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The system of information disclosure plays an important role in discovery of investment value and formation of equilibrium price in capital market. At present, rules for information disclosure with traditional manufacturing listed companies as the basic assumption premise can hardly be adapted to different disclosure requirements of listed companies in different industries in aspects such as production&operation modes, profit gaining and valuation bases and also cannot fully reflect the unique industrial characteristics of companies or further satisfy demands of stakeholders for high-quality information. In December2013, Shanghai Stock Exchange issued the No.12Work Memo of Daily Information Disclosure of Listed Companies and the No.1, No.2and No.3Guidelines for Operational Information Disclosure of Listed Companies in Different Industries. The issuance symbolizes the changes of information disclosure of listed companies in China from taking the area under administration as the former basic unit to taking the industry as the basic dimensionality, and also symbolizes the greater importance attached to decision correlation of information disclosure. However, the Guidelines only include three industries of real estate, coal and oil&gas. Agriculture-related listed companies have relatively low proportion in the securities market in China, but the state will further strengthen the supporting to agriculture-related listed companies based on the important role played by the agricultural industry; it is shown in financial fraud events occurring over the years that companies of this type occupy relatively big proportion, not only bringing negative influences to reputation of the capital market, but also hindering development of companies of this type in the capital market. Meanwhile, stakeholders and the social public have higher demands for the improvement of quality of information disclosure of this type of companies. The new system of operational information disclosure in different industries will surely produce far-reaching influences on the improvement of quality of information disclosure. This is also the fundamental starting point for discussion of information disclosure of agriculture-related listed companies from the perspective of industrial characteristics in the paper.
     In the paper, research is carried out centering on the problem about "how agriculture-related listed companies carry out targeted information disclosure according to industrial characteristics". Starting from the industrial characteristics of agriculture-related listed companies, core problems about "what to disclose","how to disclose" and "how to improve quality of information disclosure" are researched in order to provide theories and methods with reference value to perfection of the system of information disclosure in different industries and improvement of quality of information disclosure of agriculture-related listed companies. Innovation work and main research conclusions of the paper are as follows:
     (1) The author introduces the idea of information disclosure in different industries into the research of information disclosure of agriculture-related listed companies. Agriculture-related listed companies adopt existing information disclosure rules and are limited for reasonable reflection of industrial characteristics and improvement of effectiveness of information disclosure. Therefore in combination with characteristics of agricultural production and operational activities, the development history of agriculture-related listed companies and their expression in the capital market, the author gives sufficient consideration to factors such as supply, demands and supervision of information disclosure and defines emphases of information disclosure of agriculture-related listed companies. Those emphases include that companies at a middle production stage in agricultural activities should pay attention to information disclosure of biological assets, and companies at a post-production stage in agricultural activities should pay attention to information disclosure of trading activities. Meanwhile, companies of both types should pay attention to information disclosure of productive and operational risks.
     (2) Biological assets are sources for value creation by listed companies in agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishing and are the most principal factor for reflection of industrial characteristics of this type of companies. The paper built a frame for biological asset information disclosure of agriculture-related listed companies and puts forward a realization manner to improve the information disclose quality of biological assets:the listed companies which adopt properties of historical cost measurement should be refined and classified, book value, entity number and variation information of increase and decrease of biological assets should be disclosed as per types, and supervision organizations should encourage or advocate this type of companies to disclose fair value of biological assets outside the balance sheet; the listed companies which adopt properties of fair-value measurement should define types and quantity information of biological assets based on ensuring reasonable measurement, disclose fair value and relevant information about its variation as per types and also clarify bases for determination of the fair value.
     (3) Trading activities of listed companies for manufacturing of agricultural-products and food processing contain a lot of uncertain factors. According to specialty of trading activities of this type of companies, the paper establishes an information disclosure frame for trading activities of agriculture-related listed companies and puts forward a realization manner to improve the information disclosure quality of trading activities: suppliers and customers are the two most important aspects in trading activities of this type of companies, when information of suppliers is disclosed, companies should pay attention to relevant trades between them and peasant households as well as those between them and agricultural agencies (such as farmers'professional cooperatives); companies should focus on sales channels of company products and should mainly disclose customer information related to a consignment mode and a direct selling mode when information of customers is disclosed; companies should make relevant explanations if incidence relations or dereferencing incidence relations exist among suppliers, customers and companies.
     (4)"Feebleness" of the agricultural industry will bring more risks to agriculture-related listed companies and this is also a distinguishing feature which makes this type of companies different from other listed companies. Promotion of information disclosure quality of risks is very meaningful to all stakeholders. The paper establishes a risk information disclosure frame of agriculture-related listed companies and puts forward a realization manner to improve the information disclosure quality of production&operation risks:this type of companies should attach importance to disclosure of agricultural risk information, risk information disclosed by companies should contain supporting points of three aspects:information of risk properties, information of risk management and information of evaluation of implementation effects of risk management, while the three supporting points will respectively depend on recognition and assessment of risks, comprehensive risk management (or internal control) and self assessment of internal control effects.
