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1955, the British anthropologist Max Gluckman in his first legalethnography——The Judicial Process among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia,deliberated his attempt in proving that similarities between Barotse customary law inlocal Africa and Western law prevailed when compared with their difference, Which,Two years later, was opposed by the American anthropologist Paul Bohannan in hisJustice and Judgment among the Tiv. He believed that differences reflected appears tobe far more than similarities between the Tiv law of Nigeria and Anglo-American law.Thus he distinguished between folk system and analytical system: Western law is verydeveloped, but it is still a folk system, if we ignore this and use it as analytical system,will inevitably lead to misinterpretation of the research,and thus fall intoethnocentrism. He directed the criticism towards Gluckman, which has given rise totheir debate for over30years since then. This is just called the famousGluckman-Bohannan debate in Anglo-American legal anthropology.
     Apart from reasons arising from of the disposition of two sides, only oneexplanation is capable of accounting for such a long debate: no solution. There werestill issues having been explicitly debated by Gluckman and Bohannan Whethercommonality is superior to differences, or Vice Versa between African local law andWestern law? Whether and how to use the Western legal category to describe andanalyze non-Western legal systems? Whether methods applied by Law are entitled to the study of Anthropology?..., which are the embarrasments that Anglo-Americanlegal anthropology have been facing with no resolution sofar for a century.
     This dissertation is divided into four chapters, of which the first three chaptersaims to introduce the entire process, in accordance with the order of events on thecauses,passage, and finality of the debate; fourth chapter focus on the analysis andsummary on controversy. Specific arrangements are as follows:
     A detailed investigation of the inevitable and causal factors in the first chapter.Cecil Rhodes, the world's top colonial in the19th century, provided a research area forGluckman and Bohannan in order for fieldwork, but also helped them level up into themainstream academic circles of British anthropologist; in addition, Frederick Lugard,the inventor of the the most efficient colonial policy in the first half of20th century,granted a direct motivation, even the value for their research. Apart fromMalinowski’s slight involvment in this issue, this field had not previously haddispute as it used to be. However, new changes had taken place in the academia of1950s: Anglo-American legal anthropology switched itself to humanities, theory ofrelativity of American anthropology culture was gradually perfected, culturaluniversalism appeared with a totally brand new image, structural linguistics wasexerting the effects on anthropology.
     Subjected to the influence of American cultural universalism, plus genious insecond language acquisition, Bohannan launched the debate. He targeted his criticismtowards Gluckman just because the literature by the latter was the first-published legalethnography based on observed cases in this field. Suffered from the his life andcareer, Gluckman, as a South African-born Russian jew, became a radical of racialequality with deep law complex brought by his family. Therefore, universalisticperspective tends to be brought by him to Western legal category. But it is injustice forhim to be criticized by Bohannan, and the latter’s challenge is also somewhat hasty.Above conditions and factors determinied the Gluckman-Bohannan debate occurredin the Anglo-American legal anthropology.
     In accordance with the publication date of the document, Chapter II made aneutral and objective analysis and interpretation on the literature related to the Gluckman-Bohannan debate, and is divided into four stages in accordance with thecontent and its relevance. In the first stage-----their respectively published legalethnography, The Judicial Process among the Barotse manifested itself in originalform of Gluckman’s theories and methods as result of not forseeing the consequentdenouncement while Justice and Judgment among the Tiv reflected the academic idealof the Bohannan in the fieldwork period.as the consequence. The next stage just pullsup the curtain of such debate. From1959to1968, both sides published12literatures,including books, papers, book reviews, and those are designed for specializedpublications.
     The conference of legal anthropology in Austria means the escalation of battle ofwords: they debated fiercely in person, which made this debate focus of theAnglo-American legal anthropology. However, due to a three-year interval betweenthe papers presented and that eventually published, the papers in the conferencerepeatedly referenced by Anglo-American scholars can not truly reflect what is allabout Gluckman-Bohannan debate. The two sides has no intention to cease thedisagreement after the conference. Gluckman made a reflection in the preface ofsecond edition his two classics. He, unfortunately, died two years later. Thus thisdebate became a drama in which Bohannan perform only by himself. In1989,Bohannan has mentioned the dispute for the last time, which indicated the end of thelast stage. Through a comprehensive display of the literature of theGluckman-Bohannan debate, this thesis argues that the dispute should involvecontroversy over similarities and differences between Western law and law ofre-industrial society, and argument on whether and how the Western legal categorycan analyze the law of re-industrial society.
