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在整个周期进程中,细胞顺利完成G_2/M期的转换是实现细胞增殖的一个关键步骤。由于细胞自身存在G_2期DNA损伤检验点的监控机制,所以可以保证G_2/M期转换的顺利实现。由于Polo like激酶(Plk1)和p53分别是通过正、负调控机制在G_2/M转换过程发挥重骂的作用,并且有研究表明Plk1可以参与调节p53的活性。因此,本文致力研究Plk1是否可以通过调节p53蛋白参与G_2/M期转换过程的调控。主要结果如下:
During the cell cycle, successful accomplishment of G_2/M transition is a pivotal process to carry out proliferation. Cell itself has the surveillant mechanism at G_2 damage checkpoint, which ensures the successful accomplishment of G_2/M transition. Polo like kinase (Plk1) regulates the G_2/M transition by the positive mechanism while p53 by the negative one. Researches showed that Plk1 paticipated in regulating the activation of p53. So we wanted to find out whether Plkl regulates the G_2/M transition via p53 pathway in this article. Main results are listed below:1. When the synchronized cells released from the G_2 phase, Plkl kinase activity increased. It meant that the cell cycle could transform from G_2 phase to M phase. When those synchronized cells were treated with low dose UV, kinase activity of endogenous Plk1 significantly was down-regulated and its protein level decreased while transactivation of p53 remarkably was up-regulated with its protein level accumulation.2. We comfirmed by immunoprecipitation that Plk1 could physically interact with p53 at the G_2/M transitional phase. The Gal-4 two-hybrid system further indicated that Plk1 directly interacted with the sequence-specific DNA-binding domain of p53. That is to say Plkl might restrain the transactivation of p53 by competitivly binding with the sequence-specific DNA-binding domain of p53. It could be testified by the experiment that over-expression of Plk1 in cultured cells could inhibit the transactivation of p53.3. Over-expression of Plk1 in cultured cells could inhibit the phosphorylation of p53 protein. Over-expression of Plk1 accompanied with Mdm2 could accelerate Mdm2 processing degradation of p53. At the same time, over-expression of Plk1 could inhibit processing nuclear import of p53. These results indicated that Plk1 also leaded to the reduction of stability and transactivation of p53 by inhibiting its phosphorylation, accerating its degradation and preventing its nuclear import.
    4. Plkl and hNRAGE interacted with the different domains of p53 respectively. Plkl negatively mediated the transactivational activity of p53, while the hNRAGE positivly regulated p53 transactivational activity. When they acted together, their influence to p53 counteracted with each other. hNRAGE did not effect the kinase activity of Plkl. So Plkl and hNRAGE might be the two relatively independent cell signals that regulate the activation of p5 3.As a result, in the G2 damage checkpoint pathway, Plkl regulates the stability and transactivation of p53 by binding to the sequence-specific DNA-binding domain of p53, inhibiting its phosphorylation, promoting its degradation and preventing its nuclear importing. Plkl can paticipate in regulating the G2/M transition via p53 pathway through negatively regulating its transactivational activity.
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