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With the development of the network information technology, the market demand-driven "network economy" can get fast development. Under the condition of loose coupling and open heterogeneous environment, Web Service technology can makes the heterogeneous application system among the enterprises co-operate and intercommunicate, which realize the assistant function of the B2B among the enterprises, the assistant function of product design and manufacture and the assistant management of the supply chains. From the Web Service technology, the competition of whole network services supply chains can be increased, the span of the product producing can be decreased, and the services can be discovered, composited and assembled automatically. However, under the market demand-driven, the pluralism trend exists in QoS attribute preference and service optimization models, also the current industry standard and study can't realize pluralism modeling. Moreover, the current study, pointing at the network attributes of the service cooperation to study qualitatively and quantitatively, is very less. In addition, it can't predict the development trend of the preference services register network and service assistant network. Therefore, some studies aimed at the above problems have been presented in this thesis:
     (1) Through the conclusion and contrast, the methods of the common Web Service choosing and the market demand-driven service choosing have been studied, as well as their existing problems. The study current states of the Web Service-based recommending system, non-degree network and the non-degree Web Service have been concluded too. In addition, the development trend, the advantages and disadvantages of the above three have been analyzed. All of the studies have provided the exact direction for the study objective in this paper.
     (2) Under the condition of loose coupling and open heterogeneous, the Web Service resource management architecture-RCWSRF, providing the recommending system, has been proposed. RCWSRF has realized online dynamic fast computation for the users'QoS preference in the direction of the remote users. In the direction of the local servers, RCWSRF has realized the job flow structure and automatic assembling, and RCWSRF can choose the optimized service composition suiting for the service demanders from the large-scale candidate services. RCWSRF have also realized UDDI register center service retrieval across decentralization through service discovering proxy to produce service crawl. In the local, the centralized service management has been realized, so the composite service management has been realized. Aimed at the uncertainty of the demanders'QoS attribute preference, the method of the modified layer analysis has been adopted to build check matrix according to the demanders'QoS attribute preference in the different clients' information feedback platform, computed QoS attribute preference real-time, corrected inconsistence of the check matrix automatically and realized the clients' QoS attribute preference automatic computation. The experiment results show that the computation methods of the online QoS attribute preference are efficient and the computation results are fit for the users'preference.
     (3) The service matching algorithms have been defined by the service choosing recommending system. The relationships of cooperation and competition between the virtual enterprises make the service composition models pluralism. Pointed at different applications, two kinds of service choosing models (the common global service choosing models and virtual enterprises-based automatic ally global service choosing models) have been built, which is the problems of the complicated liner or nonlinear 0-1 multi-objective planning. In this thesis, the gene algorithms with good robustness have been adopted to realize the global service choosing. A lager number of experiments and data present that the above two kinds of models can compute the clients'demanding service series fast. Through the fast service matching and choosing of the service choosing recommending system of RCWSRF, SOA-based architecture-RCWSRF can realize automatic assembling.
     (4) In this thesis, the structure property of the UDDI-based increasing services community network has been proposed, and the non-degree property of the service cooperation network has been summed up and studied from the service register topology structure and job service related network. Therefore, the study of the non-degree service cooperation network has supplied strong theory and practice proof for the service-oriented architecture, as the same time the theory and practice proof of the complicated network has pushed the development. Moreover, the non-degree property has provided more adequate theory proof for the study of the service discovering and choosing.
     Currently, in the field of the Web Service composition and discovering, the services combating with one another are always abstracted as dependent advertisement services with less relation. In the process of the service composition, the function matching and QoS analyses can only be conducted from the microstructure of the task flow qualitatively, can't allow for the enterprises relationships of the service providers from the perspective of macrostructure quantitively and can't think over the macroscopical development trend of the UDDI and the register services. In this thesis, combined with the complicated network, the non-degree property of the service cooperation network, the non-degree service register network and the non-degree job service network have been studied and summed up from the service register topology structure and the job service related network, while the evolvement algorithms, based on the BA model and the local optimized connection and, have been proposed. The studies indicate that the increasing services community network of the UDDI register center owes the property of the community structure. Also the simulation experiments display that the non-degree property of the service cooperation network has the phenomenon of the "the strong being stronger, the winning sweeping the deck" in the service network.
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