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用紫外分光光度法测定了不同量的铜离子和氨水对甘氨酸络合铜的络合度的影响,研究结果表明,铜离子浓度为4 μmol/L时,其络合度最大;氨水加入量为36 mL/L时,其络合度最大。在甘氨酸络合铜、混合氨基酸络合铜及波尔多液对棉花黄萎病菌抑菌试验中,甘氨酸络合铜浓度为0.72 μmol/L时,抑菌效果最好;混合氨基酸络合铜浓度为0.64μmol/L时,抑菌效果最好。在温室苗期药效试验中,喷施氨基酸铜的棉株的发病率、病情指数及防效分别为67.78%、43.47、33.21%。在田间药效试验中,喷施氨基酸铜的棉株的发病率、病情指数及防效分别是72.97%、42.97、15.36%。
     在棉花黄萎病发病初期喷施氨基酸铜,测定了棉花病株叶片内几种与抗性有关的酶活性。结果发现,喷施氨基酸铜后棉叶的过氧化物酶、多酚氧化酶、过氧化氢酶及苯丙氨酸解氨酶的活性均在一定程度表现出“涨落现象”,表明了氨基酸铜对棉花黄萎病有一定的抗性诱导作用。喷施氨基酸铜的病株在喷药后第5 d,过氧化物酶活性达到峰值,这个峰值高于对照的;多酚氧化酶的活性在喷施氨基酸铜后第5 d达到峰值,且这个峰值要远高于对照的;过氧化氢酶在喷施氨基酸铜后的1~9 d内,其活性均高于对照的;苯丙氨酸解氨酶在喷施氨基酸铜后的1~6h中,其活性一直低于对照的,直到第7h才开始回升。
By the method of ultraviolet spectroscopy we can determine the complex degree of glycine and cupric sulfate with different quantity of Cu2+, ammonia water mixed and then choose a suitable ratio to compound cupric complexed of glycine . We also try to discover the best consistency of fungicide to restrain pathogenic bacteria through the study of fungicidal action of cupric complexes of glycine, mixed cupric amino-acid complexes and cupric sulfate on Verticillium wilt. The study shows that mixed cupric amino-acid complexes have a good effect to kill Verticillium wilt. And we carry out the fungicidal experiment in the greenhouse and in the field, the results show that mixed cupric amino-acid complexes also have a good effect on cotton Verticillium wilt.
    Verticillium wilt of cotton plant infected by Verticillium dahbiae Kleb is a kind of plant fungal disease in the vascular bundle which is one of the most serious disease in our country. Cupric complexes of glycine which is new kind antiseptic developed by our laboratory are sprayed on the leaves of cotton plant to prevent and "cure Verticillium wilt of cotton. The inhibiting Verticillium wilt test in lab shows that cupric complexes of glycine could inhibit the grow of the Verticillium wilt in the PDA culture medium. This experiment tends to explain cupric complexes of glycine could induce the resist of cotton plant to the Verticillium wilt through the impact on the activities of several enzymes on cotton leaves made by cupric complexes of glycine. In early stage of exponential phase ,of Verticillium wilt, cupric complexes of glycine was sprayed on the leayes of the healthy and the sick plants which were taken as test materials. The last three functional leaves of each cotton plants which were sprayed 1 -7 ho
    urs after, 1 day before and 1 3,5 7,9 days were taken off ,washed with distilled
    water and then were grinded in the phosphate solvents(pH=7) to obtain the enzyme solvents for test. And the activities of the peroxidase(POD), polyphenol oxidase(PPO), catalase(CAT) and phenylalanine aminolyase(PAL) in the test materials are conducted by several corresponding trials. The results show that the activities of POD, PPO, CAT and PAL in the sick plants are higher than the healthy and the above four enzymes activities were hi fluctuation with different degrees. Because the above four enzymes are relative to the resistance of the cotton plant, these results indicate that cupric complexes of glycine may increase the activity of the above four enzymes to reduce the self harm done by over oxidation of lipid membrane; cupric complexes of glycine may also adjust the activity of the oxygen metabolism to induce the resist of the cotton plants and the antifungal activities. In a word, cupric complexes of glycine could increase the activities of POD, PPO, CAT and PAL and reduce the develop of fungal disease
    of Verticillium wilt of cotton plant.
    Copper in the root, stem and leaf of cotton which was sprayed by cupric complexes of glycine and water was respectively measured by flame atomic absorption spectrometry. The results show that Cu in the root, stem and leaf of cotton sprayed the cupric complexes of glycine was obviously higher than the cotton sprayed water.
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