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It is vital for the development of enterprises to build effective budgetary style and carry out reasonable budgetary system . It is important symbol of testing enterprise management modernly to carry out OBM effectually or not . Depending on the practical requirement, the author chose the "financial budgetary pattern on the basis of BPR " as his reaserch field for the master degree's thes is. He tries to use the related theories to solve the problems systemically and roundly. He thinks that it is beneficial to handle the relationship between OBM and BPR.He also cites "Financial Monitoring and Controlling in Just-in-time " from Mr. Fu Yuan-Lue in order to adjust and control overall budget . Most of all, he wants to get some breakthroughs in this thesis .
    The whole dissertation consists of seven parts. The first part is the preface of the thesis. It introduces the research background, the specific research fields and the arrangement of the structure in thesis's body. Chapter Two: He expounds the basic theory about fianancial budgetment as follows: the conceptive description about OBM; the shaped process and condition of OBM;the fianancial and theoretical analysis of OBM; the authorized process and method;the relationship between OBM and BPR. Chapter Three: Through the deep analysis of difficulties in carrying out OBM in Chinese I/E enterprises , we can explore the new solution to
    put into effect OBM wonderfully-BPR. Chapter Four: the flag of the
    thesis:He designs the OBM on the basis BPR-the practice from Chinese
    I/E enterprises as follows:Sample analyzing;Planning management pattern,Writing the OBM;Applying "Financial Monitoring and Controlling in J-I-T" to adjust and control OBM; Analyzing, testing and assessing the OBM effect. Chapter Five: BPR on basis of OBM. He poses some suggestions about business process reengineering in order to achieve its budgetary target. Chapter Six: He summarizes some conclusions and suggestions about the master thesis . The last part is the references for the whole thesis.
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