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The “middle class” has always been an elusive category in the studies of early modernEnglish society. It gives rise to continuing controversies as to the demarcation of boundariesaround the “middling”. Ever since the1990s, more studies in this field shifted to define the earlymodern English middle class by seeking the shared experiences and common values that hadcontributed to the formation of its class identity.
     Drawing on these illuminating approaches and a wide historical literature, this dissertationargues for the significance of early periodical journal in the construction of middle class identity.The term ‘periodical journal’ is commonly used to name a genre of newspaper with miscellaneouscontents such as essays, poems, cultural criticisms etc. It was flourishing since the late seventeenthcentury in Britain with an emergent print market. These journals could be viewed as producers ofideal values as well as participants in cultural and social constructions. A cornerstone of thedevelopment of periodical journal was laid by the Spectator, first published in1711. With over sixhundred issues, it encompasses ideas about religious beliefs, ethics, manners, gender relations,urban entertainments, national identity etc. It is held in this paper that periodical journalsconstituted important common experiences for the middling sorts in the urban environment.
     The post-revolution years witnessed a swelling body of middling sorts in the cities, as a resultof the enlargement of government administration and financial system innovation. Wedged intothe traditional patrician-plebeian hierarchy, this middling group was resented from both sides ofthe pyramid. For some members of this group, emulation and pursuit of gentility marked stronglyin their material and cultural consumption. At the same time, an internal perception within thegroup became more prominent with their unnegligible wealth and involvement in the society. Thedesire to cultivate distinct values and norms made it possible for the participation of periodicaljournal in their class identification.
     By conceiving the cultural market between1689to1729as a discursive field, this paperexamines how the periodical journals competed with prevailing ideas during that period of time,with focus on the Spectator. This paper includes five parts. It first identifies the unique role ofperiodical journal in the cultural market by examining its operation, stylistic devices as well as itstargeted readers. The second part analyzes the social perception and the aspiration to self-fashioning among the middling sorts by locating this group in the cultural hierarchy andcommercialization of urban culture. Based on the first two sections, the following two parts go onto examine how the periodical journals formulate new beliefs, ethics, manners and taste, as ameans for the middling order to express social distinction. These two parts also suggest the importance of the “men of letters” in making the “cultural capital” more accessible to the middlingsort and enriching their understanding of post-revolution commercial world, of the relationshipbetween individuals and of nation-state. This paper concludes by relating the discursive field ofperiodical journals to the “imagined community” and emphasizes their potential for socialaffinities.
     With a multiplicity of newspapers, pamphlets, autobiography, diary and literary works, thispaper is an attempt to give a view of the interaction between periodical journal and English middleclass experience in the early transformation of English social structures. It is also expected to drawmore attention to the value of periodical journals as assets in exploring the early English society.
1Thomas Coram,1668-1751; William Hogarth,1697-1764; see http://thedabbler.co.uk/2010/09/captain-corams-foundling-museum/(accessed May20,2013)
    3J. C. D. Clark, English Society1660-1832: Religion, Ideology and Politics During the Ancient Regime,Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,2000, p.25.
    1See Paul Langford, A Polite and Commercial People: England1727–1783, Oxford: Clarendon,1989, pp.62-3.
    2Peter Earle, The Making of the English Middle Class: Business, Society, and Family Life in London.1660-1730,Berkeley: University of California Press,1989, pp.5,60.
    3E. P. Thompson, The Making of the English Working Class, New York: Vintage books,1963, pp.9-11.
    4P. Bourdieu, Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgment of Taste, London: Routledge,1984, p.466.
    5R. S. Neale, Class in English History,1680-1850, Oxford: Blackwell,1981, p.96.
    1See Penelope J. Corfield,“Class by Name and Number in Eighteenth Century Britain”, in Language, History andClass, Penelope J. Corfield ed., Cambridge: Basil Blackwell,1991, p.112.
    3See Michael McKeon, The Origins of the English Novel1600-1740, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press,1987, pp.174-5.
    4See A. Giddens, The Class Structure of the Advanced Societies, London: Hutchinson,1973, p.111.
    5See Stuart Hall,“Who Needs Identity?”, in Questions of Cultural Identity, Stuart Hall and Paul du Gay ed.,London: Sage,1996, pp.2,4.
    1Raymond Williams, Culture and Society,1780-1950, New York: Columbia University Press,1958, pp. xv-xvi.
    2Louis B. Wright, Middle-class Culture in Elizabethan England. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press,1935, pp.1-5
    1Jack Hexter, Reappraisals in History. Aberdeen: Northwestern University Press,1961, pp.95-98.
    2John Smail, The Origins of Middle-class Culture: Halifax, Yorkshire,1660-1780, Ithaca: Cornell UniversityPress,1994, p.10.
    3Smail, p.11.
    4Leonore Davidoff and Catherine Hall, Family Fortunes: men and women of the English middle class,1780-1850revised ed., London and New York: Routledge,2002, p.13.