     The third chapter discussed the reasons of the end of the debate. It, in the fisrplace, define time and sign of the end of dispute. Since the1970s, the researchconcentrating on the relationship between the law and society has featured ofAmerican legal anthropology, which means that America has surpassed Britain andbecame the leader in legal anthropology in the English-speaking world. Gluckmanand Bohannan were also affected by this shift. In spite of the continuing of the debate during this period, it is no longer regarded as the focus in the academics, also meaningthe termination of Gluckman-Bohannan debate in the sense of discipline, while thedivarication in the debate has not been resolved. Neither was winner with an impassereached. Dramatically, Gluckman and Bohannan’s debate proved the inferiority ofAnglo-American legal anthropology on resolving the self-expression probles of theWestern law, thus directly contributing to the shift from the rule-centered paradigm tothe processual paradigm in this field.
     The so-called jurisprudence school and non-jurisprudence school are oftenvisible in Chinese literature. Gluckman was the typical representative of the former,while Bohannan was the leader of the latter. But I traced from Professor Lin Duan, theearliest user of those Chinese concepts, to Uwe Wesel, a German scholar who greatlyexaggerated this issue, and to Simon Roberts, a British scholar who never used thetitle though he made four division, finding that there was no antagonism of the twofactions in Anglo-American legal anthropology. Relevant scholars can not be called"school" in the handling of the issue, non-jurisprudence school also did not escapedthe shadow of the Western law.
     After the systematic analysis and comprehensive demonstration of the cause,passage and close of Gluckman-Bohannan debate, the fourth chapter explored theissues of the debate, and split it to into three-layer dilemma. The top one is theepistemological dilemma: how to understand the other law. Although the debate wasin the embryonic stage of the representative crisis of legal anthropology, it reflectedthe eternal problem of general and special. Compared with the debate on theresonableness aroused by religionary anthropology, Gluckman-Bohannan dabate haslittle self-examination on the epistemological consciousness, because the divaricationbetween the two sides focused on puzzlement of methodology that how other laws canbe shown up. There always exist two sharply different perspectives of emic and etic inAnglo-American legal anthropology, which typically embody itself as the debate.Compared with the essential-formal debate in economic anthropology, there are manysimilarities, but it also reflected the vulnerability of legal anthropology in size ofresearch, number of participants and the force.
     Cross or branch? Gluckman-Bohannan debate typically reflected the identitydilemma of Anglo-American legal anthropology. Gluckman tried to tie anthropologywith law in a communicative way. He believed that using the legal method isbeneficial to interdisciplinarity. But it is a legal research only applied byanthropologist on, is a kind of anthropologic law. Since there was no proprietaryresearch methods, it will not be recognized, thus it could not achievedinterdisciplinarity. Bohannan stressed the particularity of anthropology, advocatedanthropological methods, called for a anthropological research by anthropologist onthe law. This is the true meaning of legal anthropolog, but found no method with theuniversal explanatory power, coupled with the lost of research objects, and legalanthropology increasingly marginalized. Compared with the Netherlandish legalanthropology established and succeeded by jurist, two different routes but in the sameresult: did not crossed disciplines.
     In conclusion, this paper cited Sartre's existential perspective on the analysis ofthe other: Due to the emergence of his consciousness, self-consciousness will emerge.The other is a prerequisite for ego. In other words, understanding of the other actuallyopened the angle and depth of people's self-understanding. The author concluded thatself-examination and dilemma on the ontology are the only difference fromGluckman-Bohannan debate to the similar debate in other branch subject. This debatemade reflections on Western law and broke highness of Western law through the studyand discussion of non-Western law. Although seriously obstructed by law, legalanthropology offered another perspective for us to understand the law. However, theother faced by anthropology is not the "relative other", but the "complete other" or"absolute other" called by Levinas. Its character is that the other must not revert totheir identity or the same. This is always the ontological predicament of selfness. Andthis decides that anthropology of which come from the same body (Westernknowledge) with law, can not made a radical self-examination of Western law.
