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This dissertation maintains that the renown 20th century British sinologist, Arthur Waley, born an Anglo-Jew, found his spiritual homeland in oriental culture and literature and his cultural identities influence his sinological translation of the Analects. This diachronical and synchronical study applies the modern translation theories of AndréLefevere, ideology, poetics and patronage and the translator’s culture identities’interferences to his translation process.
     Cultural identities played an important role to Waley’s way to be a sinologist. He showed great enthusiasm for the east when he won the opportunity to work in the British Museum. By conforming to the poetics of the Bloomsbury Group and the Ezra Pound - T.S. Eliot poet circle, and by exchanging ideas with the then authority in sinology Herbert A. Giles and also by publishing translations and articles on Chinese culture and literature constantly beginning from 1918, Waley drew much attention and acclaim. These broad academic contributions informed the British readership on China and the east. This diachronically study of Waley’s life and academic experiences explains his attitude toward Confucius and the Analects translation later.
     Translating the Chinese classics marks another stage in Waley’s career. He translated the Confucian Analects which was and is well received in both the West and China among more than 50 different versions that this author has collected. Waley challenged James Legge by criticizing him for his religious ground and relying too much on Zhu Xi’s explanation in translation. What he meant to produce is a translation based on the idea of“one Confucius at a time”. He provided readers with more information about the historical background of the Analects texts than James Legge had done as he believed that“thought grew out of environment”. Waley took the Confucian Analects as an educational book for the common English readers, so he rendered the key term“ren”as“Goodness”. Compared with the other translators’choices for the term this study proves that to turn such a cultural load word into English a compromised method might be a better policy as no well established western concept could substitute for“ren”, though Waley run the risk of familiarizing the Chinese text.
     The study has shown that sinologists’identities in translating the Chinese classics are not only academic but also cultural ones, which intend to rewrite the Chinese culture and re-form the Chinese images in their translations. There are traces of the modified orientalism in sinologists’way of dealing with the Chinese texts as the result of long-time immersing in Chinese culture in their career. In this aspect Waley is a representative of the sinologist group. To examine and analyze the great contributions that Arthur Waley has made to the popularization of Chinese cultural and literary classics from the cross-cultural and media-transtology points of view is the method employed by the author, rather than to evaluate his translations on the linguistic level about“wrong or right”. The case study of Waley’s translation will throw light on the translation of Chinese classics into foreign languages, which means much in the process of making China known to the World.
①Lefevere,André.Translating Literature: Practice and Theory in a Comparative Literature Context. New York: Modern Language Association, 1992, p.6.
    ①Venuti, Lawrence. The Scandals of Translation: Towards an Ethics of Difference, New York: Routledge, 1998, p. 80.
    ②Schleiermacher, Friedrich .“On the Different Methods of Translating, published in 1813, see AndréLefevere, ed, Translation/ History / Culture, Taylor and Francis Books Ltd,. 1992, p149.
    ③按:Arthur Waley在国内的译名不统一,Arthur有“译”“阿瑟”和“亚瑟”的,Waley有“魏理”(南京大学程章灿用)、“韦理”(香港大学钟玲用)、“威利”(深圳大学王辉用)、“韦利”(湖南师大刘重德用),韦利是一种较为普遍的译法。
    ①Bassnett, Susan and AndréLefevere, ed, Translation, History & Culture. London & New York: Pinter Publisher, 1990, p.13.
    ①Bassnett, Susan and AndréLefevere, ed, Translation, History & Culture, p.8.
    ②Bassnett, Susan and AndréLefevere, Constructing Cultures: Essays on Literary Translation, Multilingual Matters Ltd. 1998, p.1.
    ②Spence, Jonathan.“Speaking of Books: The Explorer Who Never left Home”in New York Times, Oct. 18 , 1970, pg. BR2.
    ③Morris, Ivan.“The Genius of Arthur Waley”,in Ivan Morris. ed. Madly singing in the mountain: An Appreciation and Anthology of Arthur Waley, London: George Allen﹠Unwin Ltd, 1970, p76. (同年美国New York: Walker and Company得到该书的版权,因此有伦敦和纽约两个版本)
    ①Randalph, John.“Scanning the Paperback”, Chicago Daily Tribune, Aug 7, 1960,pg C11.
    ②按:瓦尔特·西蒙(Water Simon)在东方研究院工作,韦利在1938年出版论语时,前言中第一个感谢的人。在1967年韦利去世一年后他在伦敦大学东方及非洲研究院年五周年专刊上发布的《韦利讣闻》中对韦利的评价、工作的定性、在知识界的定位。Walter Simon: Obituary, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, Vol.30, No. 1 Fiftieth Anniversary Volume. (1967), pp. 268-271.
    ③按:《亚非研究院学刊》的前身为《东方研究院学刊》,(Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies)
    ④Simon,Walter.“Obituary”, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, Vol.30,No. 1 Fiftieth Anniversary Volume. (1967), pp. 269-270.
    ③Rexroth, Kenneth.“Humanity Made Possible”, NewYork Times, May 26, 1957. Pg. BR4.
    ①Kizer , Carolyn. Cool, calm & collected: poems, 1960-2000, Port Townsend, Wash: copper Canyon Press, 2001.
    ②de Gruchy, John Walter. Orienting Arthur Waley——Japonism, Orientalism, and the Creation of Japanese Literature in English,University of Hawai’i Press, Honolulu, 2003.p.5.
