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Network coding has reformed the traditional information processing in communication networks. It has lots of advantages, such as increasing the information transmission rate to the maximum network flow rate, improving the network throughput, saving the bandwidth and balancing load. But, the encoding and decoding operation of the nodes in network coding system will bring overhead to the network. Hence, it will be extremely important to reduce the overhead of the network coding operation and optimize the network coding transmission for promoting the practical application of the network coding. This paper studies on the optimization of the network coding and its application in different field based on the network coding theory and optimization mechanism. The research achievements include:
     Genetic algorithm based network coding optimization. Aiming at the single objective optimization of the network coding, the paper proposes the network coding optimization model. The paper designs the optimization algorithm MCN for minimization of the coding nodes based on simple genetic algorithm. The simulation results show that this algorithm reduces the network coding nodes. Aiming at the multi-objective optimization of the network coding, after considering the encoding overhead and link overhead, this paper proposes multi-objective optimization algorithm MOONC for network coding based on NSGA-II algorithm. The simulation results show that the algorithm can computer the Pareto optimal solution effectively and reduce the network overhead.
     Partial network coding optimization combined with opportunistic routing. The paper proposes the partial network coding optimization algorithm to improve the radio communication energy efficiency and decrease the network coding delays in wireless network. Moreover the energy constraint opportunistic routing protocol PNCOR is also proposed based on the partial network coding after considering the current link status and the energy status of nodes. The simulation results show that the partial network coding has advantages of reducing the network delay and increasing network throughput. It can improve throughput about 22%, delivery rate about 23% and reduce the delay about 25% after combining with the opportunistic routing and improve the transmission performance.
     File distribution strategy based on deterministic network coding. Based on the research background of P2P file distribution system, this paper designs a new kind of network coding file distribution model and algorithm DLNCCD. This model could reduce the complexity of network coding through using the deterministic coding method, when it guarantees the success of encoding and decoding. Meanwhile, this network coding method could be applied to the specific network topology, which could ensure the maximum network coding gain and could solve the linearly related coding block problems brought by topology. The simulation and results show that the throughput of the file distribution system with network coding based on this model can improve about 20% and the average download time can reduce about 20% and improve the file distribution performance.
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