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In the context of the supply chain.it has become an essential requirement for the stability of supply chain to enhance the financing ability and reduce the financing cost for small and medium enterprises(SMEs)through the innovative financial products. As a system innovation, Supply-chain Finance collects variety resources of business, finance, financial products to achieve the optimization welfare of the parties, which provides a solution of financing and technology bottlenecks for SMEs, which brings new profit models for the bank and explores business models innovation for developing third-party intermediary companies. Supply-chain Finance based on the real economy of supply chain, providing a range of financing products on the relationship between the upstream and downstream of supply chain.which can reduce financing costs for SMEs. Supply-chain Finance achieves the leap from static to dynamic of SMEs production study, to achieves the leap from the physical security to the property control of supply chain in risk prevention method, achieves the leap from the control of large enterprises financing to the attention SMEs financing. This financing model solves the problem of financing SMEs.
     From the background and significance of Supply-chain Finance, the paper summarized the literature reviews in recent years, summed up the four theoretical foundation of Supply-chain Finance. Because the existing research of Supply-chain Finance not completed and systemic, the paper analyzed the concept of Supply-chain Finance, compared with the traditional financing model to show up its unique advantages. By building mathematical models, through analyzing model-benefit, weakening the information asymmetry, reducing credit risk and improving capital utilization, Supply-chain Finance has four advantages on the issue of SMEs financing.Based on this framework,the paper proposed Storage-financial model to solve the financing problems of SMEs, illustrated the core concept, operational processes and business models of the Storage-financial model, making the qualitative and quantitative analysis of the specific operation. Based on risk management theory, the paper analyzed financial risk control indicators of Storage-financial model, analyzed the optimization credit risk and the choice of the pledge rate using mathematical model.
     As a new financing model, Supply-chain Finance not only brings new market and profit model to commercial bank, but also highly welcomed by small and medium enterprises because of their lower threshold for financing and accelerated capital flows. As a win-win financial service product, through the integration of financial resources and the main body, Supply-chain Finance provided a broad network of SMEs financing road, and formed a great social needs, which has a good prospects for development. Market should promote the model operation with positive and effective attitude to make use for economic development. Supply-chain Finance development needs the active participation of the main and effective cooperation promotion, it also needs the external environment of government and policy guidance.
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