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     针对Web服务QoS属性中主观评价的随意性、模糊性难以实现统一表达, Web服务消费者面对多种信任评价机制、多种评价结果的展现形式时发生服务选择决策错误问题,提出了一种基于用户服务QoS的主客观综合评价策略和算法,解决用户QoS信誉意图或QoS主观量化不确定性和服务QoS信任度的综合评价问题,确保服务QoS的信任度和真实度。针对服务市场中相近、功能相似的服务的数量快速动态增长,经过服务匹配后满足功能需求和流程行为的服务集合仍然很大,同时用户对服务QoS描述往往不确定,服务QoS属性描述也不全面,提出了一种QoS描述不确定性的QoS属性推理算法,使不确定的服务QoS属性信息转化为完整QoS属性信息的描述。针对完全主观、客观赋权模式来确定选择服务权重系数具有较大的局限性。提出了一种主客观理想点综合服务选择匹配模型,自然地克服了单纯使用主观、客观的主观性和片面性,使选择的服务既能正确反映服务质量属性的真实性,又能体现主观的偏好,为选择优质Web服务和过滤劣质Web服务提供客观依据。
With the emergence of service-oriented architecture (SOA),based on internet environment,sharing resources and business application integration for business becoming one of thedevelopment. Large numbers of the Web services makes how to quickly identify customer needs,particularly non-functional needs to become an important issue.
     Current, web service selection, dynamic access, failure recovery based on QoS-aware, whichexist many deficiencies and face many new challenges. Machine learning, user intent uncertaintyQoS service selection and evaluation of service QoS aspects of trust to ensure user access toservices is reliability, availability, and intelligence. So, the research focus on Web serviceselection of machine learning, Web services of QoS-aware,, the user QoS credibility of subjectiveand objective evaluation, failure handling of Web services and decision-making based onmulti-dimensional service quality of service and selection of key techniques to explore and Study.The main work of this thesis include the following:
     (1) SVM machine learning is proposed based on the service selection model
     Web service based on the characteristics of QoS management architecture is proposed basedon support vector machine learning model for Web service selection.On the requester's needs ofservice for QoS, on the QoS model describes to the characteristics of normalized. According tothe registry information, the history information of service selection, combining with the servicerequestor's of the request, entering into the machine learning machine to learn and train, Candidateservices provided by the learning machine set; then selecting the model of the service and serviceperformance according to user preferences and service performance.
     (2) Proposed a QoS uncertainty description of the service service selection model
     Function similar of the services market is dynamic growt, after services to meet thefunctional requirements and the matching process after the act is still a great set of services, whileservice users are often having the uncertain QoS intention.For subjective and objective weightingmodel to determine coefficients of the weight which have greater limitations, proposed the ideal ofsubjective and objective integrated empowerment model, which naturally overcome the simpleusing subjective and objective weight mode of subjectivity and bias surface, so select the service quality of service attributes accurately reflect both the authenticity, but also reflects the subjectivepreferences for the selection of poor quality Web services and Web filtering services provide anobjective basis.Fouce on choice of services of the uncertain of QoS attributes, service QoSproperties is proposed uncertainty evaluation method for Web services selection, using the D-Stheory to evaluate the uncertain attribute of QoS. For the subjective evaluation in Web ServiceQoS properties of the randomness, fuzziness which difficult to be achieve uniformexpression.When the Web consumer in the face of the variety of evaluation mechanisms, thevariety show in the form of evaluation results, the decision-making of the service selection occurerrors.Proposed a evaluated methods of the subjective and objective based on the quality of Webservice,Resolve the Intention of the credibility of the user’s QoS or the uncertainty of subjectiveQoS and the subjective and objective evaluation of the issues of Service QoS. Effectively enhancethe dynamic, open network environment, based on QoS Web service discovery, acquisition andportfolio.
     (3) Proposed a reflective middleware technology based on the service failure detectionrecovery algorithm
     For the failure of service availability problems, we propose a perception model based on QoSCenter Q-WSFM, which using Q-WSFM model of service QoS for service providers and serviceusers, and environmental and computing resources affected by the various QoS Targets fordetection and quantification, and doing necessary coordination and adjustment, making the QoS inthe external environment and internal service can be guaranteed.Improve services for highavailability, the use of reflective middleware technologies and Web services configuration in theuse of reflective middleware QoS to found dynamic changes of the QoS. Adjust the parameters ofconsultation and service configuration or change the contents of service behavior, to improveservice availability to avoid service failure.Hierarchical mixture of experts using a modular neuralnetwork to learn and recognize the services of QoS state, the using of the reflective middlewareconfiguration to achieve server failure, and failure to bind the service under the failure ofresource-constrained processing.
     (4) Proposed a QoS-aware Web services based on Dynamic Smart accessing algorithm
     For the open network which need similar service in a large number of information anddistributed service registry to find and select the desired service, put forward by the similarity calculation which can be replaced for similar services, binding resolution services, and failures hitof the service, according to the service Independent distribution network database is proposed QoSconstraints which based on distributed network database search algorithm.According to characterof the small-world network which’s path is short, aggregation is high, provide structure to the peernetwork which has small world properties, through a group of improved algorithm, based onsmall-world theory of QoS-aware Web Service Selection algorithm.
     The study in this paper has been initially applied in the Jiangsu provincial housing fundapplication platform business system, which has achieved good results In the expression ofdemand-driven and on-demand service, and which has achieved remarkable results in improvingsoftware reuse rate of software productivity, enhancing the integration between systems,eliminating the system islands of information.Which based on this study, HFISS applications canafford a proven and effective support for the data center of province or the National Housing Fundin the information technology management model.The key technology can also be applied tovirtual government and virtual enterprise optimization and integration, e-government ande-commerce systems integration, and which has a good value.
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