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The discussion about the decline of American hegemony has never stopped Since the United States established world hegemony through institutional arrangements in 1945. In particular, the American sub-prime mortgage crisis broke out in 2007 and quickly developed into a global financial crisis, some emerging countries put forward to the requirement to establish a multi-polar international monetary system. Dollar credit faced relatively serious challenges, the international community begun to concern about the decline of American financial hegemony. Many scholars begin to study the future direction of American hegemony and the issue of possible alternatives to America, but the result is indeed controversial. Until now, America remains the world's most powerful nation, and the dollar is still the dominant currency of the international monetary system.
     Ameirca as a modern country is the typical "financial state".It not only has the world's most advanced and developed financial markets and financial rule-making power, and the dollar as the world's key currency has strong sovereign currency capabilities.It is the powerful strength of the financial sector created today’s United States, but also supported it to become the first global hegemonic state. We have to ask: why the United States can become a financial state? Its financial hegemony is the product of a mutation or a gradual accumulation in the development process? Why the past hegemony—Netherlands and England did not develop into the financial states? What conditions need to become a financial state? Combing these issues will constitute the topic of this paper: the origin and evolution of the financial states.
     With problem awareness, taking an objective and rigorous academic research attitude, using logic and comparative history analysis research methods, combining with international political economy and institutional economics perspective, at the basis of concluding the past hegemonic cycles theory, this paper builds a theoretical framework between the financial development and the rise and fall of hegemony which is used to explain important role of finance played in the rise and fall of hegemony.
     Based on the theoretical analysis, this paper attempts to see answers from the developing context of world economic history. It studies the hegemonic countries appeared in the history and analysis the role of finance development played in the rise and fall of hegemony in order to verify the theoretical analysis. Firstly , this paper researches the role of financial development in rise and fall of Netherlands and Britain which are hegemonic states in the history; Secondly, it deeply explores the formation and development of modern financial state - the United States; Finally, on the basis of history it draws the appropriate conclusions.
     During the Netherlands hegemony period, the financial market and financial organizations had played an important role in the rise, triumph and maturity of the hegemony. In the course of its decline, although the occurrence of financial crises caused by financial expansion played a significant role in the destruction, but the decline of commerce and trade was a decisive factor. This was related to the status and development level of trade relative to the financial in this period. In the Netherlands, commercial and trade relative to finance had a comparative advantage; but compared to other countries in this period, the Dutch financial sector has a comparative advantage. The Netherlands was a small country which had a large gap compared to France in the population size, land area and the preliminary development basis. However, it was by virtue of financial innovation, through the development of annuity markets and bond markets, reforming the tax system, establishing the Amsterdam exchange bank and the Dutch East India Company, it got the victory in the war within eighty years against the Spanish and a series of hegemonic wars against French, eventually it became the most powerful European countries at this period. It could be said that the struggling history in Netherlands is a financial innovation history. Dutch had played a pioneer role in the fields of financial markets, financial institutions and financial instruments, which could not be done by other countries in the same period. However, with the effect of rigid system and path dependence, Netherlands was gradually surpassed by the coming British with greater market to support financial development.
     In British hegemony period, the institutional arrangements and financial development played a vital role in the process of rise, victory and maturity of British hegemony. Particularly, except for the financial markets, organizations and institutions, the role of British Pound as the monetary sovereignty had arisen obviously, which was not available in Holland. During the decline process of British hegemony, the differences had immerged on domestic market size, financial innovation capacity and the development of capital market between British and America. The British has generally turning into a debtor nation from creator under the impact of two World Wars and the Great Depression, and lost its hegemony while British Pound was no more international currency. British could be said as a“quasi-financial state”, for obviously it took comparative advantage over the other countries, especially while the role of British Pound as international currency helped it gained the position of world financial centre. However, in terms of the overall domestic economy, British mainly relied on the growth of manufacturing industry, and acted more like a big trading nation. This related closely with the temporal pattern of“Agriculture Industry----Manufacture Sector”on international labor division. Under such situation, driven by the powerful production capacity led by industrial revolution and the widespread of free trade policy, British grew up rapidly to an international economic power. Finance played a vital role of catalyst and driven force in the rise and fall of British hegemony. Without the support of financial capital, it was impossible to develop its joint-stock company and promote industrial revolution; without the development of financial market, especially bond market, it was impossible to provide continuous, large scale funds with low interest; also without the support of British Pound’s international status, UK was impossible to obtain the core status in international trade and finance sector. Therefore, although the finance development was not the most obvious and determining factor, its role could not be underestimated. Since then, especially after two world wars, the UK lost its status as creator nation and the Pound’s leading position, finally gave up its hegemony position to a country with more powerful financial innovation capacity and yiability.
