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There are innovations of Substation Automation due to the growth of the economy and the power supply industry. The novel innovation in microprocessor and communication technology has drastically boosted the development in power system protection. The paper probes into the design of microprocessor-based protection equipment’s hardware. The main contents of the paper are:
    1. This paper has discussed the progress of microprocessor-based protection domestic and abroad. Based on discussion, the significance of the paper is summarized and the main contents of the paper are listed.
    2. The characteristics of VFC-type Analog to Digital Converter (AID) and successive approximation Analog to Digital converter are analyzed. The paper has probed into the circuit front AID, the interface between AID and CPU. At last, the design of Data Acquisition System is completed.
    3. Some schemes are compared in the design of microprocessorbased protection equipment’s control section. Additionally, this paper applies the technology of memory and realizes Inner System Programmable (ISP).
    4. The reliability of the design of microprocessor-based protection equipment has also been discussed, according to the especial situation of substations.
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