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Trade Facilitation is an inevitable trend of international economic globalization. The development of Trade Facilitation and the reform of international customs management are forming a mutually expediting good interaction relationship. In recent years, Trade Facilitation and the reform of international customs management are in the ascendant both in China and abroad. Meanwhile, with the development of international production and division of work, the producing corporation especially IT corporations of multinational companies are paying more and more attention to the time efficiency of purchase and logistics service. Modern production and management pattern such as "JIT", "Zero Inventory" and "Logistics Globalization" are applying in far-ranging area. Low cost and smooth logistics operation realized by supply chain integration is becoming one of important means of competing advantages of multinational companies. As the country's administration which is responsible for import and export supervision and control, customs is playing a key role in whole international logistics service. The level of customs clearance and supervision has a remarkable influence on the smoothness of international logistics.
     WTO (World Trade Organization) respects the sovereignty of it's members, meanwhile it emphasizes that instead of obstacle to free trade, customs should improve work efficiency to provide better service to middle and small importers and exporters. As China has become the third largest trade country in the world, Customs' task to maintain economic secure and promote the development of foreign trade is heavier and heavier. Not only should China Customs complies with the rules of international customs to improve the level of customs clearance and supervision, but also it needs to take up with optimizing the clearance environment. On one hand, customs has to build new pattern of customs clearance and supervision to customs clearance and supervision to realize the smooth clearance of international logistics and meet the requests of enterprises for competition, on the other hand, it must strengthen customs clearance and supervision to maintain normal order of import and export trade so as to guard the country's economic door better. How to carry out efficient operation under strict supervision and control is an important and urgent question for discussion.
     This paper discusses the development trends of international trade facilitation and reform direction of foreign customs, analyzes the current situation, existing problems of China customs' clearance and supervision operation system and the main inside and outside factors that infect customs clearance and supervision. At last, by using for reference of advanced experience of foreign customs' clearance and supervision management, and taking advantage of Business Process Reengineering theory etc., this paper puts forward the objectives, pattern and solutions for China customs clearance and supervision management pertinently and systematically. In order to get rid of the stale and bring forth the fresh and provide valuable theoretically reference, this paper designs innovative pattern of customs clearance and supervision management through discussing the question of China customs clearance and supervision management theoretically and practically.
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