    5Leonore Davidoff and Catherine Hall, p.32.
    1See Neil McKendrick, John Brewer, and J. H. Plumb ed., The Birth of a Consumer Society: TheCommercialisation of18th-Century England, Bloomington: Indiana University Press,1985, p.52.
    2Ibid, pp.265-85.
    3Paul Langford, A Polite and Commercial People: England1727–1783, Oxford: Clarendon,1989, pp.66-7.
    4Henry R. French, The Middle Sort of People in Provincial England1600--1750. Oxford: Oxford University Press,2007.
    1Jonathan Barry,“Bourgeois Collectivism? Urban Association and the Middling Sort”, in The Middling sort ofPeople: Culture, Society, and Politics in England,1550-1800, Jonathan Barry and Christopher Brooks eds.,London: Macmillan,1994, pp.84-112.
    1Margaret R. Hunt,“Print Culture and The Middle Classes: Mapping the World of Commerce”, in The MiddlingSort: Commerce, Gender, and the Family in England,1680-1780, Berkeley: University of California Press,1996.
    2Walter Graham, The Beginnings of English Literary Periodicals: A Study of Periodical Literature1665–1715,Oxford: Oxford University Press,1926; Walter Graham, English Literary Periodicals, New York: Thomas Nelson
    3and Sons,1930.Ian Watt, The Rise of the Novel, Studies in Defoe, Richardson and Field, Berkeley and Los Angeles, Universityof California Press,1957; Q. D. Levis, Fiction and the Reading Public, London, Chatto and Windus,1939; J. P.Hunter, Before Novels: Cultural Contexts of Eighteenth-Century English Fiction, New York: Norton,1990;Lennard J. Davis, Factual Fictions: the origins of the English novel, Philadelphia: University of PennsylvaniaPress,1983.
    1Edward A. Bloom and Lillian D. Bloom,“Joseph Addison and Eighteenth-Century ‘Liberalism’", Journal of theHistory of Ideas, Vol.12, No.4(1951), pp.560-583.
    2Edward A. Bloom and Lillian D. Bloom,“Addison on 'Moral Habits of the Mind'”, Journal of the History ofIdeas, Vol.21, No.3(1960), pp.409-427.
    3Bloom, Edward A. and Lillian D. Bloom, eds., Addison and Steele: The Critical Heritage, London, Boston andHenley: Routledge and Kegan Paul,1980.
    4Brian McCrea, Addison and Steele Are Dead, Associated University Press,1990.
    5C. S. Lewis,“Addison” in Eighteenth-Century English Literature: Modern Essays in Criticism, James L. Clifforded., New York: Oxford University Press,1959, pp.146,155.
    6J. A. Downie and Thomas Corns, Telling People What to Think: Early Eighteenth-Century Periodicals From TheReview to The Rambler, New York: Routledge,1992; Kathryn Shevelow, Women and Print Culture: TheConstruction of Femininity in the Early Periodical, New York: Routledge,1989.
    2Terry Eagleton, The Function of Criticism From “The Spectator” to Post-Structuralism, London: Verso,1984.
    3Erin Mackie, Market a`La Mode: Fashion, Commodity, and Gender in The Tatler and The Spectator, Baltimore:Johns Hopkins University Press,1997.
    1C. John Sommerville, The News Revolution in England: Cultural Dynamics of Daily Information, New York:
    2Oxford University Press,1996, p.109.Iona Italia, The Rise of Literary Journalism in the Eighteenth Century: Anxious Employment, New York:Routledge,2005.
    3Donald J. Newman ed., The Spectator: the Emerging Discourses, New York: Rosemont,2005.
    4Ibid, pp.96-7.
    5Sean Latham and Robert Scholes, The Rise of Periodical Studies, PMLA, vol.121, No.2(2006), pp.517-31.
    1Joseph Addison and Richard Steel, The Spectator, in eight volumes, George A. Aitken ed., London: John C.Nimmo, New York: Longmans, Green,1898.
    1Joseph Addison and Richard Steel, The Spectator, Donald F. Bond ed., Oxford: Clarendon,1965.
    1John Gay, The Present State of Wit, in a letter to a friend in the country, London,1711, p.19.
    2Ibid, pp.6-8.
    1T. B. Macaulay,“Life and Writings of Addison”, in Addison and Steele: The Critical Heritage, Edward A.Bloom and Lillian D. Bloom, eds., London, Boston and Henley: Routledge and Kegan Paul,1980, p.422.
    2Lorenzo Magalotti,1637-1712.
    3Andrew Browning ed., English Historical Documents1660–1714, London and New York: Routledge,1996, p.508.
    4News, Post Boy (1695)(London, England), March28,1700-March30,1700; Issue776.
    12John Dunton,1659-1733.See Life and Errors, p.188.
    3刊物原名为《雅典人公报》(The Athenian Gazette, or The Casuistical Mercury),从第2期更名为《雅典人信使报》。
    4Athenian Oracle, pp.15,22,25,29,28,31.
