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Running-in, as a last process in manufacturing of diesel engine, plays a very important role and has a remarkable effect on the reliability and the lifetime of a diesel engine. So the design of a rational running-in program was considered as key process for running-in quality. Presently, most of manufacturers carry out mostly their running-in by way of the experience, what is lack of guidance based on systematic theoretical and experimental study.
    Through some experiments in laboratory, the process of diesel engine's running-in have been simulated and the tribological characters of cylinder/piston ring and shaft neck/bearing have been studied by means of surface roughness analysis, spectrographic analysis and ferrographic analysis of lubricant, surface hardness measure as well as scanning electronic microscope observation. Therefore some conclusions based on the research have been drawn as follow:
    The surface roughness of cylinder reduced as load was increased in a certain range. The appropriate load for cylinder was confirmed as 30MPa~35MPa; The surface quality of bearing after running-in has been better improved when the initial roughness of shaft neck was lower, the suitable load for bearing is about 5MPa~6MPa. At the beginning of running-in, the dynamic transfer and recycling of bearing alloy between bearing and shaft neck are so complicated that these can lead to a result of fluctuation of friction pair's surface quality. The friction speed has a considerable effect on the running-in process of cylinder; increasing friction speed is in favor of the running-in of cylinder. Besides, it is shown that the spectrographic analysis and ferrographic analysis of lubricant can be taken as a judging criterion for the running-in process, synthesizing of both method makes the result more accurate and reliable. Compared to common lubricant, Kangsheng oil makes the friction pair to undertake a larger load and more rapid friction speed, as result, to accelerate running-in process and to make surface quality better.
    The results can be taken as a guidance and reference for the improvement of running-in or design of running-in program.
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