     In America, the rise and fall of its hegemony related very closely with the development of finance. The Wall Street had become the epitome of American finance, it's development was changing the trend of American economy. Compared with the other countries at the same period, the America not only had the comparative advantage but also had absolute advantage in the financial industry. During this period, the international labor division was transferring to“Manufacturing Sector—Finance Sector”,and the technology innovation driven by the Third Technology Revolution provided conditions needed by the separation of finance industry from service sector. From the independence war to the civil war, from the establishment of Breton Woods System to the creation of Dollar system, from the Asia financial crisis to the global financial crisis, finance went through every period in the course of establishment and fall of American hegemony. And in the future, the decline of American hegemony will be surely and roundly reflected in the financial sector. Different from the Netherlands and the UK, America does not need to be trade surplus country and creator nation to maintain its hegemony status. In contrast, the USA maintains the development model of double deficits, and has change into a real“financial nation”through global financial expansion. Relying on dollar credit, America willfully consumes the resources all around the world. As a financial superpower, capitalization has become the core concept of the American capitalism.
     Throughout history we find that the emergence of U.S. financial hegemony is not just a problem of mutation or stage. It can be found in historical context, and also evolutes step by step from the development path of hegemonic states in the past. In theory and history test, this paper obtains three conclusions:
     Firstly, financial development played a very important role in the rise and fall of the hegemony, which was reflected in the rise, victory, maturity and decline periods of hegemony, and was closely related to the development of trade and business.The role of the finance developed from weak to strong with the varies of time background, industry structures and international division of labor, showing a dynamic evolution process. When it developed to the American period, financial hegemony has been formed as the most important force to support the hegemony, and the America has become the "financial state".
     Secondly, a country becomes a "financial state" requires a few conditions:(i) the government with democratic constitutional system which is suitable for financial development; (ii) a strong and efficient domestic market which can support the financial development; (iii) the sound banking system and highly developed capital market; (iv) the strong currency sovereign capacity; (v) the liberal trading system and large-scale trade needs; (vi) the information systems which is able to provide credit support for the financial development.
     Thirdly, the United States as a modern country has financial hegemony, although it is currently suffering the impact of global financial crisis, its political, military and economic comprehensive strength, especially financial strength is still the world leader. Analyzing the several conditions necessary for a "financial state ", there has not candidate which is able to compete with the U.S. However, according to the laws of the rise and fall of hegemony, the United States hegemony finally will come to an end, while a new large country will rise in chaos of the world economy. Whether the next candidate will appear in Europe or Asia, it would be a country or a union of countries, these are still unknown. The only way to be determined is that the next "financial state" will have the necessary basic conditions for formation of the financial states.
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    4诺斯认为,相对价格的变化,不仅能改变“个人在人类互动中的激励”,而且能改变人们的口味和偏好,从而改变人们的行为方式和一些“先存的心智构念”(pre-existing mental constructs)(诺斯,2008:115-116)。
    5 [美]道格拉斯·诺斯(2008):119 .
    6 [美]道格拉斯·诺斯.制度、制度变迁与经济绩效[M].上海:上海三联书店,2008:119.
    1 [美]道格拉斯·诺斯(2008):130 .
    2 [美]道格拉斯·诺斯(2008):136 .
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    3 de Tocqueville, Alexis. Democracy in America[M] . translated by George Lawrence. New York: Doubleday, 1969.
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    3 Schultz, Kenneth A.and Barry R. Weingast. The Democratic Advantage: Institutional Foundations of Financial Power in International Competition [J]. International Organization, 2003, 57 (1) : 3-42.
    1 La Porta, Rafael ,Florencio Lopez-De-Silanes, Andrei Shleifer and Robert W. Vishny. Legal Determinants of External Finance[J]. The Journal of Finance, 1997, 52 (3) .
    2 La Porta, Rafael, Florencio Lopez-de-Silanes, Andrei Shleifer and Robert W. Vishny. Law and Finance[J]. Journal of Political Economy , 1998, 106 (6) : 1113-1155.
    3参见陈志武(2009):114 .
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    2参见陈志武(2009):16 .
    3 Coffee, John C. Jr. . The Risk of Dispersed Ownership: The Roles of Law and the State in the Separation of Ownership and Control [J]. The Yale Law Journal, 2001, 111(9).