1T. O. Elias, Reviews:Justice and Judgment among the Tiv, The International and Comparative Law Quarterly,Vol.8, No.1,1959, pp.233-234.
    2E. Adamson Hoebel, Three Studies in African Law, Stanford Law Review, Vol.13, No.2,1961, p.433.
    3Victor Ayoub, Review: The Judicial Process in Two African Societies, in Morris Janowitz ed., CommunityPolitical Systems, International Yearbook of Political Behavior Research, Vol.Ⅰ, Free Press,1961, pp.237-250.
    4Max Gluckman, Concepts in the Comparative Study of Tribal Law, in Laura Nader ed., Law in Culture andSociety, Aldine Publish,1969, p.351; Paul Bohannan, Ethnography and Comparison in Legal Anthropology, inLaura Nader ed., Law in Culture and Society, Aldine Publish,1969, pp.406-408.
    5Laura Nader, The Anthropological Study of Law, American Anthropologist, New Series, Vol.67, No.6,1965,pp.3-32.
    1Laura Nader, The Anthropological Study of Law, American Anthropologist, New Series, Vol.67, No.6,1965,p.11.
    2Laura Nader, The Anthropological Study of Law, American Anthropologist, New Series, Vol.67, No.6,1965,p.25.
    3Max Gluckman, The Judicial Process among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia, Manchester University Press,1967, p.376; Max Gluckman, Concepts in the Comparative Study of Tribal Law, in Laura Nader ed., Law inCulture and Society, Aldine Publish,1969, p.351.
    4Laura Nader, Introduction, in Laura Nader ed., Law in Culture and Society, Aldine Publish,1969, p.4.
    56Laura Nader, Introduction, in Laura Nader ed., Law in Culture and Society, Aldine Publish,1969, p.5.Laura Nader, Introduction, in Laura Nader ed., Law in Culture and Society, Aldine Publish,1969, p.5.
    7Sally Falk Moore, Introduction: Comparative Studies, in Laura Nader ed., Law in Culture and Society, AldinePublish,1969, pp.337-348.
    8Sally Falk Moore, Introduction: Comparative Studies, in Laura Nader ed., Law in Culture and Society, AldinePublish,1969, p.340.
    12Sally Falk Moore, Law and Anthropology, Biennial Review of Anthropology, Vol.6,1969, pp.252-300.Sally Falk Moore, Law and Anthropology, Biennial Review of Anthropology, Vol.6,1969, p.265.
    3Sally Falk Moore, Law and Anthropology, Biennial Review of Anthropology, Vol.6,1969, p.267.
    4Richard L. Abel, A Comparative Theory of Dispute Institutions in Society, Law&Society Review, Vol.8, No.2,1974, pp.217-347.
    5Bronislaw Malinowski, Crime and Custom in Savage Society, Greenwood Press,1926.
    1Simon Roberts, Law and the Study of Social Control in Small-Scale Societies, The Modern Law Review, Vol.39,No.6,1976, pp.663-679.
    2罗伯茨认为“原始(Primitive)”、“无文字(Preliterate)”、“前工业(Pre-industrial)”、“部落(Tribal)”等词汇似乎都不太合适,所以使用了“小型社会(Small-Scale Societies)”这个概念,那么小型社会的法律和社会控制实际上也就是法律人类学的研究内容。
    3Simon Roberts, Law and the Study of Social Control in Small-Scale Societies, The Modern Law Review, Vol.39,No.6,1976, p.675.“旷日持久”,罗伯茨使用的英文是“Protracted”,这个单词在英文中还略微带有贬义色彩。
    4Saltman Mickael, The Kipsigis:A Case Study in Changing Customary Law, Transaction Publishers,1977, p.3.
    56P. H. Gulliver ed., Cross-Examinations Essay in Memory of Max Gluckman, E. J. Brill-Leiden,1978.P. H. Gulliver, Process and Decision, in P. H. Gulliver ed., Cross-Examinations Essay in Memory of MaxGluckman, E. J. Brill-Leiden,1978, p.31.
    7Sally Falk Moore, Archaic Law and Modern Times on the Zambezi: Some Thoughts on Max Gluckman’sInterpretation of Barotse Law, in P. H. Gulliver ed., Cross-Examinations Essay in Memory of Max Gluckman, E. J.Brill-Leiden,1978, p.67.
