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Although the recreational geographical environment,especially the median and small -scale of those plays an important role in people's daily life, few studies have explored interactive relationship between cognition and spatial behavior in such environment. In view of this, the study choose freshman as the subjects, campus environment and tourist scenic spots as study area. While the questionnaire and interview, verbal description, photography experience etc. are involved to collect rich qualitative and quantitative data.
     As campus environment is a typical daily recreational environment, the Pukou campus in campus in Nanjing University is selected, and cognition of campus recreation and recreation activities and their interaction, the interaction between spatial positioning and wayfinding during the recreation, effects of terrain cognition on this interaction are mainly discussed in this part. Accordingly methods of the geographical environment cognitive coding, sketches and verbal description are employed to analyze the data, it is found as below:(1)There is interactive relationship between the cognition of campus recreational environment and activities, while recreation activities, position, function and type of activities are the main factors deciding the cognition of campus recreational environment. Meanwhile the function of recreational landmark and the type of activities which they supported are the main factors influencing their visit rate. Although recreational activities enhance cognition of recreational environment, perception of recreational environment likely to be reduced as the result of reinforced necessary activities. On the other side, the influence of cognition of recreational environment on recreation activities is regulated not only by the motivation of current activities, but also influenced by the position and function of recreational site. (2)There is significantly interactive relationship between the orientation and wayfinding during recreation, while the wayfinding is significantly influenced by the cognition of geographical environment. the teaching and learning architecture and living entertainment and road which have the high quality visual accessibility are being coded priority and being used as important landmark. On basis of such landmark, the relational framework then comes into being and is used to lead wayfinding. (3) Direction judging by the subjects will be deteriorated in campus by the complex spatial arrangement in the multi-building ensemble and curve rate and visual accessibility of landmark. Meanwhile subjects will depend on other person's direction giving or go back through the original route after getting lost and the pattern matching strategies will be used on the way back. But some subjects completed the reorientation depends on their intuition and inter-referenced architecture. (3)There is interactive relationship between cognition of small-scale terrain cognition and recreational activities, and the terrain cognition is the dominant influential factor in subject's recreational activities, vice versa.
     Alike the recreational environment of daily life, scenic zone is typical tourism environment. So the characteristics of perceived and cognitive of recreational environment, perceived and cognitive units of recreational environment, cognition of recreational environment and recreational activities and their interaction, orientation and wayfinding and their interaction are explored by using different methods such as sketch mapping, verbal description, recording statistics, questionnaire, photo-experience etc. to select data, and revised coding method of geographical environment are used to analyze the changeable schemata of recreational environment, the scale of tourism knowledge are used to rate the level of cognition of subjects, methods of spatial analysis (GIS) are used to analyze the spatial character of elements of recreational environment and lost position. It is concluded as:(1)The points is primarily elements of perceived and cognitive units of recreational environment. The second is elements of polygon, while the elements of line is the third. (2)The integral schemata of recreational environment have been formed by subjects before recreation, and there is correlation between the information which part of tourists have got and intention of recreation.(3)During the recreation Subjects have perceived almost overall type of recreational environment elements, of which dominantly is visual mode, with tiny auditory or olfactive mode. Scenic spots and landscapes are dominantly type of elements in visual mode of recreational environment elements. While the scope of fixing of landscape is restricted by the remarkable straight recreational route. On the other hand, intensity of light will influence the subjects' cognitive processing mode of landscape and then their time schedule of recreational activities.(4) In close relation with the recreational activities, Cultural part of tourism environment, person,scenic spots and landscape, facilities and road are coded as figure part of representation of the recreational environment. And it is used to guide another person's travel or themselves revisiting. While the representation of water, goods,tourism activities and square are background of cognition of the tourism destination. They provides the background for all kinds of recreational activities.(5) The improvement in level of cognition of the scenic zone are significantly benefit from the tourism activity.(6)There is cognition of edge and wayfinding. And landmark,especially monumental archway, is important elements of edge in recreational destination. They restrict the selection of subjects' scope of recreational activities. Moreover they are important landmark used as reorientation, and contribute to subjects' wayfinding and recreational activities.(7) The subjects' perception of edge are intensified after the shaped pattern of scenic zone match with the environmental character of lost area when they feel getting lost.(8)There is interactive relationship between the strategies of reorientation and wayfinding after they get lost. While subjects' orientation may be influenced by the spatial character and signpost system,such as the curve rate of unit of environment(for example the river and street etc.)And the original way back and other person's direction giving,not the signpost system and intuition,are usually employed when they get lost.
     After compared above two cases, some difference and same characteristics are found, and all of such findings are believed to be useful in theory generalization and practice.
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