心脏及脑内AT_1和AT_2受体的蛋白和mRNA的表达,检测胎鼠肝脏及脑内血管紧张素原mRNA的表达。
     4.胎鼠心脏组织AT_(1a),AT_(1b) mRNA表达增多,AT_1受体蛋白表达增多,AT_2受体mRNA和蛋白表达没有改变;胎鼠肾脏组织AT_(1b) mRNA表达增多,AT_1受体蛋白表达增多,AT_(1a) mRNA表达无变化,AT_2受体的mRNN和蛋白的表达没有改变;胎鼠脑组织AT_(1a),AT_(1b),AT_2受体mRNA表达增多,血管紧张素原mRNA表达降低,AT_1,AT_2受体蛋白表达增多;胎鼠肝脏血管紧张素原mRNA表达增高。
Background:Hypertension is a common cardiovascular disease.The origin and biological mechanisms of fetal programming has attracted attention.The 'foetal origins of adult disease' hypothesis is important to preventative medicine.Epidemiological studies have indicated that susceptibility of hypertension and cardiovascular diseases may result from high salt diet.The mechanisms underlying programming are likely to be multifactorial.However,further studies have shown that programming of hypertension may occur in fetal origins and related to changes of the renin angiotensin system
     Purpose:The present study was proposed:1.To explore the development of the fetal RAS following metemal high salt diet.2.To determine the relationship between the fetal RAS and body fluid balance.3.To identify changes in the fetal heart,kidney, and brain induced by meternal high salt diet.4.To determine the effect of intrauterine high salt on the fetal heart and DNA methylation.
     Method:1.Pregnant rats were randomized to a normal-salt(1%) or high-salt(8%) diet from gestational day(GD) 3 to GD21,there were 8 rats in each group.Rats were placed in metabolic cages,food and water intake,urine volume,and urinary sodium, and maternal and fetal plasma osmolarity,and sodium concentration were measured.2. Transmission electron microscope was used for analysis of the fetal heart and kidney.3. Plasma and tissue AngⅡ,and aldosterone were measured by radioimmunoassay.4.The component of RAS in the fetal heart,kidney,brain and liver were measured by real time PCR and western blot.5.Cell cycle was estimated for the proliferation of the fetal heart and mesangial cells.6.Pyrosequencing analysis for the DNA methylation of the AT_(1b) promoter in the fetal heart.
     Results:1.Water intake,urine volume and urine sodium excretion were increased by high salt diet in pregnant rats.There was no significantly difference in plasma Na~+ and osmolarity in maternal and fetal rats between normal diet and high salt diet.2. Maternal salt loading elicited ultrastructural changes in the fetal heart and kidney.3. High salt diet caused plasma AngⅡand aldosterone concentrations decreased in both mothers and fetuses.AngⅡconcentration was increased in the fetal myocardium and kidney in high salt diet.4.AT_1 receptor protein was increased in the fetal heat and kidney induced by high salt diet,AT_1,and AT_2 receptor protein were increased in the fetal brain by high salt diet;high salt diet caused the changes in the fetal RAS as following:AT_(1a) and AT_(1b) mRNA were increased in the heart,AT_(1b) mRNA was increased in the kidney,AT_(1a),AT_(1b),and AT_2 mRNA were increased the brain,angiotensinogen mRNA was increased in the liver and dereased in the brain.5.AngⅡstimulated the fetal heart and mesangial cell proliferation;the effect of AngⅡon cellular growth is primarily mediated by the AT_1 receptor.6.DNA hypomethylation of AT_(1b) promoter resultd from maternal high salt diet.
     Conclusion 1.Maternal high salt diet had adverse effects on the development of the fetal heart and kidney.2.The local RAS activation induced by maternal high salt diet contributed to the change of the heart and kidney.3.Epigenetic mechanisms contributed to the prenatal programming of hypertension by maternal high salt diet.
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