    1Simon Roberts, Do We Need an Anthropology of Law? RAIN, No.25,1978, p.4.
    2Simon Roberts, Order and Dispute: An Introduction to Legal Anthropology, Penguin Books,1979.罗伯茨第一篇论文故意避开“法律人类学”这个概念而使用了“小型社会”,第二篇论文甚至呼吁“我们是否需要法律人类学?”,而现在却出版了一本“法律人类学导论”,由此可见他自创的替代性概念“小型社会”并没有得到多少认同,而第二篇论文的题目似乎也有些“标题党”的嫌疑。
    3John L. Comaroff and Simon Roberts, Rules and Processes: The Cultural Logic of Dispute in an African Context,The University of Chicago Press,1981.
    5John L. Comaroff and Simon Roberts, Rules and Processes: The Cultural Logic of Dispute in an African Context,The University of Chicago Press,1981, p.252.
    6Francis G. Snyder, Anthropology, Dispute Processes and Law: A Critical Introduction, British Journal of Law&Society, Vol.8, No.2,1981, p.157.
    1John M. Conley and William M. O'Barr, Rules versus Relationships: The Ethnography of Legal Discourse,University of Chicago Press,1990.本书是芝加哥大学出版社“语言与法律话语”系列丛书之一。康利和奥巴也是这套系列丛书的主编。中文书评请参见胡鸿保、张晓红:《语言、话语与法律人类学———从<规则与关系———法律话语的民族志>一书谈起》,载《青海民族研究》2010年第1期。
    2John M. Conley and William M. O'Barr, Rules versus Relationships: The Ethnography of Legal Discourse,University of Chicago Press,1990, p.195.
    3John M. Conley and William M. O’Barr, Legal Anthropology Comes Home: A Brief History of the EthnographicStudy of Law, Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review, Vol.27,1993, pp.41-64.“回家”是指法律人类学转而研究本土的法律问题。关于“Comes Home”汉语资料中还有不同的译法,比如北京航空航天大学法学院明辉博士将其翻译为“解读”。但笔者认为结合上下文意思,翻译为“回家”更符合原意。参见明辉:《穿行于法律与人类学之间——西方法律人类学的历史、现状与趋势》,载《比较法研究》2008年第4期,第15页。
    4Peter Just, History, Power, Ideology, and Culture: Current Directions in the Anthropology of Law, Law&Society Review, Vol.26, No.2,1992, p.386.
    5Peter Just, History, Power, Ideology, and Culture: Current Directions in the Anthropology of Law, Law&Society Review, Vol.26, No.2,1992, p.387.
    1Annelise Riles, Representing In-Between: Law, Anthropology, and the Rhetoric of Interdisciplinarity, U. Ill. L.Rev.597,1994.
    2Chris Fuller, Legal Anthropology, Leagl Pluralism and Leagl Thought, Anthropology Today, Vol.10, No.3,1994,p.9.
    3Norbert Rouland, Legal Anthropology, translated by Philippe G. Planel, The Athlone Press,1994.
    5John M. Conley and William M. O'Barr, Just Words:Law, Language, and Power, University of Chicago Press,1998, p.99.
    1John M. Conley and William M. O'Barr, Just Words:Law, Language, and Power, University of Chicago Press,1998, p.98.
    2John M. Conley and William M. O'Barr, Just Words:Law, Language, and Power, University of Chicago Press,1998, p.99,101.
    3Peter Sack, Law, Language, Culture: Verbal Acrobatics and Social Technology,41J. Legal Pluralism&Unofficial L,1998, p.19.
    4Peter Sack, Law, Language, Culture: Verbal Acrobatics and Social Technology,41J. Legal Pluralism&Unofficial L,1998, p.19.
    5Simon Roberts, Against Legal Pluralism: Some Reflections of the Contemporary Enlargement of the LegalDomain,42J. Legal Pluralism&Unofficial L,1998.
    6Sally Falk Moore, Certainties Undone: Fifty Turbulent Years of Legal Anthropology,1949-1999, The Journal ofthe Royal Anthropological Institute, Vol.7,2001, pp.95-116.
