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Since the World WarⅡ, the American's economy has undergone significant changes. Among those changes, a typical one is that the traditional manufacturing industry declines in the economy relatively, while the tertiary-industry with the service sector as its main content becomes the social's leading industry, both in employment and in outputs. The process is often considered as de-industrialization. In the early-1970s, along with the collapse of the Bretton Woods System, the fixed exchange relation between the US dollar and the gold was broken, and the currency had been separated from any actual commodity in the human history for the first time. The currency became a complete value symbol. The virtualization of currency opened the door of that of economy. De-industrilization and the economy's virtualization are two main important changes of the economic structure in developed countries in recent decades, and America's change is the most prominent.
     The post-industrial economy is a new economy form developed to a certain stage, along with the emergence of a series of special conditions. At the beginning of the past century, there were more than two-thirds employees engaged in the commodity producing, and at the end of the past century, the figure was 21.8%, and the employees in agriculture sector dropped from 38.3% to a negligible level (1.6%), the figure in service sector increased from 33.2% to nearly 80%. The similar phenomenon also appeared in other developed countries. Generally speaking, the industrialization in developed countries is caused by three factors. First, the rise of income induces the demand's diversification. After meeting the basic life needs, people's demand for non-physical products will increase. Secondly, the technical progress increases the productivity greatly, and it provides the possibility for the massive employee transfer from the actual commodity production to service sectors. Thirdly, the new international trade pattern changes the international division system. Though the manufacturing industry in developed countries is declining gradually, some developing countries are still in the process of industrialization and the product they provide replaces the commodity production's decline in developed countries. Along with the deepening of de-industrialization, a lot of industries in U.S move to overseas, which hollows the domestic industries. In the long run, manufacturing industry is the basic support for a country's technology progress, and thus de-industrialization will inevitably undermine a country's international competitiveness.
     The economy's virtualization is another important premise for the development of deindustrialization in American. Though the industrialization phenomenon may be earlier than.the economy's virtualization, there is a close relationship between them since the 1970s. The virtualization of American economy induces the twin deficit characteristics, which are the enormous trade deficits as well as the financial ones. In essence, the deficit is a kind of debt. The virtualization of the U.S dollar removes the restraint of the currency release, and plays the role of sustaining the operation of the American debt economy. Since the 1990s, massive financial innovation and derivative product's appearance has deepened the virtualization of American economy, and profits created by the fictitious economy sector has expanded its share in GDP. As a result, the American economy development relies more and more on the fictitious economic sectors and it further intensifies the tendency of de-industrialization. So de-industrialization and virtualization of American economy have formed a mechanism in which they are mutually strengthened.
     De-industrialization and virtualization of the economy has changed the way the entire economy operates. On one hand, it alters the traditional the way of economic growth, and on the other hand, it changes the way of the traditional wealth accumulation which emphasizes material products. The activity of fictitious economy has increasingly become the source for wealth creation. Fictitious wealth which mainly includes financial assets and real assets has become the primary wealth-holding style for the family. There are two prominent characteristics for the fictitious wealth. First, the value of fictitious wealth is increasingly separated from the actual commodity production, and depends more and more on people's psychological anticipation. Secondly, there is a strong pro-cyclical effect for fictitious wealth, which means that its value will increase rapidly during the economic boom, and depreciate during the recession likewise. And it will expand the volatility of the economy. Generally speaking, the U.S dollar without any actual value is the foundation of the expanding of fictitious economy, but the excessive deficit and debt will certainly corrode U.S dollar's foundation--the U.S government's credit. It can be said the current financial crisis is one kind of compulsory adjustment for the excessive virtualization of the American economy.
     According to the national income calculation equation, in the long run, deposit and investment should be roughly equal in order to maintain the economic balance. Insufficient deposit and excessive consumption are two characteristics of American economy for a long time. As a result, the financial gap must be bridged by capital import, the influx of foreign capital has stimulated further expansion of the fictitious economy in U.S, and the economy operation deviates further from the actual commodity production. In the process of the fictitious economy's development, it has formed a unique mechanism for value creation, value discovery as well as value transfer. However, the real economy is always the foundation of the entire economy, and if the real economy has problems, the pyramid of the fictitious wealth will be clasped rapidly. In fact, the fictitious economy can be seen as the derivation of the real economy. Unless the real economy itself is in good condition, the fictitious ones will be unstable. With the deepening of de-industrialization process, the manufacturing industry is shifted from America, and the competitive strength of the real economy declines continuously. Compared to the real economy, the fictitious economy is expanding rapidly. Therefore, it can be said that the foundation of the fictitious economy becomes more and more unstable. Consequently, the expansion of the fictitious economy in America can not be sustained.
