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     一、乌腺金丝桃正丁醇萃取物能够延长乌头碱、氯化钙诱发的大鼠快速型心律失常的出现时间,缩短心律失常持续时间,与模型组比较差异具有统计学意义, P<0.05。
     三、金丝桃苷能够提高快速型心律失常大鼠心肌细胞膜Na+-K+-ATP酶活力及Ca2+-Mg2+-ATP酶活力,与空白对照组比较,差异具有统计学意义, P<0.05。
     With the rat arrhythmia modelinduced by two methods of aconitineand calcium chloride, researching Hypericum attenuatum Choisy butanol extract belonged to the clusiaceae Hypericum plantdifferent extract parts of anti-tachyarrhythmia role and the material basis. Through research the affection of the separation of the monomer substances on the myocardial membrane Ca+-Mg2+-ATP enzymes and Na+-K+-ATP enzymes, analyzing the possible mechanism against tachyarrhythmia role of the Hypericum attenuatum Choisy.
     1. With the Medlab bio-signal acquisition and processing system,It is on the basis of the automatic samplingcomputer analysis of ECG recording that considering the effect of the Hypericum attenuatum Choisy extract towardsto experimental arrhythmias which caused by the two methods of aconitineand calcium chloride.
     2. According to the Langendorff technique, chromatography, and spectroscopic identification method of modern science and technology, we isolated and identified two kinds of compounds from the effective parts of the Hypericum attenuatum Choisy antiarrhythmic.
     3. Make use of the inorganic phosphorus colorimetric assay to detect the Hypericum attenuatum Choisy antiarrhythmic so that isolation and identification two kinds of compounds on rat myocardial membrane Ca+-Mg+-ATP enzymes and Na+-K+-ATP enzymes.
     1. It is so clear that butanol extraction group of Hypericum attenuatum Choisy were able to extend the time of appearance of the acomitine, calcium chloride induced rat tachyarrhythmia, shorten the arrhythmia duration. In addition, It has a statistically significant difference compared with model group.(P<0.05). Therefrom, butanol group was superior to the ethyl acetate extract group. And the butanol extraction group was better than the ethyl acetate extract group.
     2. We repeated separation and pharmacological experiments butanol from the Hypericum attenuatum Choisy extracts and the two kinds of compounds were separated and identified which are hypericin and hyperoside.
     3. The hyperin can improve tachyarrhythmia rat cardiac membrane Na+-K+-ATP enzymes and Ca2+-Mg2+-ATP enzymes activity which compared with the blank group,the difference was statistically significant.(P<0.05)
     1. It has a significant antagonism to the tachyarrhythmia animal models induced by aconitine and calcium which shows that Hypericum attenuatum Choisy has a good job on it.
     2. Rutin and Hyperoside were the active ingredient to anti-tachyarrhythmia.The former is better which is he basis material to anti-tachyarrhythmia.
     3. Hyperoside that effective compounds isolated from the Hypericum attenuatum Choisy can improve tachyarrhythmia rat cardiac membrane Na+-K+-ATP enzymes and Ca2+-Mg2+-ATP enzymes activity. It is show that the anti-tachyarrhythmia mechanism may regulate with the myocardial membrane Na+-K+-ATP enzymes and Ca2+-Mg2+-ATP enzymes activity. The rutin don't have such pharmacological effects, It may through the cooperation function to the anti-tachyarrhythmia.
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