    5Dunton, Life and Errors, pp.187-8.
    12Ibid, pp.189,190.See R. S. Crane and F. B. Kaye,“A Census of British Newspapers and Periodicals,1620-1800”, in Studies inPhilology, Vol.24, No.1, Jan.,1927, pp.183.
    3See R. B. Walker,“The Newspaper Press in the Reign of William III”, The Historical Journal, Vol.17, No.4(1974), p.695.
    4Anonymous, The Case of the Coffee-Men of London and Westminster, London: G. Smith,1728, p.6-10.
    1Edward Chamberlayne and John Chamberlayne, Angli Notitia: or the present state of England, London,1704, p.344.
    2See Julian Hoppit, A Land of Liberty? England1689-1727, Oxford: Oxford University Press,2000, p.55.
    3See Roy Porter, English Society in the Eighteenth Century, revised edition, London: Penguin Group,1991, p.46.
    4Edward Chamberlayne et al., Angli Notitia, p.347.
    5Henry Playford,1657-1709.
    12News. Diverting Post (London, England), Saturday, October28,1704; Issue1.London Spy, p.1.
    3S. D. Cressy,‘Literacy in context: meaning and measurement in early modern England’, in Consumption and theWorld of Goods, ed. J. Brewer and R. Porter, London and New York: Routledge,1993, p.315.
    4John Brewer, Pleasures of the Imagination: English Culture in the Eighteenth Century, London: Harper Collins,1997, pp.167-8.
    2Qtd. in James Raven, The Business of Books: booksellers and the English book trade1450-1850, New Haven and
    3London, Yale University Press,2007, p.99.Richard D. Altick, The English Common Reader: Social History of mass Reading Public1800-1900,2nded., Columbus: Ohio State University Press,1998, pp.22-3.
    4“Introduction”, in Supplementary Journal to the Advice from the Scandal Club (London, England), September,1704.
    5S., No.10, Monday, Mar.12,1711, I: p.53.
    1T., No.1, Tuesday, Apr.12,1709, p.11.
    2Kathryn Shevelow, Women and Print Culture: The Construction of Feminity in the Early Periodical, New York:Routledge,1989, p.35.
    3News, Weekly Review of the Affairs of France (London, England), Saturday, February19,1704; Issue1.
    4T., No.162, Saturday, April22,1710; No.166, Tuesday, May2,1710.
    5News, Review of the State of the British Nation (London, England), Thursday, March2,1710.
    6S., No.34, Monday, Apr.9,1711, I: p.176.
    1News, Examiner or Remarks upon Papers and Occurrences (London, England), May31,1711-June7,1711;Issue45
    2S., No.262, Monday, Dec.31,1711, IV: p.51.
    3S., No.435, Saturday, July16,1712, VI: p.186.
    4Dunton, Life and Errors, p.194-195.
    1Henry Snyder,“The Circulation of Newspapers in the Reign of Queen Anne”, Library23(1968), p.230.
    2T., No.1, Tuesday, April12,1709, p.11.
    1Charles Gildon,“History of Athenian Society”, in A Supplement to the Athenian Oracle, being a collection of theremaining questions and answers in the old Athenian Mercuries, London: printed for Andrew Bell,1710, p.23.
    2Charles Gildon,“The History of the Athenian Society” in Supplement to Athenian Oracle, London: printed forAndrew Bell,1710, p.8.
    3See Charles Gildon, The History of the Athenian Society, frontispiece, London: printed for James Dobled,1692.
    4See Kathryn Shevelow, p.82.
    1London Spy, p.1-2.
    2S., No.34, Mon., Apr.9,1711, I: p.173.
    3Anonymous, The School of Politicks, Or, the Humours of a Coffee-house, London: printed for Richard Baldwin,1690, p.12.
    1Anonymous, Coffee-Houses Vindicated, London,1675, pp.2-3.
    2See Jeremy Black,"The English Press in the Eighteenth Century, London and Sydney: Croom Helm,1987, p.12.
    3Classified ads, Diverting Post (London, England), January27,1705-February3,1705; Issue15.
    1Classified ads, Diverting Post (London, England), June23,1705-June30,1705; Issue36.
    2T., No.1, Tuesday, April12,1709, p.11.
    3Classified ads.Spectator (1711)(London, England), Thursday, March22,1711; Issue XIX.
    4See Donald F. Bond,“Introduction” in The Spectator, Oxford: Clarendon Press,1965, p. xxi.
    5Ibid, pp. xxiv, xxvii.
    1Classified ads, Athenian Gazette (London, England), Tuesday, November17,1691; Issue15.
    2Classified ads, Weekly Review of the Affairs of France (London, England), Tuesday, March28,1704; Issue7.
    3Classified ads, Athenian Gazette (London, England), Saturday, February11,1693; Issue18.
    4Classified ads, Spectator (1711)(London, England), Friday, March23,1711; Issue XX.
