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Although many research productions have been recognized in the current research on credit, the research objects mainly focus on credit carrier and credit system. Few research put an eye on the main body of credit. From the aspect of main body, the research on credit is credit capitalization, i.e. the issue of credit capital.
     This thesis chooses the main body, the enterprises and individuals in the economic relations, as the primary research objects. On the basis of analyzing the relations of the main body, credit carrier and credit system, using Marxism Economics and Western Economics, this thesis analyzes the essential meaning, especially deeply analyzes the relations between the human essence and the economic connection using the theories of the essence of human and its developing conformation. Then the thesis points out that the essence of credit is a kind of trust and the relation of society and economy is based on the trust between people. Credit capital is a direct trust on human, breaking through the trust on the credit carrier and credit system. It is a unification of the trust on human and objects. The currency capital mainly reflects the result of the economy operation, embodying the recognition of contents. Yet the credit capital is mainly reflecting the process of economy running, embodying the recognition of human. The practical capital such as the currency capital will have significant value only if combined with the trust on human and contents. When the economy evolvs into credit economy, the credit capital from the trust of human reflects tremendous economic value, and thus become increasingly important force for the healthful development of economy and society.
     Then the thesis analyzes the shaping mechanism of credit capital, and points out that the development of credit capital must take the marketing of credit information resources as the realistic foundation, take the credit information products and business service as the value system, take the credit law system as the system safeguard, take the credit capital of the main body of the market as the impersonate representation. Reviewing the development of American’s credit capital from the point of 160 years history, the thesis analyzes the factors such as government factors, market factors and enterprise which influence the development of American’s credit capital. It also points out the positive functions of American’s credit capital posed on the development of economy and society in different seedtimes. The purpose is to prove that as an important force for developing the economy and society, the credit capital is macroscopical as well as microcosmic, nonfigurative as well as idiographic, tangible as well as unbodied, historical as well as realistic. By construction of mathematic model for researching credit capital and confirming the computing standard of the indexes, the thesis takes Changsha Zoomlion Heavy Industry Science as research object, take industrial average as reference. It analyzes the quantity of credit capital and excess income aquired by the management, and discusses the recourses of credit capital, summarizes the significant function of credit capital. In the end, combining the practical requirement of our nation’s socialism market economic development, the thesis discusses the important status and meaning in the development of society, and puts forward the policy suggestions for developing our nation’s credit capital.
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