    1 Wallerstein, Immanuel . The Politics of the World-economy: the States, the Movements and the Civilization [M]. Cambridge University Press, 1984: 38 .
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    1 Cipolla, Carlo M.,ed. . The Economic Decline of Empires[M]. London:Methuen, 1970: 13.
    4详见Van Bavel, Bas J.P., Jan Luiten van Zanden. The Jump-Start of the Holland Economy during the Late-Medieval Crisis (C.1350-C.1500) [J]. The Economic History Review, 2004, 57 (3) : 503-532.
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    3 Israel, J.I. The Dutch Republic:its rise, greatness, and fall, 1477-1806[M] . New York: Oxford Press, 1998: 307-315.
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    3 Fritschy (2003): 57-89.
    2 Schultz, Kenneth A., Barry R. Weingast. The Democratic Advantage: Institutional Foundations of Financial Power in International Competition [J] . International Organization, 2003, 57 (1) : 3-42.
    1 Wilson, Charles. Treasure and Trade Balances: The Mercantilist Problem [J] . Economic History Review , 1949,
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    3 Vilar, Pireer. A History of Gold and Money, 1450-1920 [M]. translated by Judith White. London: New Left Books, 1976: 209.
    5 [美]沃勒斯坦(1998),第二卷:52页。
    6 1600年之后,公司金融取得了更多进展,公司开始将其股本看做是长期性的,以荷兰东印度公司为例,其在1612年规定,要兑现该公司的股票只有拿到交易所去公开出售。
    1 Gelderblom, Oscar, Joost Jonker. Completing a Financial Revolution: The Finance of the Dutch East India Trade and the Rise of the Amsterdam Capital Market, 1595-1612 [J] . The Journal of Economic History, Sep.,2004, 64(3): 641-672.
    4 Bruijn, Jaap R., Femme S. Gaastra, and Ivo Schoffer, eds. Duntch-Asiatic shipping in the 17th and 18th Centuries [M] . The Hague: Nijhoff, 1979: 3-17; Gelderblom, Oscar and Joost Jonker (2004): 650.
    2 Gelderblom, Oscar. From Antwerp to Amsterdam: The Contribution of Merchants from the Southern Netherlands to the Rise of the Amsterdam Market [J] . Review. A Journal of the Fernand Braudel Center 26, 2003(3): 247-82.
    3 Gelderblom和Jonker(2004):657.
    1 Parker, Geoffrey. Why Did the Dutch Revolt Last Eighty Years?[J] . Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, Fifth Series, 1976(26): 53-72.
    1薛涌.金融决定大国兴衰[J] .同舟共济,2009(7).
    3 Fritschy, W.. A“Financial Revolution”Reconsidered: Public Finance in Holland during the Dutch Revolt, 1568-1648[J] . The Economic History Review, Feb.,2003, 56(1): 59.
    4 1603年以后的十年间荷兰借贷的增加主要用于归还英国借款并赎回当初抵押的城市。
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    1 Fritschy W.,“A‘Financial Revolution’Reconsidered: Public Finance in Holland during the Dutch Revolt, 1568-1648”[J], The Economic History Review, Vol.56, No.1, Feb., 2003.
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    1 Brewer, John. The Sinews of Power: War, Money and the English State, 1688-1783[M]. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1990: 169.转引自阿瑞吉、西弗尔(2006):50.
    2 Israel, Jonathan I. . Dutch Primacy in World Trade, 1585-1740[M]. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1989:210.转引自阿瑞吉、西弗尔(2006):50.
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    1 [美]阿瑞吉、西弗尔(2006):62.
    2 Braudel, Fernand . Civilization and Capitalism, Fifteenth-Eighteenth Century[M] . Vol.3: The Perspective of the World . New York: Harper and Row, 1984: 245-246, 248.转引自阿瑞吉、西弗尔(2006):63.
    3 Braudel(1984):262.转引自阿瑞吉、西弗尔(2006):63.
    4 [美]阿瑞吉、西尔弗(2006):59.
    5 Kindleberger, Charles . Manias, Panics, and Crashes[M] . A History of Financial Crises. New York: Basic Books, 1989.转引自阿瑞吉、西弗尔(2006):60.
    6 [美]阿瑞吉、西尔弗(2006):60.
    1 Braudel(1984):246-247.转引自阿瑞吉、西弗尔(2006):60.
    2 [美]阿瑞吉、西弗尔(2006):61.