    ① Baumol, W.J.,1967:"Macroeconomics of Unbalanced Growth:the Anatomy of Urban Crisis",the American Economic Review,Vol.57,No.3.
    ② Bluestone, B. and Harrison, B.,1982:"The Deindustrialization of American:Plant Closings, Community Abandonment and the Dismantling of Basic Industry", New York:Basic Books,1982.
    ③ Krugman, Paul."Domestic Distortions and the Deindustrialization Hypothesis."NBER Working Paper 5473, NBER & Stanford University, March 1996.
    ④ Matsumoto, Gentaro.1996:"Deindustrialization in the UK:A Comparative Analysis with Japan",International Review of Applied Economics 10:87-273.
    ⑤ Rowthorn, Robert and Ramana Ramaswamy,1999:"Growth, Trade and Deindustrialization",IMF Staff Papers, 46:18-41.
    ⑥ Ronald I. Mackinnon,2004:"Government Deficits and the Deindustrialization of America", the Economists' voice, Volumel, Issue 3.
    ⑦ Arrighi, G.1994. The Long twentieth Century:Money, Power, and the Origins of Our Times, London, Verso. PP120-136. Fligstein, N.2001. The Architecture of Markets:An Economic Sociology of Twenty-First Capitalist Societies, Princeton, NJ, Princeton University Press. PP25-59.
    ③刘再兴:工业地理学[M], 商务印书馆,1997年12月,第169-172页。
    ① James Tobin, "On the Efficiency of the Financial System," Lloyd's Bank Review, no.153 (1984),14-15.
    ② Paul M. Sweezy, "Economic Reminiscences," Monthly Review 47. no.1 (May 1995),
    ③Gerald A. Epstein:Financialization and the World Economy, Elgar Edward Publishing, Inc. November 2006.PP3-16.
    ① King,G. and Levine,R.,1993, "Finance and Growth:Schumpeter Might Be Right." Quarterly Journal of Economics. Aug,Vol.108(3):717-737.
    ② Jerman, U.,1998, "Asset Pricing in Production Economics." Journal of Monetary Economics, Vol.41:257-275.
    ③Rajan,G. and Zingales,L.,1998, "Financial Dependence and Growth. "American Evonomic Reviews, Vol.88(3): 559-586.
    ④Bernake,B.and Gertler,M.,1999, "Monetary Policy and Asset Price Volatility." In:New Challenges for Monetary Policy.Proceedings of the Symposium Sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City,:77-128.
    ⑤ Chang. Tsangyao,2002, "Financial Development and Economic Growth in Mainland China:a Note on Testing Demand Following or Supply Leading Hypothsis." Applied Economic Letters,2002(9):869-873.
    ⑥ Caporalea,G.and Spagnolob,N.,2003, "Asset Prices and Output Growth Volatility:the Effects of Financial Crisis." Economics Letters,Vol.79:69-74.
    ⑦ Green,C.,2003, "Flow of Funds:Implications for Reaseach on Financial Sector Development and the Real Economy." Journal of International Development, Vol.15(8):1015-1036.
    ⑧Crochane J.,2005, "Finacial Markets and Real Economy." Foundations and Trends in Finance,Vol.1:1-101.
    ⑨Foster,J.,2007, "The Financialization of Capitalism." Monthly Review,Vol.58(11):1-12.
    ① David S. Landes. The Unbound Prometheus:Technological Change and Industrial Development in Western Europe from 1750 to the Present。Cambridge University Press,1969:119-120。
    ③David S. Landes. The Unbound Prometheus:Technological Change and Industrial Development in Western Europe from 1750 to the Present。Cambridge University Press,1969:187
    ① Rowthorn, R.E. and Wells, J.R. (1987). De-industrilization and Foreign Trade. Cambridge University Press.1987. P225-252.
    ① W.W. Rostow, The Stages of Economic Growth:A Non-Communist Manifesto,Cambridge University Press, 1960, Chapter 2; W.W. Rostow, Politics and the Stages of Growth,Cambridge University Press,1971,Chapter 6.
    ① Paul Krugman, Peddling Prosperity:Economic Sense and Nonsense in an Age of Diminished Expectations, W.W. Norton & Company,1995, P263-265.
    ① Freeman, R.B.,(1995), "Are your Wages Set in Beijing? " The Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol.9, No.3 (summer).
    ② Baumol, W.(1967). "Macroeconomics of Unbalanced Growth:The Anatomy of Urban Crisis." American Economic Review Vol.76(5):415-426.
    ③ Fuchs, V.(1968) The service economy. New York:Columbia University Press.
    ④ Inman, R.ed.(1985). Managing the Service Economy:Prospects and Problems. Cambridge University Press.