    1Wim M.J. van Binsbergen, Introduction: The Dynamics of Power and the Rule of Law in Africa and Beyond,inWim M. J. van Binsbergen ed., The Dynamics of Power and the Rule of Law: Essays on Africa and Beyond;inHonour of Emile Adriaan B. van Rouveroy van Nieuwaal, Lit-Verlag,2003, p.15.
    2派克和哈里斯的争论参见Thomas N. Headland, Kenneth Lee Pike, Marvin Harris ed., Emics and Etics theInsider/Outsider Debate, Sage Publications,1990.这本论文集并没有提到格博之争。
    3John M. Conley and William M. O’Barr, A Classic in Spite of Itself: The Cheyenne Way and the Case Method inLegal Anthropology, Law and Social Inquiry, Vol.29,2004, pp.179-217.
    4Tom Bennett, Customary Law in South Africa, Juta and Company Ltd.,2004, p.8.
    5Tom Bennett, Customary Law in South Africa, Juta and Company Ltd.,2004, p.8.
    6Sally Engle Merry, Transnational Human Rights and Local Activism: Mapping the Middle, AmericanAnthropologist, Vol.108, Issue1, pp.38–51.
    1Sally Engle Merry, Transnational Human Rights and Local Activism: Mapping the Middle, AmericanAnthropologist, Vol.108, Issue1, p.41.
    2Sally Engle Merry, Transnational Human Rights and Local Activism: Mapping the Middle, American
    3Anthropologist, Vol.108, Issue1, p.41.James M. Donovan, Legal Anthropology: An Introduction, Altamira Press,2008.
    4Bergendorff Steen, Contextual Translation--Concepts and Practices Among the Mekeo of Papua New Guinea,Oceania, Vol.79, No.3,2009, p.225.
    5Michele Stephen, A'aisa's Gift. A Study of Magic and the Self, University of California Press,1995; Alan Jones,Mekeo Chiefs and Sorcerers: Metaphor, Ideology and Practice, Oceania, Vol.77, No.3,2007, pp.286-312.
    1John L. Comaroff and Simon Roberts, Rules and Processes: The Cultural Logic of Dispute in an African Context,The University of Chicago Press,1981, p.252.
    3文章最初收录入于澳大利亚哲学家尤金卡缅卡(Eugene Kamenk)夫妇主编的论文集《法律与社会控制》。Martin Krygier, Anthropological Approaches, in Eugene Kamenka and Alice Erh-Soon Tay eds., Law and SocialControl, Edward Arnold,1980, pp.27-59.
    5Klaus Friedrich Koch,Law and Anthropology: Notes on Interdisciplinary Research,in Peter B. Hammond eds.,Cultural and Social anthropology: Introductory Readings in Ethnology, Collier Macmillan Ltd,1975.这篇文章最早以“Law andAnthropology: Thoughts on Interdisciplinary Research”为名发表于Law and Society Review,Vol.4,1969, pp.11-27.
    2Paul Bohannan, The Differing Realms of the Law, in Paul Bohannan ed., Law and Warfare:Studies in theAnthropology of Conflict, The Natural History Press,1967, pp.43-58; Laura Nader, Koch Klaus, Cox Bruce, TheEthnography of Law: A Bibliographic Survey, Current Anthropology, Vol.7, No.3,1966; Laura Nader, TheAnthropological Study of Law, American Anthropologist, New Series, Vol.67, No.6,1965, pp.3-32; Laura Naderand B. Yngvesson, On Studying the Ethnography of Law and Consequences, in John Joseph Honigmann ed., AHandbook of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Rand McNally,1973; Leopold Pospisil, The Attributes of Law, inPaul Bohannan ed., Law and Warfare:Studies in the Anthropology of Conflict, The Natural History Press,1967,pp.25-42; Simon Roberts, Order and Dispute, An Introduction to Legal Anthropology, Penguin Book,Harmondsworth,1979.
    34Uwe Wesel, Fruhformen des Rechts in Vorstaatlichen Gesellschaften, Suhrkamp,1985.R. Schott, Rechtsethnologie, in Hans Fischer Hg. Ethnologie, eine Einführung, Dietrich Reimer Verlag,1983,s.181-203.
    6Leopold Pospisil, The Ethnology of Law, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc.,1972.
    1Max Gluckman, Politics, Law and Ritual in Tribal Society, Oxford Basil Blackwell,1965.
