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The theory of regional specialization of agricultural production tells us that, in order to establish a sound regional production structure, in which every region emploits its own production advantage and is complementary to others, every region should adjust each's production structure in terms of regional comparative advantage, enhance level of regional specialization, upgrade scale of inter-regional trade. Since Open-reforming, great changes have taken place in the supply and demand of agricultural products home and abroad, at the same time, progress has been made in agricultural technology. All those drive the structure of crops production to adjust. With the deepening of China's market oriented reform, the control imposed by plan economy on resource optimization is lifted gradually, and this made regional structure of China's crops production adjusted according to efficiency of marginal improvement possible. This dissertation provides base for determining the trends on the change of regional planting st
    ructure, so that government can employ right policy and measures to facilitate regional specialization.
    The organization of the thesis is as follows. The first section offers the imposing of the issue, theoretical analysis and brief summary of related research. The next section deals with the construction of conceptual framework, i.e. building positive analysis system. There includes three detailed objectives: finding out trends of regional distribution and the level of specialization of every crop, finding out collective trends of crops distribution, finding out trends of regional production structure and the level of structure homology. The third section provides results, conclusion, implication and suggestion to policy making and points out deficiency of the dissertation and methodology for future's research.
    Arable land is basic factor for agricultural production, so the usage of the land determines input structure of other factors and the technology it adopted. In this dissertation, we use acreage planted as the variable to reflect regional specialization and the changes of crop structure. Aiming at the crops production of each province and China as a whole, the thesis is implemented from country and province respectively, employing time series data from year 1980 to year 2000.The main methods and conclusion are shown as follows:
    1. Use ratio of specific crop's acreage in total acreage and production concentration index to reflect changes of crop distribution and its main production area. The results show that, the concentration of crop production is one of the major features of distribution changes. At the same time, the changes of distribution shows fluctuation in the short run but strong, tendency in the long run.
    2. There are significant distinctions among the scope of annual structural change. These kinds of changes are enormous but are in different direction and it cause transformation of regional structure. As
    to period, great changes took place in year 1982, 1985, 1993 and 2000.
    3. By comparing with fixed base year, we can avoid the effect of the falling back of structure adjustment. Fixed base index indicates that there is a robust tendency in structure change. It can be inferred that china's crop structure hasn't been in a relatively stable state yet. There will be a continuing change of structure in coming period, so structure homology shown in some regions doesn't necessarily mean that structure change is unreasonable.
    4. There is certain tendency in regional structure change: provincial structure change shows tendency of divergence, while changing of grain crops structure shows convergence. The contribution of grain crops to structural diversity are decreasing gradually, while regional diversity of cash crops intensified notably.
    5. It's proved that structure adjustment's contributions to China's agricultural development are provincially and periodically dissimilar. Although as a whole structure adjustment has great contribution to the development of agriculture, quite a
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