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In the era of information economy, soft science resource is a great motivation of the government to push the society forward. Chinese soft science research institutions center on the government’s scientific and democratic decision-making and achieve great success. Especially with the establishment of the corresponding net and the usage of the advanced communication tools, the idea of resource sharing wins preliminary achievement: ensuring the means to select sharing information; forming the motive mechanism initially; establishing the platform of resource sharing.
     According to 2003-2004 Investigation of Soft Science Research Institutions in China, this thesis takes the national soft science research institutions as research target, picking out the data of the institutions in Canton, Shandong, Beijing and 5 other main provinces and cities to make sample analysis, then induce that it’s the mechanism faulty of resource sharing among the national soft science research institutions that leads to the sever segregation of soft science resources, the reasons of which owe to the segmentation of the research areas, scientific objects, organizations’connection, and the incorrect assessment system, research orientation. The thesis also considers that, because of the improvement and application of the new technology, the technology itself is not the key problem to prevent the resource sharing. Thus, in order to achieve the mechanism construction of resource sharing among those institutions, the emphasis should be put on the control of“soft power”to cultivate the sharing actions with high quality on the basis of technological construction. Furthermore, this thesis put forward that a complete mechanism framework should be set up to promote resource sharing which includes laws, economic drive, organization structure, motive mechanism, technological standard and culture environment.
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