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China has rapid growth of economy, around9%in average recent years. To further improve economy growth, China has been executing economic policy of Attracting Foreign Capital for many years, which do help China to be one of the most energetic economic entities all over the world. China's GDP has passed that of Germany and Japan to be the second place in2007and2009respectively.
     China's enterprises has obtained great progress along with the rapid Macro-economy growth. They are playing more important roles in history. There are lots of enterprises exploring overseas markets in China. After Financial Crisis of2008, it is amazing that China's enterprises has become stronger than we expected before. They has conducted more overseas M&A and FDI cases, amounted to billions US dollar, in Finance, Automobile, Energy Source and Telecommunication industries, etc. Sales from overseas markets are increased gradually.
     Researchers has paid comprehensive attention to this International Business ("IB") momentum of China's enterprises. This paper found that existing researches mainly focusing on motivation, location choice of investment and obstacles of IB from macroeconomic perspective. There are very limited researches focusing on performance of IB from management perspective. Hence, this paper analyzed IB and its performance from management perspective.
     This paper summarized major IB theories and relative empirical analysis literatures in Chapter Two. In Chapter Three, analyzed history of IB, its meanings and major obstacles. In Chapter Four, analyzed motivation, industry and location choice, entry model and performance of IB from perspectives of Theory of Strategic Management, Transactional Cost, Organizational Learning and Resources. In Chapter Five, conducted empirical analysis of effect of IB on performance, based upon samples of93manufactures listed companies and57service listed companies. In Chapter Six, conducted entry model analysis and empirical analysis with Probit Model. In Chapter Seven, proposed suggestions. The major conclusions are as below:
     1) IB has significant effect on performance. However, it is different for manufactures and service companies. The relationship is Inverted-U-shape for manufacture companies and Inverted-S-shape for service companies.
     2) R&D and technology can significantly help to improve performance of IB.
     3) Ownership of enterprise has no significant effect on performance. This proved SOE enterprises of China has performed good on IB.
     4) Empirical analysis showed that higher STO will improve performance of enterprises when chosen M&A but not direct investment. This is aligned with current practices.
     5) It is very critical to comprehensively apprise performance of IB. An effective performance index system is necessary.
     Major contributions and Innovations are as below:
     In the aspect of research topic selection, IB is focus of practice and theoretical research. This paper helps to enrich IB related research and guide management practice.
     In the aspect of study, there is very limited literatures of effect of IB on performance. This paper explored this new research area. Meanwhile, It is very critical to focus IB research on performance perspective.
     In the aspect of research idea, multiple performance appraisal index system is worked out. It included financial performance, operating performance and comprehensive performance. meanwhile, empirical samples have been distinguished manufactures and service companies, which help to come up more precised conclusions.
     This paper has worked out several key conclusions.1, relationship of IB on performance is Inverted U shape for manufacture industry and Inverted S shape for service industry.2, For manufacture industry,35%IB degree has the best financial performance and48%IB degree has best operating performance. The calculation of Optimal Value has quantitative contribution of IB research.3, Higher STO helps to improve performance when chosen M&A as entry model.
     In the aspect of research methods,1, plenty of literatures has been collected that enriched the research fundaments.2, analyzed IB motivation from perspectives of Theories of Strategic Management, Transactional Cost, Organizational Learning and Resources. Quantitative and qualitative study have been adopted.3, contrastive studied manufacture industry and service industry to get more precise conclusion.4, cross disciplines study is adopted to enrich conclusions.
     Finally, this paper collected1450empirical samples, including data of93manufacture companies and52service companies from2002to2011, to ensure statistic effect. Panel data with10years' time series make better longitudinal effect of research. Objective accounting and statistic data is adopted.
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