    3 [美]阿瑞吉、西弗尔(2006):61.
    4 Braudel(1984):272.
    5 Braudel(1984):248,273-76.
    1 [美]查尔斯·金德尔伯格.世界经济霸权:1500-1990[M].高祖贵译.北京:商务印书馆,2003年中译本:125.
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    3阿瑞吉.现代世界体系的混沌与治理[M].王宇洁译.北京:三联书店,2006年中译本:74 .
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    5 Olson, Mancur .The Rise and Decline of Nations: Economic Growth, Stagflation and Social Rigidities [M]. Yale: Yale University Press, 1982.根据他的理论,有组织的生产者集团总是为其成员谋求特殊利益,反对改革和
    3 Hutton , Will . The State We’re In [M] . London:Jonathan Cape,1995.
    4 Gerschenkron,A.. Economic Backwardness in Historical Perspective: A Bookof Essays[M]. Cambridge, Mass.:Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1962; Collins, M. . Banks and Industrial Finance in Britain , 1800– 1939[M]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995.
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    4 Kamen, H. . European Society, 1500-1700 [M]. London: Unwin Hyman Press, 1984: 53.
    1徐跳,成德宁. 17世纪英国的社会流动与结构变迁[J].湖北师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版),1995(2):49-53.
    2 Stone, Lawrence. Social Mobility in England, 1500-1700[J]. Past & Present,1966(33):16-55.
    2 [美]德勒巴克、约翰·V.C.奈编.新制度经济学前沿[M].张宇燕等译.北京:经济科学出版社,2003: 278-279.
    3 North (1990): 59-69, 139.
    4 [美]查尔斯·P·金德尔伯格.西欧金融史[M].徐子健等译.北京:中国金融出版社,2007年中译本:209.
    2 [美]德勒巴克、约翰·V.C.奈编.新制度经济学前沿[M].张宇燕等译.北京:经济科学出版社,2003: 278-279.
    1 Williamson, J.G. . Debating the British Industrial Revolution[J]. Explorations in Economic History, 1987, 24(3): 273.
    2 Oppers, Stefan E. . The Interest Rate Effect of Dutch Money in Eighteenth-Century Britain[J]. The Journal of Economic History, Mar.,1993, 53(1): 25-43; Brezis, Elise S.. Foreign Capital Flows in the Century of Britain’s Industrial Revolution: New Estimates, Controlled Conjectures[J]. The Economic History Review, Feb.,1995,48(1): 46-67.
    5从17世纪末期开始,英国的服务帐户就表现出盈余,并在整个18和19世纪呈现增长的状态。17世纪时英国大多数运送进出口货物的外国货轮都是荷兰的,而从18世纪开始,英国商人船队的重要性开始不断上升,这主要是源于1650年《航海法》的颁布,其目的就是促进英国航运业的发展,在英国进口服务贸易中逐步排除外国人尤其是荷兰人。但是,《航海法》的即使效应并不明显,直到18世纪荷兰仍然维持其在商业航行中的领导地位。但是,随着荷兰的衰落和英国的崛起,到19世纪时,英国港口70%的贸易都是由英国船队负责的(参见Davis,Ralph. The Rise of the English Shipping industry in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries[M]. David&Charles press, 1962).
    3陆寒寅.制度变迁与长期经济发展:英国工业革命前后的实录[G] //华民,韦森,张宇燕等.制度变迁与长期经济发展.上海:复旦大学出版社,2006:264 .
    1公共债务体系的出现被一些学者认为是现代国家的一个重要标志。参见Teschke, B..Theorizing the Westphalian System of States: International Relations from Absolutism to Capitalism[J]. European Journal of International Relations, 2002.
    2参见奇波拉.欧洲经济史(第二卷)[M].北京:商务印书馆,1998:483 .
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    3 Wilson, Charles . England’s Apprenticeship: 1603– 1763[M] . London : Longman , 1965: 212. 4Douglas, David C. .English History Document, VIII : 1660– 1714 [M] . London : Eyre& Spottiswoode , 1953: 333-335 .
    1 [美]沃勒斯坦(1998),第二卷:111.
    2 Postan&Habakkuk.参见中译本(第5卷),1963:529 .
    1 Brezis, Krugman and Tsiddon(1993)指出荷兰衰落、英国崛起的原因可以通过荷兰相对高工资得到解释。参见Brezis, Elise S., Paul R. Krugman and Daniel Tsiddon. Leapfrogging in International Competition: A Theory of Cycles in National Technological Leadership[J]. The American Economic Reviews, 1993, 83(5):1211-1219.