    ③[英]杰米·芒迪:《翻译研究概论:理论与实践》,李德凤等翻译中文版序言第2页,商务印书馆,2007年。(Jeremy Munday, Introducing Translation Studies: Theory and Practice in Preface)杰米·芒迪教授现任教于英国利兹大学University of Leeds现代语言及文化学院。
    ⑤Morris, Ivan.“The Genius of Arthur Waley”,in Ivan Morris ed. Madly Singing in the Mountain: An Appreciation and Anthology of ArthurWaley, p. 67.
    ⑥Candlin, Enid Sanders.“A Luminous Circle of Praise and Wonder”, Christian Science Monitor, July, 14, 1970. pg. 9.
    ①Johns, Francis A.“Manifestations of Arthur Waley: Some Bibliographical and Other Notes“in British Library Journal, 1983, V. 9.2: 171-184.
    ②谭介文:“对James Legge译《论语》中若干译文的看法”,《湘潭大学学报》1992年,第3期。
    ①Steiner, George. After Babel: Aspects of Language and Translation, Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2001, pp. 312-315.
    ②Bassnett, Susan and AndréLefevere, ed. Translation, History & Culture. London & New York: Pinter Publisher, 1990, p.11.
    ①Waley, Arthur.“Introduction to A Hundred and Seventy Chinese Poems”(1962 edition)in Ivan Morris Madly Singing in the Mountain: An Appreciation and Anthology of Arthur Waley. London: George Allen﹠Unwin Ltd, 1970, p.7.
    ②de Gruchy John Walter.Orienting Arthur Waley——Japonism, Orientalism, and the Creation of Japanese Literature in English,University of Hawai’i Press, Honolulu, 2003.p.35.
    ①按:帕特里卡·拉伦斯(P. Laurence)在《丽莉·布瑞斯珂的中国眼睛》(Lily Briscoe’s Chinses Eyes)一书中说“G.L.狄更生在韦利的成功里播下了种子”,见该书468页,万江波、韦晓保、陈荣枝翻译,上海书店出版社,2008年。
    ②de Gruchy, John Walter. Orienting Arthur Waley: Japonism, Orientalism, and the Creation of Japanese Literature in English, pp. 37-39.
    ③Ibid., pp. 39-40.
    ④Waley, Arthur.“Carbonari Ball”,“Change”a poem in Basileon, 1909、6, p.20.
    ⑥玛格丽特H·韦利(Margaret H. Waley,韦利的弟媳)介绍说虽然韦利没有积极参加他们的活动,但是他一直把自己看作政治上的左翼分子。我们从韦利一生的政治态度中可以证实这一点。
    ①Waley, Arthur.“Introduction to A Hundred and Seventy Chinese Poems”(1962 edition)in Ivan Morris Madly Singing in the Mountain: An Appreciation and Anthology of Arthur Waley, p. 131-132
    ②Simon, Walter.“Obituary”, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, Vol.30, No. 1 Fiftieth Anniversary Volume. (1967), pp. 268-271, p. 269.
    ③de Gruchy, John Walter. Orienting Arthur Waley: Japonism, Orientalism, and the Creation of Japanese Literature in English, p. 37.
    ②de Gruchy,John Walter. Orienting Arthur Waley: Japonism, Orientalism, and the Creation of Japanese Literature in English, p.37.
    ④de Gruchy,John Walter. Orienting Arthur Waley: Japonism, Orientalism, and the Creation of Japanese Literature, p. 49.
    ⑤[英]乔治·奥维尔:《通往威冈码头之路》。George Orwell: The Road to Wigan Pier. 1937. Reprint by London: Secker and Warburge. 1986. P121-122.
    ⑦Waley, Arthur.“German outskirts”, The Cambridge Review Vol. 34 ,1915 Feb. 17, p.319.
    ⑧按:A.D. Schloss可能暗指阿瑟·大卫·施劳斯自己。
    ①de Gruchy,John Walter. Orienting Arthur Waley: Japonism, Orientalism, and the Creation of Japanese Literature in English, p.37.
    ①按:理雅各的《中国经典》(Chinese Classics)分28卷,于1861年至1886年间出版,其中1871年《诗经》译本作为《中国经典》的第四卷出版。
    ④按:威廉·琼斯(William Johns, 1746—1794)东方学家,第一位比较语文学家、梵文专家,翻译了《卫风·淇奥》《桃夭》《节南山》的片段,每首诗都分别采用了直译和意译两种方式译成了两种译文。
    ⑤Waley, Arthur.“Introduction to a Hundred and Seventy Chinese Poems”(1962 edition), Ivan Morris ed. Madly singing in the mountain: An Appreciation and Anthology of Arthur Waley, p. 133.
    ⑥该学院成立于1916年,隶属于伦敦大学。原名为School of Oriental Studies,1917年增加了非洲研究部分,因此改名为School of Oriental and African Studies,简称SOAS。
    ⑦Waley, Arthur.“Introduction to a Hundred and Seventy Chinese Poems”(1962 edition), Ivan Morris ed. Madly singing in the mountain: An Appreciation and Anthology of Arthur Waley,, p.134.
     ①Waley, Arthur.“Introduction to A Hundred and Seventy Chinese Poems”(1962 edition) Ivan Morris ed. Madly Singing in the Mountain: An Appreciation and Anthology of Arthur Waley, p.134.