    5Classified ads, Spectator (1711)(London, England), Friday, March23,1711; Issue XX
    6Classified ads, Athenian Gazette (London, England), Tuesday, November17,1691; Issue15.
    1Classified ads, Guardian (London, England), Wednesday, June24,1713; Issue XC.
    2Classified ads, Guardian (London, England), Thursday, July2,1713; Issue XCVII.
    3News, Athenian Gazette (London, England), Saturday, February9,1695; Issue16.
    4See Donald F. Bond,“Introduction” in The Spectator, Oxford: Clarendon Press,1965, pp. lxxxviii-ix.
    1Peter Burke, Popular Culture in Early Modern Europe, New York: Harper and Row,1978, pp.271-2.
    2William Harrison, Description of Elizabethan England,1577, Whitefish: Kessinger Publishing,2004, p.
    2Edward Chamberlayne, Angliae Notitia: Or, The Present State of England, vol.1, London: Tidmarth,1682, p.281.
    3Ibid, pp.287,289,291.
    1John Preston Neale, The Mansions of England: Or, Picturesque Delineations of the Seats of Noblemen and
    2Gentlemen, London: M. A. Nattali,1847, pp.3,5.Marquess of Bute,1744-1814
    3Thomas Herbert,8th Earl of Pembroke,1656-1733.
    4Philip J. Ayres, Classical culture and the idea of Rome in eighteenth-century England, Cambridge: CambridgeUniversity Press,1997, p.133.
    5Charles Montagu,1661-1715.
    1See Samuel Johnson,“Addison” in The Major Works, New York: Oxford University Press,2000, p.644; LucyAikin, The life of Joseph Addison, London: Longman, Brown, Green and Longmans,1843, pp.16-22
    2John Cannon, Aristocratic Century: The Peerage of Eighteenth-Century England, Cambridge: CambridgeUniversity Press,1984, pp.34-5.
    3See Wrightson, English Society1580-1680, p.149.
    4Joan Lane. Apprenticeship in England1600-1914, London.: UCL,1996, p.11,15.
    1Jacob Tonson,1656?–1736.
    2William Lewis Sachse, Lord Somers: A Political Portrait, Manchester University Press,1975, p.190.
    3Joseph Addison, An Account of the Greatest English Poets (1694), in The Works of Joseph Addison, GeorgeWashington Greene, in6volumes, vol.1, New York: G. P. PUTNAM,1854, p.146.
    1Joseph Addison, The Letters of Joseph Addison, Walter Graham ed., Oxford: Clarendon Press,1941, p.320.
    2News, London Gazette (London, England), July29,1703-August2,1703; Issue3936.
    3Daniel Defoe,“A Hymn to the Pillory”(1703), in The Works of Daniel Defoe, John S. Keltie ed., Edinburgh:William P. Nimmo,1870, p.604.
    4News, London Gazette (London, England), November14,1706-November18,1706; Issue4280.
    5Louis A. Knafla, Crimes, Punishment, and Reform in Europe, Westport: Greenwood Publishing Group,2003, p.99.
    1See Andrew Browning ed., English Historical Documents1660–1714, London and New York: Routledge,1996,p.68.
    2Jonathan Swift, Journal to Stella, Harold Williams ed., Oxford: Clarendon,1948, p.554.
    3Thomas Shadwell,“Congratulatory Poem on His Highness the Prince of Orange His Coming into England”(1689), in The Complete Works of Thomas Shadwell, ed. Montague Summers, vol.5, London: Fortune,1927, p.337.
    1John Brewer, The Sinews of Power: War, Money and the English State1688-1783, Wellington: Unwin Hyman,1989, p.32.
    2J. S. Bromley. The New Cambridge Modern History (Vol.6): The Rise of Great Britain and Russia1688–1715/25. Cambridge University Press,1970, p.288.
    3See David Stasavage, Public Debt and the Birth of Democratic State: France and Great Britain,1688-1789,Cambridge: Cambridge University press,2003, p.76.
    4See Roderrick Floud and Paul Johnson eds., The Cambridge Economic History: Modern Britain,, Vol.1,1700-1860, Cambridge: Cambridge University press,2004, p.177.
    1See John Brewer, The Sinews of Power, p.125.
    2Rosemary O'Day, Education and Society1500-1800: the social foundations of education in early modern Britain,London: Longman,1982, p.95.
    3Peter Earle, The Making of the English Middle Class: Business, Society and Family Life in London,1660-1730,Berkley and Los Angeles: Methuen and the University of California Press,1989, p.73.
    1See Penelope J Corfield, Power and the Professions in Britain1700-1850, London and New York: Routledge,1995, p.78.
    2Keith Wrightson,“‘Sorts of People’ in Tutor and Stuart England”, in The Middling sort of People: Culture,Society, and Politics in England,1550-1800, J. Barry and C. Brooks eds., London: Macmillan Press,1994, p.49.
    3Julian Hoppit, p.319.
    1R. Steele,“The Conscious Lover”, in The Plays of Richard Steele, ed. S.S. Kenny, Oxford: Clarendon,1971, p.359.
