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自上世纪 60 年代末 70 年代初,加拿大作曲家、科学家 R. Murray Schafer
    《European Sound Diary》和《Five Village Soundscapes》二书的出版,将
    及海外学者发表过相关学术论文。本人最先在《北京联合大学学报》(2001 年
    增刊)发表了《Soundscape 通告》。以后,陆续发表过多篇相关论文,并在此
    可以为购房者从声音环境的角度提供参考和咨询。同时,结合 2008 年北京“奥
    展了基于“Soundscape 思想”的声景设计实践活动。
    护和创造美的声音环境的行为。总之,通过对 Soundscape 的研究,寻找能动地
    创造美好声景的方法,通过有意识地 Soundscape Design 决定我们周围的声音
    环境。另外,Landscape 和 Soundscape 的相互作用关系值得深入的研究和讨论。
The new concept of soundscape has been spread to Europe through the publication of
    since it was first created at the late 1960’s and early 1970’s by the Canadian composer
    and scientist professor R. Murray Schafer in Canada. In Britain the entire Goals of the
    Society and specific implementation content were set up. In Japan the scholar
    community Research Association of Soundscape was established. Among Chinese
    scholars, Taiwan and oversea scholars published a series of related articles. This study
    was first published in Journal of Beijing United University (additional edition 2001)
    with the title of Announcement of Soundscape.
    This study first explores the feeling of the listener from the point of view of
    Philosophy-aesthetics and therefore establishes the aesthetic foundation for the
    research of soundscape. One of the achievements of this study is to establish the
    intuition training of sound, the related education system and the correct consciousness
    of sound so as to incur an effective method of intuition for sound. Another
    achievement of this study is the accumulation of a huge amount of sound raw
    materials and the database of Sound. It can make us have a better and clear knowledge
    of the sound around us in order to improve and create the acoustic from a higher point
    of view of cognition. The third achievement of this study is the wide survey of sound
    and soundscape in residential areas and the proposal of evaluation methods and
    evaluation standards based on the thinking of soundscape.
    The design of soundscape is a high-level, internal, comprehensive and highly
    responsible behavior that dynamically protects and creates the beautiful sound and
    acoustic. Through the study of soundscape, we can find a dynamic method of creating
    a good soundscape and therefore decide on the soundscape around us by way of
    conscious soundscape design.
    This study has an in-depth exploration by combining the sound in life with the living
    environment of human being and concludes with the thesis of the doctor’s degree
    SOUNDSCAPE STUDY AND SOUNDSCAPE DESIGN with the study as the basis.
    To start with the interconnection between human, sound and environment and related
    issues, I expect to have a further progress and development of study in the field of The
    Sciences of Human Settlements, human culture, acoustic, noise control and landscape
    [1]R.Murray Schafer,《音响教育》,日本春秋社出版
    [2]R.Murray Schafer,《世界的旋律》,日本春秋社出版
    [3]岩宫真一郎,《Soundscape 的思想》,日本音响学会发表会资料集
    [4]鸟越 子,《现代话题》____Soundscape,日本彰国社出版
    [5]王俊秀,1996,《声音也风景:日本音景探索》,日本文摘 (11)11:
    [10]王俊秀、大井 纮,1995,《自由连想法的都市环境意像解析:日本
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    [12]日本环境厅(监修),1997,《日本音风景 100 选》,东京:实业之日本
    [15]Cobin, Alain (Translated by Sakura Kose into Japanese in 1997),
     Les Cloches《Soundscape in France》,
     Paris: Editions Albin Michel S. A.
    [16]McClland & Stewart,1998,《Yearbook of Soundscape Studies》,
     Vol. 1, Tempere, Finland: Univ. of Tempere
    [17]Schafer, R. Murray ,1973,《The Music of the Environment》,
     Contemporary Music Review, (6)3: 12-21
    [18]《Five Village Soundscapes》, No. 4, Music of the Environment
     WSP,Vancouver: ARC Publications (Co-author with B.Truax and
    [19]《The Soundscape: Our Sonic Environment and the Turning of the
     Rochester, Vermont: Destiny Books
    [20]Schafer, R. Murray and H. Westerkamp ,《 The Vancouver
     Vancouver: Simon Fraser University
    [21]The World Soundscape Project:WSP
    [22]Bell, M. M.,1998,《An Introduction to Environmental
     New York:Sage Publication
    [23]City of Vancouver,1999,《Street Entertainment Information
     Vancouver: City Government
    [24]S. A.,Hannigan, J. A.,1995,《Environmental Sociology:
     A Social Constructionist Perspective》, London: Routledge
    [25]Jarviluome, H. (ed.),1994,《Soundscape: Essays on Vroom and
     Tempere: Tempere University
    [26]Kolter, P.,1972,《A Generic Concept of Marketing》,
     Journal of Marketing, Vol. 36: 46-54, April
    [27]Kramer, Pat,1999,《Vancouver》, Vancouver: Altitude
    [28]Lefebrve, H,1974,《The Production of Space》, Oxford: Blackwell
    [29]Schaeffer, P.,1970,《Music and Computer》,
     Music and Technology, 21(4): 11-14
    [30]Southworth, M.,1969,《The Sonic Environment of Cities》,
     Environment and Behavior, 1: 49-70
    [31]Truax, B.,1984,《Acoustic Communication》,
     Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishing Co.
    [32]《Soundscape, Acoustic Communication & Environmental Sound
     Composition》, Contemporary Music Review, (15)1: 49-65
    [34]久保 真,1986《基于 BEHAVIORAL APPROACH 的景观设计的研究》,
     科学研究辅助金(一般研究 B),研究成果报告书
    [35]丸山欣哉,1969《心理学讲座,3.感觉,第 8 章,感觉间相互作用》,
    [36]芝 佑顺,1972《Soundscape Design 的实践》
     ——横浜西鹤屋桥 Soundscape Design,音乐音响研究会资料,
     日本音响学会关西支部主办第 4 次声环境座谈会资料
    [38]Grecophile Bruno Snell,
    [39]D.W.Hamlyn Pinard,《感觉与知觉:知觉哲学史》(1961 年)
    [40]Jonathan Barnes 编,《亚里士多德全集》(1984 年)
    [41]Theodore Tracy,《柏拉图和亚里士多德的生理学理论和方法理论》,
    [42]Maurice Merleau-Ponty,《知觉现象学》(1962 年)
    [43]Luc Ferry,《美学:民主时代对趣味的发现》(1993 年)
    [44]John Locke,《人类理解论》(1690 年)
    [45]Francis Hutcheson,《论美与德行两种观念的根源》(1725 年)
    [46]David Hume,《论审美趣味的标准》(1757 年)
    [47]Carolyn Korsmeyer,《味觉:食物与哲学》(1999 年)
    [52]“美国绿色建筑协会”制定《绿色建筑评估体系》(2000 年 3 月修订的
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    [54]建筑研究中心(BRE)《生态住宅环境评估》(EcoHomes ),2000 年 4
    [56]《GBC 2000 评估手册》(Green Building Challenge 2000)