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Geographical Information System (CIS), as a management tool, has changed substantially in terms of its application range as compared with its limited domain of environmental research in the early days. It has gained application in more and more industries, such as government decision-making, scientific research, urban planning, country management, electric power management, goods distributing, enterprise management, finance, insurance, resource management, traffic, transportation, public security, military affairs, commercial services, disaster evaluation etc. Users of GIS have also changed considerably from GIS professionals to common office staff.
    With the development and dissemination of office automation (OA) software, more and more people wish to utilize GIS in their office automation software and require cooperated service of both systems. GIS can assist some, statistical document by incorporating geographical elements. For example, in a summary report of a corporation, maps can be used directly to depict customer distribution, distribution of profits and the variation of this information in space.
    Usually, the GIS application that we see is developed as a standalone system that has particular customer interface and data management style. Most GIS systems are developed aiming at special GIS processing, providing tools for individual industries, such as routing, buffering etc. They are not only complex in function and operation but also lacking of cooperative workings with OA software. For common off ice staff, these GIS systems can not satisfy need of application and are likely to make people fall back because of their intricate operations. They are mostly not trained with professional GIS education and are unfamiliar with GIS. So researching and developing a GIS system that can work cooperatively with office software, be operated easily and satisfy need of common office staff is also a good supplement for both GIS application and office
    Based on above thoughts and technology criterion of OLE2, this paper researches trait of compound document technology and gives a basal GIS model that can be seamlessly integrated and cooperatively work with OA
    software by OLE2 technology. Then, in term of blocking principle, from top to bottom and step by step, this paper presents a GIS prototype which includes three parts: Atlas Model, Thematic Map Model and Statistic Data Engine one besides OLE Server. Furthermore, the above three modules are designed in turn. Atlas Model includes geographical data loading (current formates, such as .shp, . gbd, .mif, .bmp, etc), map displaying , map zoomming(in or out) and a bird' s view map , etc. Thematic Map one can make pie and bar charts, thematic maps , polygon filling and formatted and directed labeling, etc. Statistic Data Engine one includes statistic data loading (current formates, such as . mdb,. txt, . xls, . dbf, Oracle DB, MS SQL Server, etc)and its management. It separates Thematic Map Model from statistic data format' variety and minishes coupling between models. Finally, this paper summarizes the research and its implementation of the system based on OLE 2, and then presents application expectation and the prob
    lems that need to be solved in the future.
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