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Rural development is an unavoidable issue in the process of modernization for any country. Currently, the rural development is the way of solving the "three rural" issue and promoting the foundation of new village construction. In recent years, the Government proposed that the country must pay more attention to rural areas, farmers, and agriculture. Meanwhile, the Government takes the "three rural" issue as a top priority of the party's work. From 2004 to 2009 for six consecutive years, the Government Continuous Released the Central Committee Document No. about "three rural". The sixteenth meeting of our party released the "CPC Central Committee on National Economic and Social Development 10th Five-Year Plan's recommendations" which defining the next five years China's economic and social development goals and program of action and bringing forward building a new socialist countryside put forward the important historical task, this points out the direction for carrying out current and future a period of "three rural" work. But to achieve comprehensive and sustainable development of rural key issue is to strengthen and increase support for rural finance to establish a sound rural financial support system.
     At present, the central task of China's agricultural and rural development is to promote strategic restructuring of the rural economy, Regardless of the technology through the transfer of rural surplus labor force in cities and towns, Or through the adjustment of agricultural industrialization rural production structure, those are inseparable from the rural areas for financial support. However, from the current situation, Most of the domestic social capitals are more effective flow of non-agricultural sectors, the village already scarce funds are outflows through various channels, which makes the rural economic development are severely constrained. Lack of appropriate and effective financial institutions to provide financial services to rural areas and farmers and Unable to meet the financing needs of rural economic agents are Constitute the current plight of rural economic development and Cause by slow growth in peasant incomes. Meanwhile, the rural financial institutions, conduct of operations is still subject to many restrictions, all of those need research on rural economic development in the financial volume, structure, systems, etc. the Seventeenth Meeting gave us a higher demand for the reform of Rural financial system. After years of reform and development, our country has formed a multi-level, wide coverage of rural financial support system. But in the whole, our country's rural economic development in the degree of financial support is not high, that is the outstanding performance in the rural financial markets, supply and demand imbalance, financial services which is difficult to meet the "three rural" development needs, there are serious financial suppression.
     In this paper, qualitative point of view of the process of rural development, rural financial markets in-depth analysis of the current situation of supply and demand, On this basis, demand and supply of rural financial markets, the uneven performance of an in-depth analysis of the reasons. Combination of mechanism design theory to set up a rural financial support model, And using this model of rural financial markets, rural credit cooperatives and private lending behavior are analyzed, and provide the financial support system for rural building to provide the necessary theoretical support. In the end, this paper wants to build multi-level, wide coverage, and sustainable development, Pratt & Whitney-type rural financial support system as the goal, and proposes to build multi-level, wide coverage, sustainable development, Pratt & Whitney-type rural financial support system of ideas, With a view to the development of China's rural finance has played a certain motivational impact.
     Aiming at these problems, this eight part of the process of rural development issues.of financial support system, applying the new ideas of inclusive financial system, elaborates a new rural construction appropriate to the current requirements of Pratt & Whitney-type rural financial support system, in the end, putting forward the appropriate for the System of the improvement measures and recommendations, which is the reform of the paper.
     The first part:theoretical basis. This part analyzed the definition of rural development. On the characteristics of rural development,'content and new rural construction and other issues described. Meanwhile, financial development and economic growth theories, rural financial theory were reviewed and analyzed, Lay the theoretical basis for this paper.
     The second part:Demand and supply of rural financial. This section is a continuation of the first part. This part of the content from both demand and supply analyzed the behavior and characteristics of rural financial bodies.
     The third part:China's rural financial development history and overview. First of all, the historical context along the rural financial development in China has combed. On the basis, from the angle of the financial services, financial market development and innovation, financial system and policies, financial obstacles, analyzed the profile of rural financial development.
     The fourth part:The process of rural development and inclusive finance financial support. This part of the process of rural development issues Financial Support Analyst.
     The fifth part:The process of rural development, the performance of financial support. The first part of rural development from a qualitative point of view analyzed the process of rural financial markets in-depth analysis of supply and demand situation. On the basis of supply and demand for rural financial market is not balanced because the performance in-depth analysis. Finally, in the process of rural development, this paper objectively evaluated the performance of financial support.
     The sixth part:Mechanism design theory based on the supply of the main acts. This part of the application of mechanism designed the theory to design an incentive and restraint mechanisms to encourage the supply of the main purpose. From the microscopic point of view of the rural financial market, this paper analyzed the rural credit cooperatives and the supply of private lending behavior.
     The seventh part:The process of rural development, rural financial support System. Rural Financial Support System in accordance, with the objectives, the principles, Then combined with 17 large rural financial system proposed by the Third Plenary Session of reform demands. This part of the content of the type of building inclusive rural financial support system proposed countermeasures.
     The eighth part:Summary. The summary of the contents of this article highlights the contents of this paper and innovation, and points out the lack of study and subsequent research.
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