    2John M. Conley and William M. O’Barr, Just Words:Law, Language, and Power, The University of ChicagoPress,1998, p.98.
    3Annelise Riles, Representing In-Between: Law, Anthropology, and the Rhetoric of Interdisciplinarity, U. Ill. L.Rev.597,1994, p.604.
    4Simon Roberts, Do We Need an Anthropology of Law? RAIN, No.25,1978, pp.4,6-7.
    3Paul Bohannan, Justice and Judgment among the Tiv, Waveland Press,1989, p.vii.博安南的原文为“I wasconvinced in1957, and I still am, that filling Tiv data into a model of Western jurisprudence is squeezing parakeetsinto pigeonholes and not a way to go about ethnography.”这里引用的是明辉的译法,参见明辉:《穿行于法律与人类学之间———西方法律人类学的历史、现状及趋势》,载《比较法研究》2008年第4期,第19页。
    1Norbert Rouland, Legal Anthropology, translated by Philippe G. Planel, The Athlone Press,1994, p.86.
    4David Kenneth Fieldhouse, The Colonial Empires, Macmillan,1982, p.373.
    1Norbert Rouland, Legal Anthropology, translated by Philippe G. Planel, The Athlone Press,1994, p.82.
    1Cecil Rhodes, at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cecil_Rhodes, Oct.29,2011.
    2Rhodes Scholarships, at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhodes_Scholarship, Oct.29,2011.
    1Max Gluckman, The Judicial Process among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia, Manchester University Press,1955, p.xix.
    2Raymond Firth, Max Gluckman,1911-1975, Proceedings of the British Academy, Vol.61,1975, p.479.
    6Raymond Firth, Max Gluckman,1911-1975, Proceedings of the British Academy, Vol.61,1975, p.480.
    1Robert Ranulph Marett, at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Marett, Oct.30,2011.
    23Raymond Firth, Max Gluckman,1911-1975, Proceedings of the British Academy, Vol.61,1975, p.480.Thomas H. Maugh, Paul Bohannan, athttp://www.latimes.com/news/science/la-me-bohannan2aug02,1,1578759.story?coll=la-news-science,Oct.30,2011.
    4Laura Bohannan, Shakespeare in the Bush: An American Anthropologist Set Out to Study the Tiv of West Africaand was Taught the True Meaning of Hamlet, Natural History, Vol.66,1966, pp.28-33.
    1Laura Bohannan, at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laura_Bohannan, Oct.31,2011.
    2Paul Bohannan, Africa and Africans, The Natural History Press,1964, perface.
    3Paul Bohannan, Ethnography and Comparison in Legal Anthropology, in Laura Nader ed., Law in Culture andSociety, Aldine Publish,1969, p.406.
    4David Kenneth Fieldhouse, The Colonial Empires, Macmillan,1982, p.249.
    23David Kenneth Fieldhouse, Colonialism1870-1945, Weidenfield and Nicholson,1981, p.31.Frederick Lugard, The Dual Mandate in British Tropical Africa, W. Blackwood and Sons,1922.
    4Frederick John Dealtry Lugard, at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frederick_Lugard,_1st_Baron_Lugard,Nov.1,2011.
    7关于研究院成立的具体情况详细请参见Richard Brown, Passages in the Life of a WhiteAnthropologist: MaxGluckman in Northern Rhodesia, Journal of African History, Vol.20,1979, p.526.
    8为了纪念英国传教士、探险家大卫·利文斯顿(Livingstone David)而得名。位于赞比西河中上游北岸,隔河与津巴布韦相望。赞比亚独立之后,成为南部省省会。
    1Raymond Firth, Max Gluckman,1911-1975, Proceedings of the British Academy, Vol.61,1975, p.480.
    2格卢克曼关于祖鲁兰的第一篇研究论文——《南非的祖鲁王国》收录于埃文斯-普里查德和迈耶福蒂斯主编的《非洲政治制度》,出版于1940年。Max Gluckman, The Kingdom of the Zulu of SouthAfrica in M. Fortesand Evans-Pritchard ed., Africa Political Systems, London,1940, pp.25-55.
    3Godfrey Wilson, at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godfrey_Wilson, Nov.3,2011.
    4Max Gluckman, The Seven Year Research Plan of the Rhodes-Livingstone Institute of Social Studies in BritishCentral Central Africa, Rhodes-Livingstone Institute Journal, Vol.4,1945, p.1.
