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     在场地层面上,首先,应用环境评估引导用地决策的PCR(Presure– Condition - Reaction)基本模型与适宜度评价理论,梳理住区环境要素的分析方法;其次,通过场地-时间尺度的各类环境要素自然过程形式与特点的分析,在生态调研与理性评估综合指导下,辨别影响住区规划决策的关键环境要素,其中,地形地貌等小尺度、短时间内相对稳定的要素属于恒定性环境要素,而气候、水文、植被的敏感和易变度相对较高,属于变化性环境要素;最后,以关键环境要素为导向,通过生境类型识别,确立场地基本生态结构框架,并从从气候、水文、地形、植被、土壤、地灾六方面总结环境过程的用地控制方法。
For the most part of the domain is coverd by mountain area, Design with the natural process become the essential solution to environment changing and sustainable development. Especially in the field of mountain residence planning. However, the great many of residential development unit tend to occupy the ecological framework including ridge, valley and habitat, for the reason of economic value. Such extensive substance planning during our reality lead to the severe damage to the ecological function of residential open space, indeed, the residence slump into the machine-made living space as a result of high capacity and density construction. Hence, in order to preserve the ecological structure and balance the service function, according to the residence planning in mountain area, design with the adaptability and flexibility resort to the environment approach is a way out.
     The thesis is divided into three parts, for the first part is mainly analysis the space restriction during environment factors effect in mountain region, for the second part is focus on decision-making based on natural factors process in mountain residence, the last part is mainly discuss the function and ecological structure for the foundation of open space planning strategy in the environment approach.
     In mountain regional scale, for the one thing, establishing the environment conception in mountain region scale according as combination the natural function and form theory with the mountain city theory. For another, give the advance of space restriction during environment factors effect, in the way of optimize the region ecological pattern. Draw the suggestion for land use planning.
     In mountain residence scale, on the one hand, give the summarize of ecological adaptability analysis according to PCR(Pressure Condition Reaction) mode. On the other hand, distinguish the key environment factor from natural process on account of scale-movement natural factors process analysis. At last, for the key enviroment factor-oriented, establish the ecological structure owing to the habitat division, hence draw a sum up in land control pattern in environment approach, including climate approach pattern, hydrology approach and LID(Low Impact Development)pattern, topography approach and PUD(Planning Unir Development)pattern,vegetation, agrology approach and PCD(Preserv Control Development)pattern, geologic disaster approach pattern.
     In residence open space scale, first of all, give the strategy to established open space in environment approach as a result of adaptable matching between environment factor location and the function of the open space. Second of all, analysis the establishing method of residence open space, for the detail procedures are made by scale discussion, network discussion and sequence discussion. In sum, give the advance for the structure of residence open space resort to the relative project practice and ecological survey involved in mountain residence, including diversification structure, function structure, scale structure, ecological structure and sequence structure. For the ecological structure, in the way of climate approach, the structure fabric is consist of a dominant wind corridor, several patchs adapted to the microclimate and diverse passages for decreasing the disadvantage of wind direction. In the way of geologic disaster approach, the structure fabric is consist of a mass shelter combined with several patch space, including the geologic defend cincture. In the way of topography approach, the structure fabric is consist of the surface pattern made by ridge, the line pattern made by slope and the dot pattern made by terrace. In the way of hydrology approach, the structure fabric is consist of the catchment, the buffer zone, the drain network and the groundwater supply patch.
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