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     1.L_4、L_5神经前支和腰骶干(Lumbosacral Trunk, LST)与骶髂关节的毗邻关系形态学测量,为腰骶丛损伤的临床研究提供解剖学依据。
     1 解剖学研究:福尔马林灌注固定的成年尸体标本20具(男14,女6),共40侧。沿耻骨和髂骨上缘将腹前壁全层切开并向上翻起,显露髂窝和腰大肌以及下段腰椎,然后将髂肌与髂窝锐性分离,切除腰大肌,注意不要损伤神经以及神经与骨盆相连的软组织,且务必使神经处于原来的位置。将骶髂关节充分显露后,将尖端锐利的直径为1mm的克氏针从关节前方插入骶髂关节内作为关节标志点,然后用分规(精确度为1mm)分别在不同平面测量L_4、L_5神经前支和LST外缘与骶髂关节之间的水平距离,以及L_4、L_5、LST宽度与厚度。
     2 三维重建研究:标本1例,按照上述方法显露出神经和骶髂关节前方,将钛粉和粘合剂按比例调和(要求调和后的混合物既不流淌也不粘稠造成涂抹困难),将调和后的混合物均匀的涂抹在L_4、L_5神经前支、腰骶干、闭孔神经以及股神经主干表面(从第四腰椎平面至第二骶骨平面)。神经表面涂抹的混合物固化变干(常温2h)后在螺旋CT(Spiral CT)
    与骸骼关节的距离为(9 .6士3.6)~。②随着玩、L,、LsT向外下方走
    度:(2 .47士0.16)InIn;L;神经厚度:(1 .02士0.97)Inln;⑥LS神经宽度:
    1 Morphological measurements of anterior branches of lumbosacral nerve 4, 5 and lumbosacral trunk, as well as adjacent relationship between nerves and sacroiliac joint, with the aim of providing anatomical evidences for lumbosacral plexus injury in clinic.
    2 On the basis of the technique of three-dimensional reconstruction, three-dimension(3D) graphics of anterior branches of lumbosacral 4, 5 and lumbosacral trunk, as well as pelvis are reconstructed , which can be demonstrated lively, directly and concretely and applied to clinical teaching conveniently.
    [Materials and methods]
    1 Anatomical investigation: 20 adult cadavers fixed and instillated with formaldehyde solution were dissected. In order to expose iliac fossa, psoas major muscles and inferior lumbar vertebraes, anterior wall of abdomen were dissected and turned over upward along superior borders of pubis and iliac bones. Then iliacus muscles were dissected from iliac fossa and psoas major muscles were resected. During these procedure, nerves and soft tissues connected to pelvis should be protected and must make them located originally. When sacroiliac joint was oxposed clearly, a Kirschner-wire was
    inserted into front sacroiliac joint as a landmark. Then horizontal distances between anterior branches of lumbar nerves 4, 5, lumbosacral trunk(LST) and sacroiliac joint were measured with a caliper, as well as that of the width and thickness of nerves.
    2 Three-dimensional reconstruction: After exposing nerves and sacroiliac joints with methods above-mentioned in a specimen, mixture composed of Titanium powder and adhesive was smeared on the surface of nervus major branches of L4, L5, LST , obturator nerves and fermoral nerves. As soon as mixture solidifying, specimen was scanned by spiral computer tomography with 3mm thickness each slide. Finally, 159 two-dimension sectional images were acquired and processed with 3D-DOCTOR. Datas were analysed statistically. [Results]
    1 (1)The distance between the anterior branches of lumbar nerve 5 as it exits from the intervertebral foramen and the sacroiliac joint, the distance between anterior branches of lumbar nerve 4 branch and the sacroiliac joint at the level where the lumbar nerve 5 exits the intervertebral foramen, the distance between the beginning of the LST and the sacroiliac joint , the proximity of the LST to the sacroiliac joint at the promontorium and the proximity of the LST to the sacroiliac joint at the pelvic brim were as follows:
    (23.4+4.0) , (17.8+4.8) , (13.3 + 2.8) , (11.8 + 3.2) and (9.6+3.6) mm. (2)Among these distances, the shortest distance between the nerve and the joint is the one between the LST and the sacroiliac joint at the pelvic brim. (3) During dissection of the nerves, anterior branches of the lumbar nerves 4, 5 and the LST were found to be fixed relatively well to the sacral bone with fibrous connective tissue. (4) Anterior branches of lumbar nerves 4, 5 did not merge into the LST before entering the lesser pelvis separately in 3 cadavers (6 sides), with 15% its occurrence rate.
    2 Three dimension reconstructional investigation: (1)three dimentional images about L4. L5 LST and pelvis can be demonstrated lively, directly and concretely and can be rotated at random.(2)The distances between nerves and
    pelvis, width and depth of nerves measured on the two-dimensional images of spiral CT are: 25.4mm; 18.3mm; 14.5mm; 12.7mm; 9.3mm; 2.63mm; 1.32mm; 6.96mm; 2.84mm; 8.73mm; 2.86mm.All results measured on the two-dimensional images of spiral CT are in accordance with those from measurement. (Conclusions]
    1 To follow anterior branches of L4, L5, LST' migrating lateral and inferior, distance between the nerve and the joint became shorter at different levels. The shortest distance between the nerve and the joint is the one between the LST and the sacroiliac joint at the pelvic brim. Therefore, during the exploration and operation for fracture of posterior pelvic ring with or without injury of nerves nearby, extreme care should be taken to identify the L
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