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表面等离子体共振(Surface Plasmon Resonance,SPR)生物传感器凭借其实时监测、灵敏度高、无标记等优点在环境检测、食品安全等方面得到了广泛应用。目前,对SPR高通量检测的需求日益增多。点阵SPR成像(SPRi)传感器是实现SPR高通量检测的关键。本项目的任务是研制一台点阵SPRi传感器,本论文的主要内容和成果主要包括:
     3.提出了自参考方法、希尔伯特黄变换(Hilbert-Huang Transform, HHT)方法和变长度移动平均滤波方法的SPR数据联用处理方法:自参考方法抑制基线漂移,通过参比通道来消除外界温度和整体光强波动导致的漂移;HHT方法剔除高频噪声的同时能够保留信号的能量;变长度移动平均滤波可以进一步改善基线噪声,同时保留重要的SPR高频特征。该联用方法将基线漂移降低了一个数量级,提高了传感器的检出限。
Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) bio-sensors have been widely applied in the areas of environment monitoring and food safety for its real-time, label-free measurement and high sensitivity. The need of high-througput SPR system is rising. Array SPR imaging sensor is key to perform SPR highthrougput detection. The aim of the project is to build an array SPRi sensor. In this assay, an array SPR imaging sensor has been built and tested,including:
     1. Based on SPR gold film polarization control method, a contrast-enhancing prism polarization control method is proposed. A theoretical model was established and the theory was proved by experiment.
     2. The primary optical parameter have been analyzed and optimized. The array SPRi sensor has been designed. The linear light contains both transverse-electric (TE) and transverse-magnetic (TM) waves. The polarization of the reflected light is modulated by1/4waveplate and analyzer. The background signal is suppressed to get a high contrast imaging.
     3. Combined methods to improve the performance of the surface plasmon resonance array sensor are proposed. A self-reference method is adpoted to suppress the baseline drift. The Hilbert-Huang transform-based signal post-processing algorithm is employed to reduce high-frequency noise. An adaptive moving-average method was used to reduce noise while preserving important high-frequency signal characteristics. The combined methods improve the baseline drift by an order of magnitude and achieve a higher limit of detection.
     4. An analysis software for the array SPR imaging sensor is developed. With the array SPRi sensing system, the basic performance of the sensor is tested. The dynamic range is about0.022RIU and the resolution is10-5RIU. The smallest change of light that can be detected is0.18greyscale bit and the repeatability is0.8053%. The measurement of BS A has been performed.
     Now the sensor can perform detection up to35spots, which has potiential for higer throuput and resolution.
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