    ⑤ Bernard, A. and Jones, C.(1996) "Comparing Apples to Oranges:Productivity Convergence and Measurement Across Industries and Countries." American Economic Review Vol.86(5) December 1996:1216-1238.
    ① Economic Report of the President(2009), February 2009.
    ① Joshua Karliner and Ted Lewis, "World Socia Forum Conference on Transnational Corporation", Corpwatch and Global Exchange, February 1,2002.
    ④ Paul Knox and John Agnew, The Geography of the World Economy, P.233
    ②恩格斯: 《政治经济学批判大纲》,《马克思恩格斯全集》第1卷,人民出版社,1972年版,第596页。
    ③让-巴普蒂斯特·柯尔贝尔(Jean-Baptiste Colbert,1619-1683)是法国政治家、国务活动家,他长期担任财政大臣和海军国务大臣,是路易十四时代法国最著名的人物之一。
    ④约翰·劳(John Law,1617-1729),英国经济学家,重商主义后期的重要代表人物之一,著名投机家,他认为货币仅仅是一种交换工具,其本身并不构成财富,一国财富的增加依赖于对外贸易。他一手炮制了密西西比泡沫(Mississippi Bubble)和路易十五时期法国经济的崩溃。同时,他还是现代意义上的信用货币制度的创始人和实践者。
    ②刘晓欣:虚拟经济与价值化积累—经济虚拟化的历史和逻辑[M],南开大学出版社,2005年,第113-116 页。
    ②在美国对家庭部门的财产统计中,将财富分成了两在类,即有形资产(Tangible Assets)和金融资产(Financial Assets),其中房地产(Real Estate)构成了有形资产的主体,而金融资产主要包括各类存款、股票、债券等。
    ②Leontief, Wassily:Studies in the Structure of the American Economy, New York:Oxford University Press, 1953.pp.231-243.
    ③Rayment. P:Intra-industry Specialization and the Foreign Trade of Industrial Countries, August,1984, Unpublished manuscript.
    ① Balassa, B. Tariff Reductions and Trade in Manufactures among the Industrial Countries[J]. American Economic Review,1966, (56):466-473.
    ② Grubel, H., P. J. Loyd. Intra-industry Trade [M]. London:Macmillan,1975.pp.82-96
    ③ Paul R. Krugman. Increasing returns, monopolistic competition, and international trade[J]. Journal of International Economics, Volume 9, Issue 4, November 1979:469-479.
    ①Robert B.Reich,The Next American Frontier,Crown,1st Edition,May,1983:121-122.
    ③ Barry Bluestone, "Deindustrialization and Unemployment in American" in Paul D. Staudohar and Holly E. Brown, Deindustrialization and Plant Closure, pp.10.
    ① Richard H, Clarida and Susan Hickok, "U.S. Manufacturing and the Deindustrialization Debate",pp.174.
    ②工业生产能力利用率是指工业产出在总生产能力中所占的份额.生产能力利用率在84%到85%之间表明经济接近完全资源利用,通常领先于通货膨胀周期.而保持在81.5%则是遏制通货膨胀的稳定状态.Joseph E. Plocek, Economic Indicators:How American Reads Its Financial Health, New York:New York Institute of Finance,1991, pp.166-170.
    ③ Economic Report of the President(2009), January,2009.
    ① 亚当·斯密:国民财富的性质与原因的研究(上)[M],商务印书馆,2008年7月,第20页。
    ①美国自1972年开始首次出现商品和服务贸易逆差,除了在1973年和1975年各有19亿和124亿美元的贸易盈余外,其后时间均为赤字,并且其规模越来越大。由于金融危机对消费的抑制,美国2009年的经常性项目的贸易赤字降至3807亿美元。 资料来源: 美国劳工统计局网站。(http://www.census.gov/indicator/www/ustrade.html).
    ①《新帕尔格雷夫经济学大辞典》第1卷,经济科学出版社,1992年版, 第306页。
    ② De Long, Bradford and Lawrence Summers and Robert Waldmann(1990):Positive Feedback Investment Strategies and Destabilizing Rational Speculation. Journal of Finance,45:379-95.
    ① Samuelson, Paul. A.1988."Keynesian Economics and Harvard:In the Beginning." Challenge:The Magazine of Economic Affairs. July/August,31, pp.32-34.
    ②Klein, Lawrence R.1946. "Macroeconomics and the Theory of Rational Behavior." Econometrica. April,14:2, pp.93-108.
    ③ Barro, Robert J. and Herschel Grossman.1971. "A General Disequilibrium Model of Income and Employment." American Economic Review. March,61:1, pp.82-93.
    ④Malinvaud, Edmund.1977. The Theory of Unemployment Reconsidered. Oxford:Blackwell. pp.122-130.
