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     采用AutoCad为平台,Visual Basic为编程语言,结合矿山测量专业规范,应用ActiveX Automation技术对AutoCad进行矿山测量应用上的二次开发,集成矿山测量CAD辅助绘图系统。以此为应用基础,利用它具有简单易用、专业应用性强及实现基本数据共享的特点,建立测量图形库、测量数据库,并结合传统矿图的矢量化,实现矿山测量数字化。
The traditional way of manual computing and mapping has been used in the process of mine survey and mapping in Fankou lead-zinc Mine, but it isn't in accordance with the development of the modern surveying technology. This article focuses on the research on surveying data-digitizing and plot-digitizing so as to solve the digitization problem of survey and mapping.
    Using AutoCAD as platform, Visual Basic as programming language, combining mine surveying criterion, applying ActiveX Automation technology, the CAD mapping system has been developed on mine survey and mapping. And based on this, using the advantages of easy to use and date sharing to built up plot-bank and databank and combing old mine plots vector conversion method to realize the digitization of mine survey and mapping.
    Using the integrated drawing system configuration, professional drawing tools, drawing application program and survey datum dimension, the system already realizes CAD plot-digitization of mine survey and mapping. Through building complete survey databank and data-processing system, the system realizes mine surveying data-digitization. And through the datum exchange between VB databank and CAD plot-bank, resource-sharing is realized between maps and surveying datum. The system has already been put into use in the lower part underground survey, during that process, it can produce E-datum and E-tables, surveying plot digitization also been realized, all kinds of datum and maps can been provided to related departments timely and accurately when necessary. Practice has proved,that the system is effective and convenient, the problem of digitization in survey and mapping has been solved.
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