    ③Quennel, Peter.“Literary Letter from London”, in New York Times, Mar 4, 1962. pg. 247.彼得·昆奈尔(Peter Quennell),英国评论家、编辑、传记作家。
    ①Quennel, Peter.“Literary Letter from London”, in New York Times, Mar 4, 1962. p. 247.
    ②Walter Simon:“Obituary”, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, Vol.30,No. 1 Fiftieth Anniversary Volume. 1967, p.269.
    ③de Gruchy, John Walter. Orienting Arthur Waley: Japonism, Orientalism, and the Creation of Japanese Literature in English, p.61.
    ④按:爱德华·摩根·福斯特(Edward Morgan Forster),1879年—1970年,英国小说家、散文家。主要成就是五部小说和一部演说集《印度之旅》(A Passage to India,1924)
    ⑤按:伦纳德·锡德尼·伍尔夫(Leonard Sidney Woolf, 1880-1969)著名的英国政治理论家、作家、出版家、公务员,可能最令其知名的是作为弗吉尼亚,伍尔夫的丈夫。
    ⑥按:林顿·斯特拉奇(Lytton Strachey, 1880-1932),英国传记作家、评论家。
    ⑦按:戈登广场(Gordon Square)在布卢姆斯伯里(bloomsbury),现为伦敦大学的一部分,由于有很多知名人士在这里居住过,因此向公众开放。
    ⑧[美]帕特里卡·拉伦斯(P. Laurence):《丽莉·布瑞斯珂的中国眼睛》(Lily Briscoe’s Chinses Eyes),万江波、韦晓保、陈荣枝翻译,上海书店出版社,2008年第466-170页。
    ⑨按:《丽莉·布瑞斯珂的中国眼睛》(Lily Briscoe’s Chinses Eyes)一书中,作者帕特里卡·拉伦斯(P. Laurence)谈到
    ②Spence, Jonathan.“Speaking of Books: The Explorer Who Never left Home”in New York Times, Oct. 18 , 1970, pg. BR2.
    ③de Gruchy, John Walter. Orienting Arthur Waley: Japonism, Orientalism, and the Creation of Japanese Literature in English, p.153.
    ②Waley, Arthur.“Introduction to A Hundred and Seventy Chinese Poems”(1962 edition). Ivan Morris ed. Madly Singing in the Mountain: An Appreciation and Anthology of Arthur Waley, p.133.
    ①按:罗伊·弗勒(Roy Fuller, 1912-1991),英国作家和诗人。
    ②Morris, Ivan. Arthur Waley in Conversation: BBC interview with Roy Fuller (1963) in Ivan Morris ed. Madly Singing in the Mountain: An Appreciation and Anthology of Arthur Waley London: George Allen﹠Unwin Ltd,.1970,pp. 140-141.
    ③Ibid., p. 145.
    ⑤Arthur Waley in Conversation: BBC interview with Roy Fuller (1963) in Ivan Morris ed. Madly Singing in the Mountain: An Appreciation and Anthology of Arthur Waley, p. 143.
    ①Eliot T.S.“Isolated Superiority”, The Dial, Jan. 1928.
    ②按:杜拉克(Edmund Dulac, 1882-1952),法国插图画家,在20世纪头30年的“插图黄金时代”(The Golden Ages of Illustration)享有盛名。
    ③Johns, Francis A.“Manifestations of Arthur Waley: Some Bibliographical and Other Notes”in British Library Journal, 1983, V. 9.2: 172.
    ④Ibid., p. 174.
    ⑤Arthur Waley in Conversation: BBC interview with Roy Fuller (1963) in Ivan Morris ed. Madly Singing in the Mountain: An Appreciation and Anthology of Arthur Waley, p. 141.
    ①Giles, H.A.“A Poet of the 2nd Cent. B.C.”in The New China Review 2 (Feb. 1920) 1: 25-36.
    ②Giles, H.A.“A Re-translation .”in The New China Review 2 ( Aug. 1920) 4:.320.
    ③Giles, H.A.“A Re-translation .”in The New China Review 2 ( Aug. 1920) 4: 321.
     ①Waley, Arthur.“Notes on the‘Lute-Girl’s Song,”The New China Review 2. December, 1920, 6: 591.
    ①Waley, Arthur.“Notes on Translation,”in Arthur Waley. The Secrete History of the Mongols and Other Pieces, London: George Allen and Unwin Ltd., 1963, pp.181-193.
    ②Waley, Arthur.“Notes On The Lute-Girl’s Song”, in New China Review, pp. 596-597.
    ③按:韦利在这场争论的前后,也多次提及赫伯特·翟里斯的诗歌翻译中的问题,比如关于中国诗歌中的音韵问题,参见Arthur Waley“:Notes on Chinese Prosody”in Ivan Morris Madly Singing in the Mountain: An Appreciation and Anthology of Arthur Waley. London: George Allen﹠Unwin Ltd,. 1970. pp. 284-294.
    ④Waley, Arthur. The Way and Its Power:A Study of the Tao Te Ching and Its Place in Chinese Thought, London: George Allen﹠Unwin Ltd,. 1934, p. 15.
    ①de Gruchy, John Walter. Orienting Arthur Waley——Japonism, Orientalism, and the Creation of Japanese Literature in English, 2003.p. 21.
    ①熊文华:《英国汉学史》,第一页。另见Michael Loewe,The Origins and Growth of Chinese Studies in Bulletin of British Association for Chinese Studies, 1998-1999.