    2Michael Landon, The Triumph of the Lawyers: Their Role in English Politics1678-1689, Alabama University
    3Press,1970, p.249.See Richard Grassby, The Business Community of Seventeenth Century, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1995, p.204.
    4Qtd. in Maxine Berg, Luxury and Pleasure in Eighteenth Century, Oxford: Oxford University Press,2005, p.219.
    5ibid, p.224.
    6ibid, p.230.
    1David Porter, The Chinese Taste in Eighteenth-Century England, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,2010,p.22.
    2Classified ads, Daily Courant (London, England), Thursday, January21,1703, Issue238.
    3凯夫·安德希尔,Cave Underhill,1634-1710?,17世纪喜剧演员,演艺生涯长达40年,曾在多部莎士比亚戏剧和其他喜剧中扮演角色。
    4Classified ads, Daily Courant (London, England), Friday, March30,1705; Issue922.
    1Classified ads, Flying Post or The Post Master (London, England), June7,1701-June10,1701; Issue950.
    2Classified ads, Post Boy (London, England), January28,1701-January30,1701; Issue907.
    3Allardyce Nicoll, A History of Restoration Drama,1660-1700.2nded., Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1928, p.8.
    4Thomas Baker, The Humor of the Age, London,1701, p.49-50.
    1John Brewer, Pleasures of the Imagination: English Culture in the Eighteenth Century, HarperCollins Publishers,1997, pp.203,205.
    2John Brewer,“‘The Most Polite Age and the Most Vicious--Attitudes towards culture as a commodity,1660-1800”, in Anne Bermingham and John Brewer ed., The Consumption of Culture1600-1800: Image, Object, Text.Londonand New York: Routledge,1995, pp.342,345,348.
    4P. Bourdieu, Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste, London: Routledge,1984, pp.70-1.
    12William Stout, Autobiography of William Stout, of Lancaster, Simpkin and Marshall,1851, p.4-5,27,33.George Saville,“The Lady’s New Year Gift, or, Advice to a Daughter”, in Miscellanies by the Most NobleGeorge Lord Saville, Late Marquis and Earl of Halifax, London,1717, p.41.
    3See Lawrence E. Klein,“Politeness for plebes: consumption and social identity in early eighteenth-centuryEngland”, in Anne Bermingham and John Brewer ed., The Consumption of Culture1600-1800: Image, Object,Text. London and New York: Routledge,1995, p.376.
    1Leonard Schwarz,“London1700-1840”, in The Cambridge Urban History of Britain, Peter Clark ed., Cambridge,2000, p.653.
    2Anonymous, The Country Gentleman's Vade Mecum: or his companion for the town, London: John Harris,1699,pp.6,11,20.
    3Anonymous, Town Spy, containing an account of the different customs, tempers, manners, policies, London:1725, p.5.
    4Edward Ward, The Reformer, exposing the vices of age in several characters,4thed., London,1701, p.3-5.
    1David Cannadine, The Decline and Fall of the British Aristocracy, New York: Vintage Books,1999, p.24.
    2John Cockburn, The History and Examination of Duels: Shewing Their Heinous Nature and the Necessity ofSuppressing Them, London, printed for G. Strahan, R. Knaplock, R. Goslin, W. Lewis, T. Harbin, W. Graves, andB. Barker,1720, pp.351-2.
    3Defoe, The Best of Defoe’s Review, p.257.
    4Ibid, p.255.
    5Michael McKeon, The Origins of the English Novel1600-1740, Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press,1987,p.131.
    1London Spy, p.81.
    2“His Majesty’s Letter to the Right Reverend Father in God Henry Lord Bishop of London, to be Communicatedto the Two Provinces of Canterbury and York”, in A Collection of Scarce and Valuable Tracts, London,1748, vol.
    2of4, p.335-6.
    3See Martin Ingram,'Reformation of Manners in Early Modern England', in The Experience of Authority in EarlyModern England, Paul Griffiths, Adam Fox and Steve Hindle eds., Basingstoke and New York: St Martin's,1996,pp.47–88.
    1Qtd. in John Spurr,"The Church, the societies and the moral revolution of1688", in The Church of England1689-1833: From Toleration to Tractarianism, John Walsh, Colin Haydon and Stephen Taylor eds., Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1993, p.130.
    2Ibid, p.134.
    3Ibid, p.130.
    4Tony Claydon, William the Third and the Godly Revolution, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,2004, p.180.
    5See Margaret R. Hunt, The Middling Sort: Commerce, Gender, and the Family in England,1680-1780, Berkeley:
    6University of California Press,1996, p.103.See R. B. Shoemaker,‘Reforming the City: The Reformation of Manners Campaign in London,1690–1738’, in L.Davison, et al eds., Stilling the Grumbling Hive: The Response to Social and Economic Problems in England,1689–1750, New York: St. Martin's,1992, p.105.