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    3 Brezis (1995): 55.
    4 Davis, R. . The Industrial Revolution and British Overseas Trade[M]. Leicester University Press, 1979: 55 .
    3 Cain, P. J., and A.G. Hopkins . The Political Economy of British Expanision Overseas, 1750-1914[J] . The Economic History Review, 2nd ser.,1980, 33(4): 471.
    1 De Cecco, Marcello. The International Gold Standard: Money and Empire [M] . 2nd ed. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1984:62-63.
    2 Ray, Krishnendu. Crises, Crashed and Speculation: Hegemonic Cycles of Capitalist World-Economy and International Financial System[J]. Economic and Political Weekly, 1994, 29(31):.PE-92-93.
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    1参见Braudel (1984),vol.3: 406-407.
    1 Verdier, Daniel. Domestic Responses to Capital Market Internationalization Under the Gold Standard, 1870-1914 [J]. International Organization , 1998, 52(1): 9-10 .
    2 Condliffe, J.B. . The Commerce of Nations[M]. New York: W.W. Norton, 1950: 365;转引自[美]罗伯特·吉尔平(2006):117.
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    2参见阿瑞吉、西尔弗(2006):74 .
    3 Hobsbawm, Eric. Industry and Empire : An Economic History of Britain since 1750[M]. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1968: 125.
    1 Landes, David S. . The Unbound Prometheus: Technological Change and Industrial Development in Western Europe from 1750 to the Present[M]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1969: 231.转引自阿瑞吉、西尔弗(2006):75 .
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    3 1907年,黑色金属消费量减少20%,生铁产量下降11%,钢产量下降19%,新建船舶吨位减少48%,棉花消费量下降14%(参见:http://nmhan.spaces.live.com/Blog/cns!5937BA4D766DEF00!201.entry)。
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    6 Eichengreen, Barry, and Richard Portes. Debt and Default in the 1930s: Causes and Consequences[R]. NBER Working Paper Series, No.1772, December, 1985.
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    4 [美]保罗·肯尼迪(2008),第419页。
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    2 1962年古巴导弹危机,表明苏联开始走上同美国进行全球争夺的道路,同时也表明当时的战略优势仍然在美国。
    3 [美]保罗·肯尼迪(2008),第388页。
    4 [美]兹比格纽·布热津斯基:《大棋局:美国的首要地位及其地缘战略》[M],上海人民出版社,2007年中译本,第7页。
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    2 [美]约翰·戈登(2005):25.
    2 [美]约翰·戈登(2005):93.
    3布尔溪(Bull Run),位于弗吉尼亚东北部的一条小溪,是南北战争期间两次重要战役的发生地,两次战役均以南方获胜而告终。
    6 [美]约翰·戈登(2005):94.
    2唐晋(主编).大国崛起[M] .北京:人民出版社,2006.
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    3 De Cecco, Marcello. The International Gold Standard: Money and Empire[M]. 2nd ed. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1984:120-121.
    4 Eichengreen, Barry, and Richard Portes. 1986,“Debt and Default in the 1930: Causes and Consequences”[R], NBER Working Paper Series, No.1772, December, 1985,pp.601-603.
    2 Kindleberger, C.P.,“The world in Depression,1929-1938”, Berkeley:University of California Press,1973, pp.56.
    3 Eichengreen, Barry and Richard Portes,“The Interwar Debt Crisis and Its Aftermath”, World Bank Research Observer, Vol.5, Issue.1, 1990, pp.75-76.
    4 [美]戈登(2009):277.
    2 Iriye, Akira,“The Cambridge History of American Foreign Relations”, Vol.III: The Globalizing of America, 1913-1945, Cambridge University Press, 1993, pp.88-102.
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    2 (1)美国证券交易委员会是根据1934年证券交易法令而成立的,是直属美国联邦的独立准司法机构,负责美国的证券监督和管理工作,其对于美国证券市场的发展意义重大;(2)《格拉斯—斯第格尔法》又称《1933年银行法》,根据该法案,美国成立了联邦存款保险公司,对5万美元以下的银行存款提供担保,以避免公众挤提的事件再次发生。同时,该法案严格限制金融机构不得同时从事商业银行和投资银行业务,摩根银行被一拆为二。这一分业格局直到六十多年后才随着《格拉斯——斯第格尔法》的废除而得以改变。
    3张振江(2007):7 .
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    1 [美]杰夫·马德里克(2003):85 .
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