    ②Waley, Arthur.“Introduction to A Hundred and Seventy Chinese Poems(”1962 edition) Ivan Morris ed. Madly Singing in the Mountain: An Appreciation and Anthology of Arthur Waley, p. 136.
    ④Ibid., p. 137.
    ⑤Morris, Ivan. Arthur Waley in Conversation: BBC interview with Roy Fuller (1963) in Ivan Morris ed. Madly Singing in the Mountain: An Appreciation and Anthology of Arthur Waley, p.138
    ⑥Waley, Arthur.“Notes on Chinese Prosody”in Ivan Morris Madly Singing in the Mountain: An Appreciation and Anthology of Arthur Waley, pp. 284-294.
    ①Morris, Ivan. The Genius of Arthur Waley, in Ivan Morris ed. Madly Singing in the Mountain: An Appreciation and Anthology of Arthur Waley, p.68.
    ③参见http:// school.liuxue.net/schoolinfo/school1984.shml, 2008-12-11访问。
    ①Spence, Jonathan.“Speaking of Books: The Explorer Who Never left Home”in New York Times, Oct. 18 , 1970, pg. BR2.
    ③Candlin, Enid Sanders.“A Luminous Circle of Praise and Wonder”Christian Science Monitor July, 14, 1970. pg. 9.
    ④杨志玖:“序言”《马可波罗游记》(英文版)The Travels of Marco Polo, trans, by William Marsden,外语教学与研究出版社,“大师经典文库”系列之一,1998年,第6页。
    ①按:利玛窦(Matteo Ricci ),1582年来华传教。
    ③顾犇:“《论语》在海外的传播”《北京图书馆馆刊》(Journal of the National Library of China),1999年6月号(第2期),第101-106页。该文提及了十多个英译本。
    ④Marshman, Joshua. The Works of Confucius, Containing the Original Text with a Translation. Vol. 1. By J. Marshman. published by Serampore Church ,1809.
    ②为了引起西方人的更多关注,辜鸿铭将该书的英文名定为:Discourses and Sayings of Confucius: A New Special Translation, Illustrated with Quotations from Goethe and Other Writers, translated by Ku Hung-Ming, published by Shanghai: Keely and Walsh Co.,1898.
    ③Ku, Hungming trans., Discourses and Sayings of Confucius: A New Special Translation, Illustrated with Quotations from Goethe and Other Writers, translated by published by Shanghai: Keely and Walsh Co.,1898.p.vii.
    ①Ku, Hung Ming, A.A. ( Edin),The Conduct of Life, or The Universal Order of Confucius, a translation of one of the four Confucian books, hitherto known as the doctrine of the mean, London: John Murray, Albemarle Street, 1906.p.12.
    ①Leys, Simon trans. The Analects of Confucius, New York: W.W. Norton Company, 1997. p. xviii.
    ②Jakobson, Roman. On Linguistic Aspects of Translation, On Translation, (ed.) Brower R. A. Cambridge. Mass: Harvard Univ. Press 1959, pp. 232-239.
    ①[汉]班固:《汉书》,中华书局, 1962年6月,第1717页。
    ②Giles, Lionel.“Introduction”in The sayings of Confucius, introduction and notes, translated by Lionel Giles, London: John Murray Ltd., 1907, p. 13.
    ①“Editorial Note”in The sayings of Confucius, introduction and notes, translated by Lionel Giles, published by London John Murray Ltd., 1907.,P6.
    ②Dawson, Miles Menander trans. The Ethics of Confucius, in 1915. (Published several times with different titles. Eg The Wisdom of Confucius: A Collection of the Ethical Sayings of Confucius and of his Disciples, translated by Miles Menander Dawson, published by Boston International Pocket Library, 1932.“The Conduct of Life: the Basic Thoughts of Confucius”published by New Your: Garden City Publishing Co. in 1941)
    ②Legges, James. The Religions of China: Confucianism and Daoism Described and compared with Christianity, London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1880, p.4.
    ③Ibid. p.149.
    ④Legge, James trans. The Chinese Classics, Vol. I. Hong Kong , 1861, p.109.
    ⑤Jennings, William trans. The Confucian Analects, A Translation with Annotations and Introduction, in Sir John Lubbock’s Hundred Books, published by Hong Kong & London : George Routhdge, 1895.
    ①Giles, Lionel.“Introduction”in The sayings of Confucius, introduction and notes, translated by Lionel Giles, London: John Murray Ltd., 1907, p. 24.
    ②Waley, Arthur, trans. The Confucian Analects, 1938. p44.
    ④[美]帕特里卡·拉伦斯(P. Laurence):《丽莉·布瑞斯珂的中国眼睛》(Lily Briscoe’s Chinses Eyes),万江波、韦晓保、陈荣枝翻译,上海书店出版社,2008年第470页。
    ①Waley, Arthur,“Preface”in The Analects of Confucius, George Allen & Unwin Ltd,1938, P. 184.
    ②Waley ,Arthur.“Preface”in The Secrete History of the Mongols, George Allen and Unwin Ltd, 1964, p. 7.
    ③Ibid. p. 8.
    ④Ivan Morris. The Genius of Arthur Waley, Ivan Morris ed. Madly singing in the mountain: An Appreciation and Anthology of Arthur Waley, p. 69.
    ⑥Waley, Arthur.“Preface”in A Confucian Notebook by Edward Herbert:London: John Murray,Albemarle Street, 1950.
    ①Simon,Walter.“Obituary”, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, Vol.30, No. 1 Fiftieth Anniversary Volume. (1967), pp. 268-271, pp. 269-270.
