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    本文选择浙江省临安市作为研究对象,采用GIS技术手段和APPA(Appreciative Participatory Planning and Action)与PRA(Participatory Rural Appraise)相结合的手段进行数据的采集和资料的收集,并进行了游客调查、专家咨询调查,并对几家旅行社负责人、生态旅游开发商、导游及农户代表进行半结构式访谈和小组访谈。
    针对临安市生态旅游的发展特点主要就以下四个内容进行研究:1)临安市生态旅游发展现状以及发展潜力分析;2)利用GIS技术对临安市的生态旅游资源进行规划,确定临安市的潜在的一、二级生态旅游区;3)以太湖源镇的白沙村和大峡谷镇的上坪村为例,研究当地生态旅游发展中居民参与问题;4)以上坪村为例,进行社区生态旅游CBET(Community-based Eco-tourism)发展的规划设计。主要研究结论如下:
Eco-tourism developed rapidly since 1990s that resulted in the special focus on eco-tourism research. Certain theories have been identified from many researches, but programming and management of the eco-tourism still needed to be emphasized so as to fulfill the object of sustainable development.
    Therefore, this research focuses on 4 aspects as follows: 1) Analyzing current status and potential prospects of eco-tourism development of Lin'an 2) GIS application in identifying the potential Eco-tourism units for Lin'an; 3) A case study on local communities involvement in eco-tourism development in Baisha and Shangping villages; 4) Design for CBET development in Shangping village. Data were collected and proceeded by conducting the methods of PRA, APPA(Appreciative Participatory Planning and Action) and GIS technique. Questionnaire, semi-structure interview and group meeting were adopted to collect information from tourists, tour operators, tour guides, villages and expert.
    It's revealed that
    (1) The major success factors of eco-tourism development in Lin'an are well-protected natural environment, integrated development of Non-timber Forest Products and other ecological industries as well as powerful local political support.
    (2) Lack of a long-term and integrated development strategy and insufficient involvement of local communities are two major containing elements of Lin'an eco-tourism development. It causes extremely-rapid exploitation of scenery spots, homogenous eco-tourism sites and service items, harmful competition, land-used conflicts, short of eco-tourism market monitoring system, insufficient compensation for forest resources, deficiency of environmental education to public, interest conflict between stakeholders and so on.
    (3) It's proved to be a successful decision to develop eco-tourism in Lin'an after analyzing the spatial pattern of landscape. Then, naturalness was determined as the character of ecotourism attraction in Lin'an. An definition of ecotourism that meet Lin'an and its 6 attributes and criteria were determined respectively. At the
    end, with the overlay of the 6 attributes of coverage, 2 types of potential eco-tourism unit coverage were identified.
    (4) At present, gradually-advance and span-progress are 2 major eco-tourism development models in Lin'an. These two development models have the common issue on insufficient community involvement that as follows: participation scale; Program involved; Management ability; Awareness and degree of participation; Relation between stakeholders; Information sharing & training opportunities; Participatory type.
    (5) It's urgent to change the participatory form and improve the involved level of the local communities in eco-tourism development in Lin'an. The local communities member should create a circumstance to get more involvement by extending involve scale, improving the involve patter, enhancing the personal ability and participatory consciousness. At the same time, local tourism authorities and tour operators should establish forum to let local communities involve.
    (6) It's recommend to develop CBET for those communities that own resources as similar as Shangping village's by considering the function of CBET on increasing the participatory level. In order to ensure the success of CBET, at the begging phase, the local government and NGO should give some support to speed the community to self-sufficient. APPA application is another important factor.
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