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The purpose of this research is to explore the influence of customer satisfaction on consumers'behavioral intentions after the opening of direct cross-strait transportation, as seen from the multiple-aspect customer value perspective. Using service quality as the control variable for customer satisfaction and customer loyalty, we try to further probe the correlation among customer value, customer satisfaction and customer behavioral intentions.
     Focusing on the services relating to direct cross-strait transportation, we have conducted a questionnaire survey based on various customer value aspects raised by different scholars. Through factor analysis, we managed to identify the various aspects of customer value perspectives on this specific service. We have also reviewed the relevant documents and decided to use the following five customer value aspects as the measuring indicators for customer satisfaction:emotional value, functional value, monetary value, reputation value and behavior value. Also, we used service quality as the control variable for both customer satisfaction and customer loyalty, aiming to further probe the correlation among customer value, customer satisfaction and customer behavioral intentions.
     In terms of research scope, we have selected the consumers of the cross-strait air transportation service industry as our subjects, taking into consideration the representation and competitiveness of the industry, as well as its high dependence on and imminent demand for customer-value based strategic management. In the research process, therefore, we will conduct a confirmatory factor analysis on the effects of customer value variables and customer satisfaction (as the intermediate variable) on customer loyalty. A questionnaire survey has been designed and performed. By using the linear structure relation model (LISREL), we will further verify the survey results and develop the relevant theoretical models. We will also examine the reliability and validity of this research by applying the theory of factor analysis.
     In this research, we will also examine and analyze the influence of customer satisfaction, as an intervening factor under the customer value aspects, on customer loyalty. The purpose is to understand whether customer satisfaction, as an intervening factor, would have significant influence on various customer value aspects.
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