    7Anonymous, An Account of the Progress of the Reformation of Manners, in England, Scotland, and Ireland, andother parts of Europe and America, London: J. Downing,1704, pp.7,20.
    1Daniel Defoe, The Best of Defoe’s Review, an anthology, William L Payne, ed., New York: Columbia UniversityPress,1951, p.206.
    2Classified ads. Daily Courant (London, England), Friday, May14,1708; Issue1947.
    3William Whiston,1667-1752.
    4News, Evening Post (1709)(London, England), November14,1710-November16,1710; Issue197.
    1News, Diverting Post (London, England), Saturday, October28,1704; Issue1
    2Richard Marsh, The Vanity and Danger of Modern Theories, Cambridge: Edmund Jeffery,1699, p.14.
    3William Stout, Autobiography, p.11.
    4Athenian Oracle, p.61,127,330.
    1Athenian Oracle, pp.331-2.
    2Edward Ward, The Reformer, exposing the vices of age in several characters,4thed., London,1701, pp.12,13.
    4Daniel Defoe, The Best of Defoe’s Review, p.209.
    5Ibid, p.213.
    1See C. John Sommerville,“The Distinction between Indoctrination and Education in England,1549-1719”,Journal of the History of Ideas, Vol.44, No.3(1983), p.398.
    2S., No.132, Wednesday, Aug.1,1711, II: p.244.
    3S., No.631, Friday, Dec.10,1714, VIII: p.313.
    4See Adrian Davies, The Quakers in English Society:1655–1725, New York: Oxford University Press,2000, p.209.
    5Qtd. in Margaret Ackrill and Leslie Hannah, Barclays: The Business of Banking,1690-1996, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2001, p.25.
    1S., No.316, Monday, Mar.3,1712, IV: p.342.
    2S., No.108, Wednesday, July4,1711, II: p.128,130.
    3See Susan E. Whyman, Sociability and Power in Late-Stuart England: The Cultural Worlds of the Verneys,1660-1720, revised ed., Oxford: Oxford University Press,2002, pp.44-45.
    4S., No.21, Saturday, Mar.24,1711, I: p.111.
    1Thomas Guy,1644-1724.
    2Thomas Guy, A True Copy of the Last Will and Testament of Thomas Guy, Esq., London,1725, pp.6,7,9,24-5.
    3James Raven, The Business of Books: booksellers and the English book trade1450-1850, New Haven andLondon, Yale University Press,2007, p.92.
    1See Deborah Valenze, The Social Life of Money in the English Past, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,2006, pp.173-176.
    2London Spy, p.395.
    12S., No.294, Wednesday, Feb.6,1712, IV: p.214.
    Anthony Ashley Cooper, Earl of Shaftesbury,“An Inquiry Concerning Virtue, or Merit”, in Characteristicks ofMen, Manners, Opinions, Times, London:1773, vol. II, part II, sec III, p.31.
    3S., No.294, Wednesday, Feb.6,1712, IV: p.215.
    4M. G. Jones, The Charity School Movement: A Study of Eighteenth Century Puritanism, Cambridge: CambridgeUniversity Press,1938, pp.21-2,6.
    1G., No.79, Thurday, June11,1713, p.116.
    3Robert Bucholz and Newton Key, Early Modern England,1485-1714: A Narrative History, BlackwellPublishing,2004, p.345.
    4S., No.174, Wednesday, Sep.19,1711, III: p.25.
    1S., No.174, Wednesday, Sep.19,1711, III: p.28.
    2Joseph Addison, Letters of Joseph Addison, Walter Graham ed., Oxford: Clarendon,1941, p.323.
    3Julian Hoppit, A Land of Liberty? England1689-1727, Oxford: Oxford University Press,2000, p.119.
    4Geoffrey Holmes, British Politics in the Age of Anne, revised ed., London and Ronceverte: Hambledon Press,1987, p.177.
    1Defoe, The Best of Defoe’s Review, p.112.
    2Joseph Addison, The State of the War and the Necessity of an Augmentation, consider'd, London,1708, p.8.
    3Ibid, p.358.
    1News, Athenian Gazette or Casuistical Mercury (London, England), Sunday, November29,1691; Issue19.
    2Defoe, The Best of Defoe’s Review, p.259.
    3John Dryden,“Defence of the Epilogue (1672)”, in The Works of John Dryden, vol.4, Walter Scott ed., London:W. Miller,1808, p.227.
    3Baldassare Castiglione,1478-1529.
    4Baldassare Castiglione, The Book of the Courtier, New York: Dover,2003, p.45.
    5Thomas Hoby,1530–1566.
    6Peter Burke, The Fortunes of the Courtier: The European Reception of Castiglione's Cortegiano, Penn StatePress,1996, p.3-6.
    78Jean De La Bruyère, The Characters, or the manners of the age, made English by several hands, London,1702.Theophrastus,“The Moral Characters of Theophrastus,made English from the Greek,with a prefatory discourseconcerning Theophrastus,from the French of Monsiur De La Bruyere”, in Jean De La Bruyère, The Characters,or the manners of the age, made English by several hands, London,1702.
