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The cooperating teachers in junior middle school play essential role in educationpractice, such as improving the student teachers’ abilities that discover, analyze and solvethe teaching problem, giving feedback to student teachers’ teaching, lightening the “realityshocks” that student teachers experience and alleviating the conflict problem between theideal expectation and real disappointment of cooperating teacher.
     In the light of existing studies and theories in the fields of psychology, sociology,pedagogy and management on the mentoring pattern and based on the background ofChinese education practice, mentoring pattern of cooperative teachers in junior middleschool are investigated and analyzed. Afterwards, case study is put into use to explore thementoring procedure and ways of cooperating teachers in order to further describe the rolesand mentoring strategies that cooperating teachers carried on.
     Introduction mainly presents the background of this study, including research purposeand significance, research questions and content, research thoughts and research methods.
     Chapter one, which is the mainly about the literature review, introduces theories,patterns and significance of education practice. History and content of mentor research arereviewed, including the concept of role and mentoring strategy.
     Chapter tow goes into details about the organization of the study, in which the studyframework is proposed after fully analyzing the existing research frameworks of mentoring.Questionnaire survey and case study program are interpreted in details. Moreover,credibility, validity, ethics and limitations are stated.
     Chapter three is a quantitative analysis on cooperating teachers in the base schools ofeducation practice of D university. Cooperating teachers’ mentoring pattern areinvestigated and analyzed.
     Chapter four is a qualitative analysis that particularly describes the role and mentoringstrategies of four typical cooperating teachers in two junior middle schools. Fourcooperating teachers’ roles and mentoring strategies are observed and comparablydescribed by space and time order.
     Chapter five presents the objective and subjective influence factors of cooperatingteachers’ role and strategies from internal and external causes.
     Chapter six is the conclusions. This study finds various characteristics of cooperatingteachers’ role, such as diversity, objectivity, conscious selectivity, multiplicity, practicality, sociality, congruity and uncertainty. On the respect of mentoring strategy, variousmentoring ways, leading position of cooperating teacher, explicit objectives and systematiccontent are highlighted. Furthermore, the shortage of standards for mentoring content andthe absence of evaluation are presented. Regulation, management, ideology and moralityare recognized as three essential elements which can affect the fulfillment of cooperatingteachers’ liabilities and responsibilities.
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