    ①张荣明:《孔子在中国与世界历史上的十种形象》(张荣明教授在复旦大学的演讲),见中国知网:学术论坛http:// kbs.cnki.net/forums/35266/show thread.aspx, 2009-03-30 visited.
    ①Giles, Lionel, The Sayings of Confucius, A New Translation of the Greater Part of the Confucian Analects, London John Murray Ltd., 1907. p.10-11.
    ③Waley, Arthur.“Introduction”in The Analects of Confucius, George Allen & Unwin Ltd,1938, pp. 13-14.
    ⑤Waley, Arthur.“Introduction”in The Analects of Confucius, George Allen & Unwin Ltd,1938,, p.14.
    ①Ibid., pp. 13-15.
    ②Waley, Arthur.“The Interpretations”in The Analects of Confucius, , George Allen & Unwin Ltd 1938, p. 73-74.
    ③Gardner,Daniel K., Zhu Xi’s Reading of the Analects, New York: Columbia University Press, 2003, p.1.
    ①Waley, Arthur.“The Interpretations”in The Analects of Confucius, translated and annotated by Arthur Waley, New York:
    Macmillan Company, 1938, p. 73-74.
    ①Waley, Arthur.“The Interpretations”in The Analects of Confucius, translated and annotated by Arthur Waley, pp.73-74.
    ②Steiner, George: After Babel: Aspects of Language and Translation, pp. 48-49,274.
    ③Waley, Arthur.,trans. The Analects of Confucius, George Allen & Unwin Ltd, 1938, P. 77.
    ①Chen Xunwu:“A Hermenutical Reading of Confucianism”, Journal of Chinese Philosophy, Vol. 27 No.1 March 2000, pp. 101-115.
    ①Waley, Arthur. Trans. The Analects of Confucius, p. 184.
    ②Simon, Walter.“Obituary”, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, Vol.30, No. 1 Fiftieth Anniversary Volume. (1967), pp. 268-271, p. 269.
    ②李守福:“中西方文化传统的差异、根源及其影响”见http://www.barbier-rd.nom.fr/lishoufuchi.pdf.p2-3. 2009-1-2访问。
    ②Chen Xunwu:“A Hermenutical Reading of Confucianism”(March 2000) 101-115 /2001年2期15-17。
    ①Bassnett,Susan,“Transplanting the Seed: Poetry and Translation”in Susan Bassnett and AndréLefevere ed. Constructing Cultures, p57.
    ①参见Longman Modern English Dictionary, Longman Group Ltd, 1968,p. 1233.
    ②Legge,James, trans. The Chinese Classics, Vol. I, Hong Kong 1861, p.109.
    ①Legge,James. The Religions of China: Confucianism and Daoism Described and Compared with Christianity, London: Hudder and Stoughton, 1880, p. 130.
    ②Giles, Lionel.“Introduction”in The sayings of Confucius, introduction and notes, translated by Lionel Giles, London: John Murray Ltd., 1907. p. 11-12.
    ③Wheelwright, Philip. A Critial Introduction to Ethics, New York: The Odyssey Press, 1935, p.153.
    ①Ku, Hung-Ming:“Preface”in The Discoursed and Sayings of Confucius, Shanghai: Kelly and Walsh, Limited, 1898, pp. vii-viii.
    ④Ku, Hung-Ming.“Preface”in The Discoursed and Sayings of Confucius, Shanghai : Kelly and Walsh, Limited, 1898,p. 104.
    ①按:美国学者安乐哲、罗思文(Roger T.Ames & Henry Rosemon)1998年在纽约出版了《论语:一个哲学译本》(The Analects of Confucius : a philosophical translation)
    ②[美]郝大维、安乐哲(著),何金俐(译):《通过孔子而思》(Thinking through Confucius),北京:北京大学出版社,2005年,第136页。
    ②Lin, Yutang , The Wisdom of Confucius,New York: Random House INC.1938, p.17-18.
    ③Ibid., p.11.
    ⑤Lin, Yutang The Wisdom of Confucius,New York: Random House INC.1938, p.187.
    ②Lin, Yutang , The Wisdom of Confucius,New York: Random House INC.1938, p.17-18.
    ③Ibid., p.11.
    ⑤Lin, Yutang The Wisdom of Confucius,New York: Random House INC.1938, p.187.
    ①Huang,Chichung, The Analects of Confucius, A Literal Translation with an Introduction and Notes, New York - Oxford: Oxford University Press,1997.pp. 16-17.
    ②Hinton,David, trans.Confucius: The Analects, Counterpoint Washington, D.C. 1998, p. 247.
    ③Ibid., p.127.
    ④Cleary,Thomas, trans. The Essential Confucius: The Heart of Confucius’s Teachings in Authentic I Ching Order, A Compendium of Ethical Wisdom, New Jersey: Castle Books, 1992.p.107.
    ⑤John B. Khu et al. The Confucian Bible, Book 1 : Analects, San Juan, Metro Manila, Philippines: Granhill Corp., 1991.p.185.
    ⑥Ibid, p. 20.
    ①Waley, Arthur.“Introduction”in The Analects of Confucius, 1938. p.27.
    ②原文《国风?郑风?叔于田》:叔于田,巷无居人。岂无居人?不如叔也。洵美且仁。叔于狩,巷无饮酒。岂无饮酒?不如叔也。洵美且好。叔适野,巷无服马。岂无服马?不如叔也。洵美且武。见Arthur Waley,“Introduction”in The Analects of Confucius, translated and annotated by Arthur Waley, published by George Allen & Unwin Ltd. 1938.p.27.
