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In the early21st century, China began to introduce government performance evaluation theory in western countries, conducted a pilot and has made initial achievement. But there has also been a lot of problems, such as "the government performance face-saving projects" problems, in which the "important" ones are exhibited while the "unimportant" ones are hidden, claiming the credit for performance issues like "Heavy on the light down","Hard up while soft down" figure counterfeiting problems, water injection government performance has become an open secret, Superiors acting and inferiors imitating, the atmosphere of counterfeiting spreads in the society, which seriously damages the social atmosphere and undermines the government's credibility. This dissertation attributes the problems that arose in the evaluation the government performance mainly to the lack of depth in the awareness on the issues like "Who evaluates?","What to evaluate?","Why to evaluate?" on current domestic performance evaluation study. Based on this, this dissertation redefines the relevant concepts and its nature of government performance evaluation from the perspective of value philosophy, analyses the basic system formation of performance evaluation, summarizes the practice and the existing problems of performance evaluation in China, proposes the constructive approaches of performance evaluation.
     This dissertation is made up of the following five parts:
     The first part is the Introduction, which outlines the causes and significance of the study of performance evaluation from the perspective of value philosophy, cards the research progress of performance evaluation at home and abroad, points out the basic approaches and theoretical framework of this dissertation.
     The second part defines the relevant concepts and theoretical basis of performance evaluation, redefining performance, outlook of performance, performance evaluation from the perspective of value philosophy, points out the theoretical basis of this study is value philosophy, including the theory of value essence, the relevant Marxist theories and the relevant theories of administrative management.
     The third part, a profound analysis of the basic systematic formation of performance evaluation. In accordance with the value evaluation, the basic system of performance evaluation contains performance subject, performance object, performance evaluation criteria, and performance evaluation results. Performance evaluation subject and performance object are defined from the perspective of value philosophy, the main categories of performance evaluation are divided and the principles of performance evaluation are set. Performance evaluation criteria are deeply analyzed, points out that performance evaluation criteria is the scale in the process of the performance evaluation subject's evaluating on the performance evaluation object, is the performance evaluation index system manifested in the form of ideology, This determination, in essence, has no less reliability and objectivity than the criteria to identify knowledge and cognitive science. The inherent contradiction in performance evaluation criteria is also pointed out, so there is great difficulty in making scientific performance evaluation criteria system, which must have the support of correct value orientation. Finally, the performance evaluation subject and performance evaluation criteria will affect the performance evaluation results, and performance evaluation results are not the ultimate goal of the performance evaluation, the ultimate goal of the evaluation of the government performance is to have a positive role in guiding the government's work.
     The fourth part is the practices and existing problems in the performance evaluation in China. This dissertation thoroughly summarizes and analyses the practical progress in the following aspects:the setting of the performance evaluation, the performance evaluation criteria formulation, the performance evaluation results utilization in accordance with the basic structure of performance evaluation system, and tries to identify the main problems in the practices of subjects setting, criteria formulation and results utilization, aims at providing a basis for the ideas of the construction of performance evaluation system.
     The fifth part is the ideas of the construction of performance evaluation system. Focusing on the existing problems in the practices of performance evaluation in China, in accordance with the logic thread of Who evaluates?(the performance evaluation subject)—What to evaluate(evaluation criteria)--Why to evaluate?(evaluation results utilization),this dissertation first proposes suggestions for the settings of the performance evaluation subjects, and believes that the settings of the performance evaluation subjects should follow the principle of performance evaluation subject is consistent with the performance subject and should strengthen the role of citizen evaluation subject, develop professional evaluation organization subject by following the principle of evaluation subject specialization, develop diversified evaluation subjects system by following the principle of different subjects with a reasonable proportion. Secondly, the ideas of the setting of the performance evaluation criteria are discussed. An in-depth analysis of objective basis for performance evaluation criteria must be done in order to achieve a scientific performance evaluation criteria. The objective basis for the setting of performance evaluation criteria cannot do without performance subject need. Performance subject need has two different aspects:the inner desire of the subject and the actual existence of dependency between subject and object, whose nature has the clear difference between legitimacy and illegitimacy. The legitimate need of the performance evaluation subject is an objective basis for performance evaluation criteria, but also the basis for realizing a scientific value principle of performance evaluation criteria. Following the principle of the objective basis for performance evaluation criteria and principle of realizing scientific performance evaluation, this dissertation proposes that the basic framework system of performance evaluation criteria should cover five value dimensions, which are political, economic, cultural, social and environmental, focusing on analysing the reasons why the performance evaluation criteria should cover cultural value dimension and the constructive ideas on cultural index system. Finally, the purposes of the performance evaluation are analysed, the basic ideas of the performance evaluation results utilization are proposed, namely the establishment of evaluation results feedback mechanism, the establishment of the evaluation results information disclosure and oversight mechanism, the establishment of sound administrative accountability system.
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