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As the foundation of the national economy, Agriculture plays an irreplaceable role. In the era of rapid scientific and technological changes, agricultural scientific and technological progress becomes a decisive factor of the comparative advantage in agriculture, which gradually replaces agricultural resource endowment. Facts show that many countries achieve the rapid development of agricultural products and the continue improvement of international competitiveness through improving the agricultural science and technology system, increase input, and optimize the allocation resources. In the context of global economic integration, agricultural scientific and technological progress exercises a more far-reaching significance in China, which is a large population country, mainly is rural population.
     Based on defining the concepts and reviewing related research results, we utilize literature review, comparative analysis, qualitative analysis, numerical economics analysis, mathematical economic analysis and so on. Moreover, it compares and analyzes the domestic and international input of agricultural science and technology, and allocative efficiency. On one hand, based on forecasting the growth of agriculture GDP, the paper forecasts and analyzes the supply and demand growth of the future agricultural science and technology funds, as well as gap of supply and demand. And it comparative analyzes the domestic and international input of agricultural science and technology in the aspects of capital investment and resources distribution. On the other hand, according to the main problems, by use of FAHP and mathematical economic theory, the article makes some theoretical analysis in the capital investment and resources distribution. The former belongs to mathematics analysis from the aspect of optimizing the investment policy environment, mathematical model analysis of government' capital induction behavior, and logical analysis in strengthening the enterprise risk management, but the later is mainly based on a principal-agent model, and examines game relationship between government and scientific research institutions in different systems (planning system and market system). Finally, the author proposes some countermeasures of optimizing capital investment and allocative efficiency.
     The development of agricultural science and technology can not be separated from investment funds, as a developing country with limited financial resources, and government investment in agricultural scie-tech funds is limited, relying on the government's financial investment not a fundamental solution to China's inadequate supply of agricultural science and technology funds. As a result, we must increase public investment in agricultural science and technology, so as to induce social capital investment such as Enterprises. At the same time, for the scarcity features of agricultural science and technology resources, we must optimize resources allocation to improve the efficiency. Therefore, the paper studying on agricultural scie-tech development in China has an important significance both in theory and practice, from the aspect of capital investment and allocative efficiency of agricultural science and technology. Moreover, in method of new institutional economic, mathematical economic analysis, game theory, predictive analysis and numerical economics analysis, this paper has deep foundation of theory and method. However, it is a complex system engineering, and the author just tries to explore some issues about agricultural sci-tech development. Some follow-up research will be further deepened in the future teaching and scientific work.
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