① 主要指的为农业生产过程中活的动物、植物,公司在对这类资产进行会计确认与计量时,称之为“生物资产”,后文出现该词时,均用“生物资产”来代替。
    ① 例如,疫情的发生不仅会使从事畜禽养殖的上市公司遭受较大的损失,同时也会对从事饲料生产与加工的企业造成严重的冲击。
    ② 由于农业企业会享受多方面的税收优惠,相对于其他行业,进行财务造假的成本较低,这就使得农业类企业更易发生财务舞弊或造假。
    ③ 新浪财经.万福生科陷“造假门”,小散欲起诉http:/finance.sina.com.cn/stock/s/20121129/075113835679.shtml2012年11月29日.
    ① 搜狐财经.曾令尉:为什么造假的总是农业股?http:/business.sohu.com/20130415/n372712914.shtml2013年4月15日
    ② 2001年,中央财经大学的刘姝威研究员正是从蓝田股份披露的公司年报中发现该公司诸多问题,进而引发了被大众所熟知的“蓝田事件”。
    ③ 这些从事农副产品和食品加工制造的上市公司,其价值创造的源泉是农产品加工品和深加工品。
    ① 事实上,从严格意义上来讲,一些种业公司位于农业生产活动的产前阶段,但制种的过程在很大程度上与从事种植活动的企业是非常相似的,因此,本文将种业公司纳入至从事种养捕采企业的范围。
    ① 最早出现此类文献的时间为1998年9月,是由谢升峰和卢翔发表于《中国农村经济》的文章《关于建立农业产业化投资基金的思考》。
    ① 当公司规模进一步扩张之后,为了推动生产的标准化,降低管理风险和经营成本,保障产品的质量,多数农业龙头企业会实行“公司+基地+农户”的模式。
    ② 农业一体化有狭义和广义之分。狭义的农业一体化主要指的是某种或者某类农产品的生产、加工与销售等完全纳入到一个大型企业之中,由一个企业来完成一系列的生产经营活动;而广义的农业一体化指的是通过市场、合同以及企业完全一体化等组织形式,使得农业的产供销等不同的生产环节和链条更为紧密的连接起来。
    ① 除了本文列示的在国内上市的农业产业化龙头企业之外,还有一部分高质量的龙头企业选择在国外上市,例如在纽交所上市的飞鹤乳业,在香港主板上市的亚洲果业,以及在新加坡主板上市的思念食品等企业。
    ① 华东地区(包括山东、江苏、安徽、浙江、福建、上海);华南地区(包括广东、广西、海南);华中地区(包括湖北、湖南、河南、江西):华北地区(包括北京、天津、河北、山西、内蒙古);西北地区(包括宁夏、新疆、青海、陕西、甘肃):西南地区(包括四川、云南、贵州、西藏、重庆);东北地区(包括辽宁、吉林、黑龙江)。
    ② 本文对农业类上市公司数据的统计以2012年底上市公司行业分类依据为准,有的上市公司以前的年度可能属于农业类上市公司,但由于重组或者主营业务发生变更导致所属行业发生变化的,则不包含在该部分的统计数据中,例如陕西省的秦丰农业被重组并且更名为延长化建,则不包含于本次的统计中。
    ① 深交所的信息披露考评制度已经执行了多年,而上交所的信息披露考评制度属于新推行的制度,具体的信息披露考评等级数据要在2014年年中才能发布。事实上,多年来国内学者可参考的权威部门发布的信息披露考评数据只能参考深交所的相关数据,很难全面反映我国上市公司的信息披露质量。
    ① 表10列示的是深交所2010-2012年共计3年的信息披露质量考评情况,具体每个年份各行业信息披露考评情况,请参阅附表6-8。
    ① 该检验方法由Kruskal和Wallis二人在1952年所提出的。
    ① 一家公司可能存在多种违规类型,图13统计的是每种违规行为下所包含的公司数目。数据来源于国泰安数据库中的“中国上市公司违规处理研究数据库”。
    ① 每经网.尹中立:绿大地涉“假”给我们什么警示?http://www.nbd.com.cn/articles/2011-03-29/544771.html2011年3月29日
    ① 贵中药材、海参、甲鱼等农产品的价值较高,例如银广夏和蓝田股份就是分别借助名贵中药材和甲鱼来提升公司的业绩,但事实上,名贵中药材等农产品之所以“贵”,是因为数量稀少,生长的过程对自然条件的依赖程度也比较高,因此能够大范围养殖和种植的农产品不一定是昂贵的。
    (?) FASB.SFAC No.5,par.6.
    ① 1ASC:1989, Framework for the preparation and presentation of financial statement.
    ② FASB:1998, SFAC No.133, Accounting for Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities.
