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The development of entrepreneurial-based economy, not only conforms the revitalization of former northeastern industrial bases, but also solve the employment problem due to the structural transformation and other social problems, and it also can resolve the negative impact of financial crisis to the real economy and boost regional economic development after the crisis. Therefore, the development of entrepreneurial economy not only in line with regional economic development in short-run, it can also achieve the long-term sustainable high growth. Based on the realities of economic development of Northeast China, studies the relationship of the entrepreneurial environment and entrepreneurial performance from both theoretical and empirical perspectives has important practical significance.
     The main taste of theoretical research is to develop the core concept of our studies, that’s entrepreneurial environment and entrepreneurial performance, and this forms the foundation of the relationship between the two concepts. As the region-specific topics of this article, our study will focus on Northeast China, therefore, though we begin with a general theoretical explanation of entrepreneurship, our hypothesis are Northeast specified too. The core work of empirical research is to quantify the measure of theoretical concepts, and tests the hypothesis based on these quantitative data. Overall, this empirical research findings support our theoretical construction and the hypothesis. The main research content and conclusions of our studies are as follows.
     We build a unified and integrated framework of entrepreneurial studies, according to the former studies carried out by others. As entrepreneurial research is leveled, two core concepts often have different connotations, so we need a unified framework. From the perspective of entrepreneurial thought, we comparative analysis of three entrepreneurial research paradigm, that is, atomic paradigm, Harvard paradigm and embedded paradigm. Atomic paradigm is original from the classical paradigm of economics, the core characters is entrepreneurial environment is degraded to resources, namely, capital and labor, entrepreneurial performance depredated to output; entrepreneurial environment resource is characterized by abundance, entrepreneurial performance can be measured by output. Harvard paradigm is a breakthrough resource environment in the border elements, making the environment into the industrial environment; entrepreneurship research is more "micro". Industrial environment constitutes an important entrepreneurial environment, that is, contains the five core elements in Porter's competitive model. Harvard paradigm expand the definition of core concepts within discipline of management, embedded paradigm directly introducing the entrepreneurship research to multi-disciplinary, entrepreneurial environment is no longer confined to macro-environment, due to the entrepreneur's main social relations environment (micro-environment), t eventually leading to sociology of entrepreneurship.
     According to the paradigm shifts and the resulting differences in concept definitions, finally we constructed the level model of entrepreneurship: atomic researches focus on national and regional level (macro level) analysis; Harvard paradigm focuses on industry-level analysis; and embedded paradigm is even more micro-oriented research. The State-level and industry level are non-personified, while embedded research is personalized. To get context-oriented concepts, at the national level, entrepreneurial environment is defined as natural resources, national legal and political environment, national economic environment and national social environment; while the industrial level is mainly based on the concept of context of Porter's five force competition models; and the embedded entrepreneurial environment are classified as entrepreneurs’network of relationships or social capital. Focus on different entrepreneurial functions, we show the levels of analysis and their main research characteristics, the biggest distinction lies in personalized features. According to different levels, we constructed and situated core concepts of entrepreneurship, and build macro-relation model and micro-mechanism model of entrepreneurship. Via introducing entrepreneur’s social capital, micro-mechanism model successful open the“process black box”of the macro-model, and the macro and micro models integrated.
     Based on the above conceptual and theoretical modeling, this paper focus on the reality of Northeast China and put forward the corresponding hypothesis. First, on the national level, macro-models constitute the following assumptions: abundant human resources in northeast China have a positive effect on the macro entrepreneurial performance; scarcity of capital in northeast China have a negative effect on the macro entrepreneurial performance; economy marketilized is positive related to macro entrepreneurial performance; larger economics lever will have positive effect on macro entrepreneurial performance; the openness will have positive effect on macro entrepreneurial performance; property right reform system have positive effect on macro entrepreneurial performance; the improvement of the legal environment will enhance the macro entrepreneurial performance; policy of revitalizing the northeast have positive effect on macro entrepreneurial performance. On the industrial level, the two main assumptions are: munificent of industrial environment have positive effects on micro entrepreneurial performance; uncertainties of industrial environment have negative affect on micro entrepreneurial performance. For the micro-mechanism model, following assumptions are made: social capital of entrepreneur have positive effect on entrepreneurial opportunities recognition; team entrepreneur will have high probability than the individual entrepreneur on entrepreneurial opportunity identification; entrepreneurs’social capital have positive effect on the available of entrepreneurial resources; and the team entrepreneur with a higher probability than the individual entrepreneur; in business start-up phase, the entrepreneur’s social capital have a greater impact on the availability of resources; in business growth stage, social capital for new enterprise have greater impact on the availability of resources, which than have a positive effect on micro entrepreneurial performance
     In empirical research, macro relation model and micro-mechanism model is distinct, according to the levels of entrepreneurial research. In the macro-relational model, data mainly obtained from public statistics, and main principal component analysis, OLS regression and Granger causality test is employed, the data from Liaoning, Jilin and Heilongjiang is support our hypothesis, this means the macro-relational model proposed in this paper and assumptions (conclusions) is correct. In the micro-mechanism model, data is collected by surveys. According to the existing scale, we carried out pre-tested, and finally get an empirical scale with good reliability and validity, structural equation model are used to validate the research hypothesis, as in the macro model, empirical results support the hypothesis of this research.
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