    ① Mankiw, N. Gregory.1985. "Small Menu Costs and Large Business Cycles:A Macroeconomic Model of Monopoly." Quarterly Journal of Economics. May,100:2, pp.529-537; Akerlof, George A. and Janet L. Yellen. 1985. "A Near-Rational Model of the Business Cycle with Wage and Price Inertia." Quarterly Journal of Economics. Suppl.,100, pp.823-838.
    ② Blanchard, Olivier Jean.1987. "Monopolistic Competition and the Effects of Aggregate Demand." American Economic Review. September,77:4, pp.647-666.
    ③ Ball, Laurence, and David Romer.1990. "Real Rigidities and the Non-Neutrality of Money." Review of Economic Studies.57:2, pp.183-203.
    ② Friedman, Milton.1957. A Theory of the Consumption Function. Princeton:Princeton University Press.pp. 72-80.
    ① Freidman, Milton and Anna Jacobson Schwartz.1963. A Monetary History of the United States,1867-1960. Princeton:Princeton University Press, pp.230-235.
    ② Lucas, Robert E,1973. "Some International Evidence on Output-Inflation Tradeoffs." American Economic Review. June,63:3, pp.326-34.
    ③ Barro, Robert.1977. "Unanticipated Money Growth and Unemployment in the United States." American Economic Review. March,67:2, pp.101-115.
    ④ Sargent, Thomas J. and Neil Wallace.1975. "Rational Expectations, the Optimal Monetary Instrument, and the Optimal Money Supply Rule." Journal of Political Economy. April,83:2, pp.241-54
    ⑥“时间不一致性”最早由基得兰德和普雷斯科特提出,足指政府在制定和执行一项最优政策时,随着时间的推移,由于政策环境发生了变化或政府受到某种诱惑,原先最优的政策现在就不是最优的了,如果政府有相机抉择的权力,它就会放弃该政策而去实行其它的政策。详见:Kydland, Finn, and Edward C. Prescott. 1977."Rules Rather Than Discretion:the Inconsistency of Optimal Plans." Journal of Political Economy,85(3). PP.473-492.
    ① Kydland,Finn,and Edward C. Prescott.1982. "Time to Build and Aggregate Fluctuations." Econometrtica. November,50:6,pp.1345-1371.
    ② Long,John.B.and Charles Plosser.1983. "Real business cycles." Journal of Political Economy.February. 91:1,pp.39-69.
    ①Paul R. Krugman, Kathryn M. Dominquez, Kenneth Rogoff:It's Baaack:Japan's Slump and the Return of the Liquidity Trap, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Vol.1998, No.2 (1998), pp.137-205
    ① Fisher. Irving,1933, The Debt-Deflation Theory of Great Depressions, Econometrica, Vol.1,No.4. pp. 337-357.
    ② Minsky,Hyman P,1975, "Financial Instability Revisited:The Economics of Disaster".In Reappraisal of Federal Reserve Discount Mechanism; Minsky,Hyman P,1986, Stabilizing an Unstable Economy, Yale University Press. pp.237-321.
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    [99]Ball, Laurence, and David Romer.1990. "Real Rigidities and the Non-Neutrality of Money.' Review of Economic Studies.57:2.
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    [157]Paul M. Sweezy, "Economic Reminiscences," Monthly Review 47, no.1 (May 1995),
    [158]Paul R. Krugman, Kathryn M. Dominquez, Kenneth Rogoff:It's Baaack:Japan's Slump and the Return of the Liquidity Trap, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Vol.1998, No.2 (1998).
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    [161]Preeg, Ernest (1999):"The Do llar and the T rade Deficit", the Journal of Commerce, Feb. 22.
    [162]Rajan, G. and Zingales,L.,1998, "Financial Dependence and Growth." American Evonomic Reviews, Vol.88(3).
    [163]Rayment. P:Intra-industry Specialization and the Foreign Trade of Industrial Countries, August,1984, Unpublished manuscript.
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    [165]Robert B. Reich, The Next American Frontier, Crown,1st Edition, May,1983.
    [166]Ronald 1. Mackinnon,2004:"Government Deficits and the Deindustrialization of America", the Economists'voice, Volumel, Issue 3.
    [167]Rostow.W., The Stages of Economic Growth:A Non-Communist Manifesto, Cambridge University Press,1960
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    [174]Samuelson, Paul. A.1988. "Keynesian Economics and Harvard:In the Beginning." Challenge:The Magazine of Economic Affairs. July/August,31.
    [175]Sargent, Thomas J. and Neil Wallace.1975. "Rational Expectations, the Optimal Monetary Instrument, and the Optimal Money Supply Rule." Journal of Political Economy. April,83:2, pp. 241-54.