    ① FASB的第2号财务会计概念公告(concept No.2)所说的那样,信息质量的“较好”(较为有用)和“较次”(较少有用)的区别,主要依靠于相关性和可靠性。
    ② 活跃市场需要符合三个条件:在市场上交易的商品具有同质性;随时可以在市场上找到具有买卖意愿的买方或卖方;价格信息的获取较为便利。
    ① CAS5对于消耗性林木类资产所建议的处理方法就是,树木郁闭前的所有支出都要予以资本化,郁闭之后的投入予以费用化,所有的林木类生物资产不会产生任何的收益。
    ① APB statement No.4,1970,par.10.
    ② FASB,SFAC No.5,1984,par.7.
    ① 由于本文选取的107个样本是2012年底的公司样本,其中包含了2010年和2011年新上市的公司,2010年和2011年农业类上市公司的样本数分别为96家和102家。这其中涵盖了同时持有两类或三类生物资产的公司。
    ② 笔者了解到,晨鸣纸业不仅在我国主板上市,同时也是一家在香港上市的公司,由于香港已经全面沿用了IAS41,因此,该公司就全面采用了公允价值的计量属性。
    ① 由于种鸡自成熟到淘汰不超过一年,所以按照消耗性生物资产核算。
    ① 姚宗辉,赵金厚,周海晨:“林业品:供需趋紧催生价值”,《证券导刊》,2006年第43期。
    ① 本案例所选取的SLDN公司原型为维维豆奶股份有限公司(600300),由于涉及到信息披露模式的改进,考虑到多方面的因素,本研究正文以代码替代公司的名称,但相关财务数据未进行调整,后面的章节所涉及的案例依然如此。
    ① 该奶牛场中的公牛犊不具备饲养价值,一般出生后就被直接出售。
    ① 公司原型为在香港证券交易所(HKEx)上市的亚洲果业(证券代码:00073),是我国境内的一家企业。
    ① 该类风险将在下章进行详细地分析。
    ① 例如,好想你(002582)是一家以枣类产品经营为主的上市公司,该公司的直营专卖店已经遍布了所有省份,同时在天猫、京东以及亚马逊等主流电商平台都开设了网店。
    ② 例如,雏鹰农牧(002477)的生猪产品很大一部分销往双汇发展(000895),进而这些深加工肉制品又流向市场。
    ① 公司原型为为在深圳中小板上市的好想你(证券代码:002582)。
    ① 该表中2010年的数据从公司的招股说明书中获取,2011年和2012年的数据并不会在年报中披露,属于公司的内部资料,涉及商业机密,因此笔者进行了相应的调整,但不影响对该问题的讨论。
    ① 该类公司通常只会在首次公开发行.上市的招股说明书中披露原材料采购,以及与农户交易的相关信息;在正式上市之后,就不再披露此类信息了。
    ① 本章节主要关注那些影响农业类上市公司经营发展的风险,由于农业类上市公司不合理的发展对社会产生的负面影响不作为本文的研究内容,事实。上,这属于社会责任会计的研究领域,本文暂且不做讨论。
    ① 即食糖平均销售价格上涨100元/吨,则甘蔗收购价格相应上涨6元/吨。
    ② 资料来源:2012年南宁糖业(000911)公司年报。
    ① 例如蔬菜农药残留超标,畜产品中含有过多的激素或添加剂,农产品以次充好等等。
    ① 资料来源:2012年金字火腿公司年报。
    ① 资料来源:2012年福成五丰公司年报。
    ① 天然林禁伐、控制低产林改造、提倡择伐为主、皆伐为辅的林业政策虽然已于2013年期满,鉴于生态文明建设的重要作用,可能将继续要求林业企业转变采伐方式,可能还会对公司的森林经营产生不利影响。
    Beasley, M. S.,Branson, B. C., & Hancock, B.V. (2010). COSO's 2010 Report on ERM.
    ① 在公司的信息披露行为中,信息的生产(包括信息的搜集、归类、分析、深加工等环节)非常重要,直接决定了信息质量的高低。公司对外提供的风险信息,就涵盖了风险识别、风险分析以及风险的处理等内容,利益相关者也是十分关注这些信息的,内部控制和风险管理的相关法规对风险信息的生产具有重要的指导意义。
    ① 事实上,北大荒也未重大风险提示部分披露购买农业保险的信息,只是在主营业务分析中费用项目分析中指出公司管理费用中包含购买农业保险的费用。
    ① 该标准出台前,第一节要求披露的内容通常为重要提示或者公司的基本情况。
    ② 例如新中基(000972)2010年在披露风险信息时,只是在未来发展展望中指出公司可能面临农业周期性风险;唐入神(002567)在2011年只是在对公司核心竞争力进行介绍时,指出这些核心竞争力有利于规避哪些种类的风险。
    ③ 例如,罗牛山(000735)2012年并没有系统地披露风险信息,只是在财务报告附注中生物资产一栏简要介绍了与生物资产相关的风险情况和管理措施。
    ④ 对于风险管理效果评价的内容多是出现在主营业务中出现,但评价内容过于分散,不够系统化。
    ① 公司原型为在深圳中小板上市的正邦科技(证券代码:002157)。
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