    9Abbé de Bellegarde, Reflections upon ridicule, London,1706.
    10Anonymous, The English Theophrastus: or the manner of the age, London: W. Turner,1702.
    1Thomas Smith, De Republica Anglorum (1583), M. Dewar ed., Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1982,pp.71-2.
    2T., No.207, Saturday, Aug.5,1710, p.352.
    3G., No.34, April20,1713, p.50.
    1S., No.119, Tuesday, July17,1711, II: p.181.
    2S., No.119, Tuesday, July17,1711, II: p.180.
    3John Trenchard and Thomas Gordon, Cato’s Letters, Ronald Hamowy ed., Indianapolis IN: Liberty Fund, vol. I,pp.80-1.
    1London Spy, pp.3,4,6.
    2S., No.119, Tuesday, July17,1711, II: p.181.
    3S., No.103, Thursday, June28,1711, II: p.107.
    4S., No.280, Monday, Jan.21,1712, IV: p.143.
    5Ibid, pp.145-6.
    1S., No.422, Friday, July4,1712, VI: p.131.
    2Rober Shoemaker, The London Mob: Violence and Disorder in Eighteenth-Century England, London:Hambledon,2004, p.297.
    1John Vanbrugh,“The Provok'd Wife”, in The Dramatic Works of Wycherley, Congreve, Vanbrugh, and Farquhar,Edward Moxon ed.,1840, III:3, p.350.
    2S., No.446, Friday, Aug.1,1712, VI: p.236.
    1S., No.208, Monday, Oct.29,1711, III: p.192.
    2S., No.446, Friday, Aug.1,1712, VI: p.236.
    3Defoe, The Best of Defoe’s Review, p.246.
    4Qtd. in John Brewer, The Pleasures of the Imagination: English Culture in the Eighteenth Century, p. xxiv.
    5S., No.18, Wednesday, Mar.21,1711, I: pp.94,96,98.
    1T., No.4. Thursday, April18,1709, p.17.
    2Qtd. in Shirley S. Kenny ed., British Theatre and the Other Arts:1660–1800, Associated University Presses,1984, p.101.
    3Qtd. in J. A. Westrup,“Foreign Musicians in Stuart England”, The Musical Quarterly, Vol.27, No.1(1941), p.78.
    5Samuel Pepys, The Diary of Samuel Pepys: A Selection, Robert Latham ed., London: Penguin,2003, p.722.
    1The London Magazine, Or, Gentleman's Monthly Intelligencer, No.37, London: R. Baldwin,1768, p.222.
    3S., No.13, Thur., Mar.15,1711, I: p.71.
    4Classified ads, London Gazette (London, England), June8,1691-June11,1691; Issue2669.
    5Henry Purcell,1659-1695。17世纪英国最著名的本土作曲家。
    6See Harold Love,“Restoration and Early Eighteenth-century drama”, in The Cambridge History of EnglishLiterature,1660-1780, John Richetti ed., Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,2005, p.120.
    1John Dryden,“Preface to Albion and Albanius”, in The Critical and Miscellaneous Prose Works of John Dryden,vol.2, Edmond Malone ed., London,1800, pp.152-3,156,158.
    2John Dryden,“Prologue, spoken at the opening of the new house, March26,1674”, in The Works of JohnDryden: In Verse and Prose, with a Life, vol.1, London: Harper and Brothers,1837, p.155.
    3Allardyce Nicoll, A History of Early Eighteenth Century Drama:1700-1750,2nded., Cambridge: CambridgeUniversity Press,1928, p.230.
    1S., No.13, Thursday, Mar.15,1711. I: pp.67,72.
    2George Frideric Handel,1685-1759.
    3S., No.5, Tuesday, Mar.6,1711. I: p.28.
    4S., No.5, Tuesday., Mar.6,1711, I: pp.30-1.
    5Philip J. Ayres, Classical culture and the idea of Rome in eighteenth-century England, Cambridge: CambridgeUniversity Press,1997, p.24.
    1Joseph Addison, Letters from Italy (1701), in The Works of Joseph Addison, George Washington Greene, NewYork: G. P. PUTNAM,1854, vol.1, p.162.
    1S., No.287, Tuesday, Jan.29,1712, IV: p.181.
    2S., No.13, Thursday, Mar.15,1711, I: p.71.
    3S., No.5, Tuesday, Mar.6,1711. I: p.31.
    4Tony Claydon, Europe and the Making of England,1660-1760, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,2007, p.25.
    5Ibid, p.49.
    6See Steven Pincus,“‘To Protect English Liberties’: the English nationalist revolution of1688-1689”, inProtestantism and National Identity, Britain and Ireland,1650-1850, Tony Claydon and Ian Mcbride ed.,Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1998, pp.83,82.
    1News, Athenian Gazette or Casuistical Mercury (London, England), Saturday, May14,1692; Issue14.