    ③Waley, Arthur,“Introduction”in The Analects of Confucius, p.28.
    ①Ibid. p.28.
    ②Ibid. p. 28.
    ③Cleary, Thomas.“Introduction”in The Essential Confucius: The Heart of Confucius’s Teachings in Authentic I Ching Order, A Compendium of Ethical Wisdom, translated and presented by Thomas Cleary, New Jersey: Castle Books, 1998, p. 5.
    ④Leys, Simon. The Analects of Confucius. New York: W.W. Norton Company, 1997. p.27.
    ①Ames Roger T. & Henry Rosemon,Jr. trans.The Analects of Confucius: a philosophical translation. New York: Ballantine Pub Group,1998, p.92.
    ①杨伯峻译注:《论语译注》, 1980年,8页。
    ①柏拉图:《理想国》(英汉对照),英译Robin Waterfield根据牛津大学出版社1993年版本所译,汉译庞燨春,北京:九州出版社,2007年,第161-162页。
    ④参见http://en.Wikipedia, org/wiki/Plato. 2008-03-12访问。
    ②Waley, Arthur trans., The Analects of Confucius, p.225.
    ④按:这是一首讽刺短诗(epigram),是理查德·帕森(Richard Parson)创作于18世纪,讽刺当时德国学习希腊语(古典
    ①Bassnett, Susan & AndréLefevere: Constructing Cultures: Essays on Literary Translation, pp.2-9.
    ②Lawrence, Venuti. The Translator's Invisibility: A History of Translation, New York: Routledge 1995,p.109.
    ③按:韦利对许多章节都作了类似的处理,如(3:16)(4:2)(7: 10) (16: 1) (15: 9) (15: 22) (15: 37) (13: 20) (12: 10) (12: 21)(20:1)(19: 6)(18: 7)等段落。
    ②Morris, Ivan.“The Genius of ArthurWaley”Ivan Morris ed. Madly Singing in the Mountain: An Appreciation and Anthology of Arthur Waley New York: Walker and Company, 1970,p. 71.
    ①Morris, Ivan.“The Genius of ArthurWaley”Ivan Morris ed. Madly Singing in the Mountain: An Appreciation and Anthology of Arthur Waley New York: Walker and Company, 1970,p. 71.
    ②Ibid. p.71.
    ③Waley, Arthur.“Introduction”in The Analects of Confucius, p. 13.
    ①Waley, Arthur. Notes on Translation (1958) in Morris Ivan ed. Madly Singing in the Mountains: London: George Allen and Unwin Ltd. 1970:p. 158.
    ①按:该译本后来的再版采用了不同的书名,1932年版的书名是《孔子的智慧:孔子及其弟子关于伦理言论集》(The Wisdom of Confucius: A Collection of the Ethical Sayings of Confucius and of his Disciples),1941年版的书名是《生活的准则:孔子的基本思想》(The Conduct of Life: the Basic Thoughts of Confucius)。
    ②按:庞德1937年第一版的译本名为《<论语>会通》(Digest of the Analects)。
    ①Venuti, Lawrence.“Translation and Formation of Culture Identities”in Christina Schaffner and Helen Kelly-Holmes (ed) Cultural Functions of Translation, 1996, pp. 9-25.
    ②Derrida, Jacques.“Différence”in Margins of Philosophy, trans. A Bass, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1982.
    ③Venuti, Lawrence. The Translator’s Invisibility: A History of Translation, p. 18.
    ④Ibid., p.15.
    ①孙会军:《普遍与差异》,上海:上海译文出版社,2005. 10,第46页。
    ②Steiner, George. After Babel: Aspects of Language and Translation, p.262.
    ④Waley, Arthur.“Notes on Translation”(1958) in Morris Ivan ed. Madly Singing in the Mountains, p.157.
    ①Ibid., p. 152.
    ③Waley, Arthur.“Notes on Translation”(1958) in Morris Ivan ed. Madly Singing in the Mountains, p. 161.按:事实上林纾的成名作是《巴黎茶花女遗事》。
    ④狄更斯的David Copperfield,林纾用文言体翻译,名为《快肉余生记》,现已有三个白话译本,译者为张谷若、董秋斯、李彭恩,书名按原书名音译为《大卫·科波菲尔》。
    ⑤Waley, Arthur.“Notes on Translation”(1958) in Morris Ivan ed. Madly Singing in the Mountains, p. 161
    ①Waley, Arthur.“Notes on Translation”(1958) in Morris Ivan ed. Madly Singing in the Mountains, p. 162
    ②Ibid., p. 163.
    ⑧Candlin, Enid Sanders.”A Luminous Circle of Praise and Wonder”in Christian Science Monitor, July, 14,1970. pg 9.
    ①钱钟书先生认为称原作的语言为“出发的语言”、译本的语言为“到达的语言”比起英美习称的“来源语言”(source language)和“目标语言”(target language),前者似乎更一气呵成。参见《七缀集》“林纾的翻译”106页注释第⑥。
    ①Waley, Arthur.“Notes on Translation”(1958) in Ivan Morris Madly Singing in the Mountain, p. 156.
    ②Steiner, George. After Babel: Aspects of Language and Translation, p. 18.
