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    企业信息负担降到最少,为企业战略管理提供强有力的支持,同时注重团队合作 ,防止企业管理机能失调,提高企业激励作用 ,扩大员工的参与意识,有效地提高了企业整体的管理效率。
Performance management will be the most important system by which Chinese enterprises cultivate the first-rate competition abilities all over the world. To establish, carry out and better the system of performance management has become the imperative task before each CEO in China.
    The comprehensive performance management in firms that hereby studied by the article is a long-term, sustainable evaluating system. It can be conducive to measure, cultivate and improve the core abilities in firms, and it is also a platform for strategy management and planning of the abilities of renovation and self-revolution.
    The article's research methods focus mainly on standardizing research and qualitative research with the help of quantitative research. Firstly, it has made a further research on the status quo and the general frameworks of the domestic and the overseas performance management; then introduced the four-dimension principles in the Balanced Scorecard theory and according to the main problems in the performance management practices, set up the framework of comprehensive operating performance system in firms by establishing, bettering and developing the performance indices belonged to different dimension theories respectively.
    Such findings are reached according to the further research on the two theories as follows: the common framework running through one dimension of the Balanced Scorecard will complete the performance management in some aspect more perfectly and make the number of routine operating management in short term be in the control of the enterprise long-term strategy management and planning, and at the same time, applying the four dimension of the Balanced Scorecard to some stage of the common performance management will also make a operating decision be in the control of all the four different dimensions which are suitable for the long-term strategy management and planning.
    Firstly, with the research on the cause-and-effect of the four dimensions of the Balanced Scorecard has the model of implementing the comprehensive operating framework been set up; secondly, the financial performance indices have been optimized after introducing the theories of cost characters in Management Accounting as well as the Du Pont financially evaluating system was improved and at the same time, the model of Economic Value Added was amended by the Capital Asset Pricing
    theory to be the indices of the financial dimension; thirdly, analyzed the value chain on the three aspects on the process of inside operation, and applied the Deming's Theory to the Target Costing & Activity-Based Costing theories, and made the general principles of performance management i.e. key factors, performance indices and methods, single performance target and working strategy running through the all course of target cost's theories, improved the performance management of the inside operating dimension; fourthly, introducing the concept of value and assets of consumers, and analyzing and generalizing the indices of core outcome performance of the dimension of consumers including the time and quality of non-financial indices etc.; fifthly, set up the core employees' indices system of the studying and growing dimension of the satisfaction and preserve and productivity by utilizing the two principles of employees' assets and common psy-treaty, and finally in accordance with the behaviour science, made a standard design on the system of comprehensive operating performance framework and the compensation system.
    Then the performance management hereto has become the strategy comprehensive performance management system. It can reduce the burden of information to the lest, and provide the firms' strategy management with a forceful support, and stress on team-work spirit, and prevent the discordance of the management system. It also can improve the stimulating system and enlarge the employees' participating ideas and improve the overall management effectiveness to a large extant.
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