    2London Spy, p.69-70.
    3Addison, Letters from Italy, p.168.
    4News, Weekly Review of the Affairs of France (London, England), Saturday, February19,1704; Issue1.
    1News, Review of the State of the British Nation (London, England), Tuesday, April19,1709; Issue7.
    2S., No.45, Saturday. Apr.21,1711, I: pp.235,233.
    3S., No.435, Saturday. July19,1712, VI: p.189.
    4Kirstin Olsen, Daily Life in Eighteenth Century England, Westport: Greenwood,1999, p.96.
    5S., No.127, Thursday, July26,1711, II: p.220.
    6T., No.116, Tuesday, Jan.5,1710, p.227.
    7S., No.15, Saturday, Mar.17,1711, I: p.79.
    1Anonymous, A New Description of Paris: or, the present state of the French nation, London,1725, p.37.
    2S., No.69, Saturday, May19,1711, I: p.361.
    3Thorstein Veblen, The Theory of the Leisure Class, New York: Dover,1994, p.46.
    4Eramas Jones, Luxury, Pride, and Vanity, the Bane of the British Nation,2nd ed., London,1735, p.4.
    5T., No.116, Tuesday, Jan.5,1710, p.227.
    1Bernard Mandeville,"The Grumbling Hive: or, Kanaves Turn'd Honest", in The Fable of the Bees; Or, PrivateVices, Public Benefits, London: J. Tolson,1724, p.10.
    2T., No.116, Tuesday, Jan.5,1710, p.227.
    3Defoe, The Best of Defoe’s Review, p.267.
    4G., No.170, Friday, Sep.25,1713, p.228.
    5G., No.101, Tues., July7,1713, p.144.
    2T., No.230, Thursday, Sep.28,1710, p.379.
    1Daniel Defoe, An Essay upon Projects, London,1697, pp.232-3.
    2A Proposal for Correcting, Improving and Ascertaining the English Tongue (1712)
    3S., No.135, Saturday, Aug.4,1711, II: pp.255-7.
    4T., No.230, Thursday, Sep.28,1710, p.379.
    5S., No.29, Tuesday, Apr.3,1711, I: p.148-9.
    1S., No.165, Saturday, Sep.8,1711, II: P.402.
    2T., No.234, Saturday, Oct.,10,1710, p.384.
    3Qtd.in Peter Burke, Languages and Communities in Early Modern Europe, Cambridge: Cambridge UniversityPress,2004, pp.115-6.
    4Barber, Charles, et al., The English Language: A historical introduction,2nded., Cambridge: CambridgeUniversity Press,2012, pp.216-7.
    5Benedict Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism. London: Verso, reviseded.,1991, pp.43-4.
    6Nicolas Boileau-Despréaux(1636-1711),法国著名诗人、文艺批评家。
    1Thomas Tickell, Tickell’s Preface to Addison’s Works (1721), in The Works of Joseph Addison, GeorgeWashington Greene ed., vol.1, New York: G.P. PUTNAM,1854, p.8.
    2S., No.135, Saturday, Aug.4,1711, II: p.253.
    3S., No.135, Saturday, Aug.4,1711, II: p.254.
    4Guy Miege, The Present State of Great Britian and Ireland, London,1710, p.9.
    1News, Athenian Gazette or Casuistical Mercury (London, England), Tuesday, July12,1692; Issue1.
    2See Joseph F. Loewenstein,"Legal Proofs and Corrected Readings: press agency and the new bibliography", inThe Production of English Renaissance Culture, David Lee Miller, Sharon O'Dair, Harold M. Weber, ed., NewYork: Cornell University Press,1994, p.104.
    12Brewer, The Pleasures of the Imagination: English Culture in the Eighteenth Century, p.155.
    Ibid, p.140.
    3Dunton, Life and Errors, p.61.
    4S., No.16, Monday, Mar.16,1711, I: p.40.
    5Anonymous,“The Preface from an unsigned pamphlet, A Spy Upon the Spectator”, in Addison and Steele: TheCritical Heritage, Edward A. Bloom and Lillian D. Bloom, eds., London: Routledge,1980, pp.231-2.
    1Wrightson, English Society, pp.64-5.
    1William Temple,“An Essay upon the Ancient and Modern Learning”(1690), in The Works of Sir William Temple,London: printed for J. Round,1731, p.153.
    2Alexander Pope,“Epistle to Mr. Addison, Occasioned by his Dialogues on Medals”, II,53-62, in The Poems ofAlexander Pope, vol. vi, Minor Poems, Norman Ault and John Butt, London,1954, p.204.
    3S., No.598, Friday, Sep.24,1714, VIII: p.183.
    4S., No.243, Saturday, Dec.8,1711, III: p.359.
    6S., No.124, Monday, July23,1711, II: p.206.
    1S., No.158, Friday, Aug.31,1711, II: p.366.
    2Benedict Anderson, Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism. London:Verso, revised edition,1991, pp.30-1.
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