    ①Candlin, Enid Sanders.”A Luminous Circle of Praise and Wonder”in Christian Science Monitor, July, 14,1970.
    ⑤Rexroth, Kenneth.“Humanity Made Possible”New York Times, May 26, 1958.
    ①Morris, Ivan.“The Genius of Arthur Waley”, in Ivan Morris ed. Madly Singing in the Mountain: An Appreciation and Anthology of Arthur Waley, p.72.
    ④费乐仁(Lauren Pfister),香港浸会大学宗教与哲学系教授。
    ⑤Pfister, Lauren.“Striving for‘The Whole Duty of Man’: James Legge and the Scottish Protestant Encounter with China”, PeterLong Gmbb, Frankfurt am Main, 2004, Vol. 2. p. 236.
    ③De Gruchy, John Walter. Orienting Arthur Waley: Japonism, Orientalism, and the Creation of Japanese Literature in English, p.54.
    ④Waley, Arthur. The Opium War Through Chinese Eyes. London: George Allen and Unwin Ltd. 1958. p.7.
    ①Morris. Ivan,“The Genius of Arthur Waley”, Madly Singing in the Mountains: An Appreciation and Anthology of Arthur Waley, p. 79.
    ④转引自熊文华:《英国汉学史》,第180页。另见T. H . Barrett, Singular Listless, London : Wellsweep.
    ⑤Waley, Hubert.“Recollections of a Younger Brother”, ed. Ivan Morris. Madly singing in the mountain: An Appreciation and Anthology of Arthur Waley, London: George Allen﹠Unwin Ltd,. 1970, p.127.
    ⑦按:韦利在注释中说明是A. M. Hocart’s The Progress of Man和E.O. James’s Origin of Sacrifice。
    ①Waley, Arthur. The Way and Its Power:A Study of the Tao Te Ching and Its Place in Chinese Thought, London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd. 1934, p. 11.
    ③Morris, Ivan.“The Genius of Arthur Waley”in Morris Ivan ed. Madly Singing in the Mountains, p. .80
    ④Waley, Arthur.“Our Debt to China”, in Asiatic Review, July, 1940, vol.36: 554-557.
    ⑤Ibid., p.554.
    ⑦Waley, Arthur.“Our Debt to China”, in Asiatic Review, July, 1940, vol.36, p.556.
    ①他的学生Carmen Blacker在“礼貌之意”(Intent of Courtesy)一文中有多处描述。见Ivan, Morris.ed., Madly Singing in the Mountains: An Appreciation and Anthology of Arthur Waley, pp. 21-28.
    ②Spence, Jonathan.“Speaking of Books: The Explorer Who Never left Home”in New York Times, Oct. 18 , 1970, pg. BR2.
    ⑤Waley, Arthur, The Life and Time of Po Chu-i. New York:the Macmillan Compsny, 1949, p.23.
    ②Morris, Ivan: The genius of Arthur Waley, in Madly Singing in the Mountains: An Appreciation and Anthology of Arthur Waley, by Ivan Morris(ed.), London: George Allen and Unwin Ltd.1970, pp78-81.
    ⑥Graham, A. G. Poems of the Late T’ang, England, New York, Canada: Penguin Books Ltd.,1965,pp.30-31.
    ①Spence, Jonathan.“Speaking of Books: The Explorer Who Never left Home”in New York Times, Oct. 18 , 1970, pg. BR2.
    ②Morris, Ivan.“The Genius of Arthur Waley”, Morris Ivan ed. Madly Singing in the Mountains, p. 80.
    ③按:狄更生(Goldsworthy Lowes Dickinson),英国著名作家,著有《一个中国人通信》、《一个现代聚餐谈话》(a modern symposium徐志摩在“我所知道的康桥”一文中所译),这两本小册子是徐志摩景仰的。徐志摩在伦敦学习时得到过狄更生的帮助。
    ④按:Chinaman是西方人创造出来指“中国人”一词,其最初的定义并没有冒犯的含义,该词出现在法律文件、文学作品、演讲等形式中。有记录表明,早在19世纪北美把中国人称为“John Chinaman, Jack Chinaman,或者就称Chinaman,后来该词的使用引起争议。如今亚裔美国协会及其他一些团体反对使用这一用语。
    ⑤Spence, Jonathan.“Speaking of Books: The Explorer Who Never left Home”in New York Times, Oct. 18 , 1970, pg. BR2.
    ①Blacker, Carmen.”Intent of Courtesy, in Ivan Morris ed. Madly Singing in the Mountain: An Appreciation and Anthology of Arthur Waley London: George Allen﹠Unwin Ltd,. 1970.,p.26.
    ④参见程章灿博客:http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4aa18c0d010008nb.htm(l家里人看魏理:续三,作于2007-03-06 01:23:36),2008年5月18日访问。
    ②Quennel, Peter.“Literary Letter from London”, in New York Times, Mar 4, 1962. p. 247.
    ①Sitwell, Sacheverell.“Reminiscences of Arthur Waley”, in Ivan Morris ed. Madly Singing in the Mountain: An Appreciation and Anthology of Arthur Waley New York: Walker and Company, 1970,p.105.
    ②Quennel, Peter.“Literary Letter from London”, in New York Times, Mar 4, 1962. pg. 247.
    ③Morris,Ivan.“The Genius of Arthur Waley”in Morris Ivan ed. Madly Singing in the Mountains, p. 73.
    ④Simon, Walter.“Obituary”, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, Vol.30, No. 1 Fiftieth Anniversary Volume. (1967), p.269.
