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Chinese people have been richer and richer since the reform and opening. However, with the intensification of social competition and the diversification of social interests the rich material life has also brought some people psychological crisis, which will make a serious impact on their physical and mental health unless it can be solved timely. Stress and coping has always been the major research topic in the field of health psychology. There are two ways provided by scholars to cope with stresses effectively:one is to analyze the Chinese coping ways from the perspective of objective research, the other is to structure the research basis suitable to native culture in accordance with Chinese traditional culture from the perspective of subjective research. Objective research, reflecting the values of western culture, has not been the best way to be used to fully describe the cultural traits that have influence on Chinese coping ways to stresses. It is necessary to discuss the Chinese coping views on the basis of Chinese native culture. Confucian culture has been the Chinese dominant culture, so it should be an effective way to explore Confucian coping ways to stresses.
     To analyze Confucian coping views it should be put the first place to realize Confucian culture traits and such basic ideas as the overall concept of nature and humanity, the harmonious viewpoint of the doctrine of the mean, the body view of the unity of body and mind, the concept of preserving one's health given priority to yangxin. Confucian culture traits, including its internal transcendence, self-construction relationship orientation, the subjectivity of the moral, life-centered view, etc, have been shown on the basis of these basic ideas relating to coping views. Confucian culture traits and its basic ideas will be helpful to the shape of Confucian coping ways.
     Traditional confucian culture contains abundant thoughtsabout the source of the pressure, the resources of coping and the concrete method for coping. Pressure mainly comes from the lack of personal morality, such as lack of personal character accomplishment, ethics shake and pressure from personal responsibility. The ideal personality is the basis of dealing with pressure. Facing of specific setbacks, Confucian also gives a detailed response to the traditional approach. Confucianism s attitude to setbacks is calm, growth must go through hardships. When the stress and difficulties beyond personal capacity, it doesn't solve the problem with personal belief. Based on this, Confucianism introduces the concept of "ming" to alleviate the pressure when the individual faces a major frustration. In addition, Confucianism copes with stress from the individual's inner daily training and external behavior of these two aspects.
     There are three standards for traditional Confucian to evaluate the coping ways: Firstly, the harmony and unity of individual physical and mental state; secondly, the balance between individual and others; finally, the balance between individual and nature. Unlike western coping view, which is aiming at taking off pressure, and achieving personal physical health, traditional Confucian emphasizes on the personal growth after coping with pressure. Personal growth means the unity of body and mind basing on physical health and the harmony between nature and other people. The Confucian coping ways not only pays attention to personal health, but also the harmony of everything.
     The features of traditional Confucian coping ways can be concluded by descriptions and classifications above. There are four outstanding features of traditional Confucian coping ways:the unity of spiritual and non-spiritual coping mode; coping result emphasizing on the subject of self-transcendence; the morality of coping factors; the preventability of actual coping results. The essence of Confucian coping ways lies in enriching and improving daily lives of individuals. If you have a positive lifestyle and are capable of finding the true meaning of life, you can achieve the lofty realm of life and frankly face the pressure and dilemma. Establish a pressure-resistance lifestyle does not mean that there is no trouble or pressure, but by such a lifestyle, you can find the beauty and meaning of life; you can take any pain and frustration calmly, and have a correct view of pressure.
     Finally, the concept of Confucian coping ways internalizes into the deep conception of Chinese people and affects their cognition and behavior to cope with stress. By description and classification of Chinese people's concrete behaviors and characteristics about stress, we can find the impact of Confucian coping ways on Chinese people's coping style. Confucianism not only shapes the personality traits of mental health subject, but also affects the subject's psychology status and behavior. Chinese people's coping style is a reflection of Confucian wisdom. The concepts like self-control, meaning of life, cognition and transformation of stress have a significant impact on improving mental health of Chinese people.
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