    ①Waley, Arthur.“The Interpretations”in Arthur Waley trans. The Analects of Confucius, New York : Macmillan Company, 1938, pp. 73-74.
    ②Gardner,Daniel K. Zhu Xi’s Reading of the Analects, New York: Columbia University Press, 2003, p.24.
    ②何刚强:“瑕瑜分明,得失可鉴-----从Arthur Waley的译本悟《论语》的英译之道”,《上海翻译》2005年第4期第15页。
    ①Waley, Arthur, trans. The Analects of Confucius, New York : Macmillan Company, 1938, p.120.
    ③Waley, Arthur. The Temple and other poems, London: George Allen and Unwin Ltd. 1923,p.114. (该书由伦敦乔治艾伦昂温出版有限公司与美国诺夫出版社同时出版)
    ⑤Waley, Arthur. The Temple and other poems, London: George Allen and Unwin Ltd. 1923,p. 121.
    ①Waley, Arthur.”The Limitations of Chinese Literature”, Arthur Waley trans. A Hundred And Seventy Chinese Poems, Now York Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. 1919.p.17
    ③Waley, Arthur. Trans.. A Hundred and Seventy Chinese Poems, 1922, p.30.
    ①Waley, Arthur. (tr.). A Hundred and Seventy Chinese Poems, 1922, p.31.
    ②Waley, Arthur. Chinese Poems selected from 170 Chinese Poems, More Translations from the Chinese, The Temple and the Book of Songs, published by London: George Allen and Unwin Ltd. 1946, p5.
    ⑤Waley, Arthur. Chinese Poems selected from 170 Chinese Poems, More Transltions from the Chinese, The Temple and the Book of Songs, published by London: George Allen and Unwin Ltd. 1946.
    ⑥Ibid., p. 5
    ①“BBC interview with Roy Fuller. Arthur Waley in Conversation”in Ivan Morris ed. Madly singing in the mountain: An Appreciation and Anthology of Arthur Waley, London: George Allen﹠UnWin Ltd. p138.
    ②Waley, Arthur.“Introduction to A Hundred and Seventy Chinese Poems”(1962 edition)Ivan Morris ed. pp.131-137.
    ③Lefevere,A. Translation, Rewriting and the Manipulation of Literary Fame, 1992, p. 1.
    ③Benjamin,Walter. "The Task of the Translator: introduction to a Baudelaire translation”1923; translated by Harry Zohn, 1968 in The Translation Studies Reader, ed. Lawrence Venuti, London: Routledge, 2000.
    ⑤Simon, Walter.“Obituary”, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, Vol.30, No. 1 Fiftieth Anniversary Volume. (1967), p.271.
    ②Lefevere,A. Translation, Rewriting and the Manipulation of Literary Fame, 1992.pp. 1-4.
    ①按:“我们的作者韦利”一文是一份很珍贵的资料,作者在上个世纪20年代出就从东西方文化的交流与文学的相互影响上肯定的翻译的作用和价值,遗憾的是本篇从报纸上复印的资料,没有留下作者的署名。Our Writers: Arthur Waley, Christian Science and Monitor, Jun 22, 1921. p. 12.
    ③按:洛伊·福勒(Roy Fuller,1912-1991),英国作家、诗人。1968-1973年间任剑桥大学诗学教授。
    ④“Arthur Waley in Conversation: BBC interview with Roy Fuller”(1963) Ivan Morris ed. Madly Singing in the Mountain: An Appreciation and Anthology of Arthur Waley New York: Walker and Company, 1970, p 138.
    ①Morris, Ivan.“The Genius of Arthur Waley”in Morris Ivan ed. Madly Singing in the Mountains: London: George Allen and Unwin Ltd. 1970, p. 72.
    ②Ibid.,p. 67.
    ⑤Lefevere, André.Translation, Rewriting and the Manipulation of Literary Fame, 1992.p. 16.
    ①Lefevere,André.Translation, Rewriting and the Manipulation of Literary Fame, 1992. p. 15.
    ② J. L. Granmer-Byng,“Editor’s Note”in Edward Herbert: A Confucian Notebook,London: John Murray,Albemarle Street,1950.
    ①Bassnett, Susan and AndréLefevere,“General Editor’s Preface”in AndréLefevere, Translation, Rewriting and the Manipulation of Literary Fame, 1992.p.vii.
    ③Waley, Arthur. The Way and Its Power ---- A Study of the Tao Te Ching and Its Place in Chinese Thought, London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1934, p. 2.
    ①Waley, Arthur. The Way and Its Power ---- A Study of the Tao Te Ching and Its Place in Chinese Thought, London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1934, p. 13.
    ①Waley, Arthur.“Notes on Translation”(1958) in Morris Ivan ed. Madly Singing in the Mountains, p. 164.
    ②Bassnett, Susan. Translation Studies, shanghai Foreign Language Press, 2002.
    ①Lefevere,A. Translation, Rewriting and the Manipulation of Literary Fame, London and New York: Routledge, 1992, p. 9.
    ①Lefevere,A.,“Chinese and Western Thinking on Translation”, Susan Bassnett & AndréLefevere: Constructing Cultures, p .12.
    ①Venuti, Lawrence.“Translation and the Formation of Cultural Identities”, in Christina Schaffner & Helen Kelly-Homes (ed), The Cultual Functions of Translation. Clevedon: Multilingual Metters Ltd., pp9-10.
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