    1Max Gluckman, The Judicial Process among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia, Manchester University Press,1955, p.xxii.
    2Max Gluckman, The Ideas in Barotse Jurisprudence, Yale University Press,1965, p.xviii.
    1Paul Bohannan, Justice and Judgment Among the Tiv, Oxford University Press,1957, pp.7-14.
    2温纳-格伦人类学研究基金会前身为维京基金(Viking Fund),由瑞典企业家阿克塞尔·温纳-格伦(AxelWenner-Gren)于1941年创建。1951年正式更名为温纳-格伦人类学研究基金会,全力支持人类学研究。1958年至1980年,在奥地利的瓦尔腾贝格召开了几十场人类学会议,其中就包括1966年格卢克曼和博安南曾当面进行过争论的那场国际法律人类学会议。
    3Paul Bohannan, Justice and Judgment among the Tiv, Oxford University Press,1957, p.vii.
    4Tiv, at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiv_people, Nov.4,2011.
    5Pamela J. Johnson: Pioneering Anthropologist was Authority on the Tiv Tribe, athttp://dornsife.usc.edu/news/stories/378/pioneering-anthropologist-was-authority-on-the-tiv-tribe/, Oct.1,2011.
    6Paul Bohannan, Justice and Judgment Among the Tiv, Oxford University Press,1957, p.8.
    1Paul Bohannan, Justice and Judgment Among the Tiv, Oxford University Press,1957, pp.v-vi.
    2Paul Bohannan, Justice and Judgment Among the Tiv, Oxford University Press,1957, p.vi.
    3Paul Bohannan, Concepts of Time among the Tiv of Nigeria, Southwestern Journal of Anthropology, Vol.9, No.3,1953, p.251.
    4Laura Bohannan and Paul Bohannan, The Tiv of Central Nigeria, International African Institute,1953.
    5Fabian Johannes, Time and Other:How Anthropology Makes its Object, Columbia University Press,1983, p.25.
    2Paul Bohannan, Justice and Judgment Among the Tiv, Oxford University Press,1957, p.14.
    3Laura Nader, Koch Klaus and Bruce Cox, The Ethnography of Law: A Bibliographic Survey, CurrentAnthropology, Vol.7, No.3,1966, pp.267-294.
    1这份文献目录的入选标准包括:1、专业人类学家关于法律的实证田野研究;2、某些地区尚属空白,而传教士和当地官员的研究确实非常优秀;3、法学家和法官的作品;4、旅行报告和见闻;5、少数哲学家的研究。Laura Nader, Koch Klaus and Bruce Cox, The Ethnography of Law: A Bibliographic Survey, CurrentAnthropology,1966, Vol.7, No.3, p.267.
    2Polo de Ondegardo, Report, in Narratives of the Rites and Laws of the Incas, translated by Clements R.Markham, London,1837, pp.150-171. from Laura Nader, Koch Klaus and Bruce Cox, The Ethnography of Law: ABibliographic Survey, Current Anthropology, Vol.7, No.3,1966, p.288.
    3比如,Simon Roberts, Law and the Study of Social Control in Small-Scale Societies, The Modern Law Review,Vol.39, No.6,1976, p.663; Francis G. Snyder, Anthropology, Dispute Processes and Law: A Critical Introduction,British Journal of Law&Society, Vol.8, No.2,1981, p.142; John M. Conley and William M. O’Barr, LegalAnthropology Comes Home: A Brief History of the Ethnographic Study of Law, Loyola of Los Angeles LawReview, Vol.27,1993, p.43.
    4Simon Roberts, Law and the Study of Social Control in Small-Scale Societies, The Modern Law Review, Vol.39,No.6,1976, p.663.
    5John M. Conley and William M. O’Barr, Legal Anthropology Comes Home: A Brief History of the EthnographicStudy of Law, Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review, Vol.27,1993, p.44.康利和奥巴还特别指出“摩尔根却是最早的试图系统性的了解人类文化差异性的学者”。但摩尔根的《古代社会》一般不认为是一部法律人类学的作品。
    12Laura Nader, The Anthropological Study of Law, American Anthropologist, New Series, Vol.67, No.6,1965, p.3.Roy Franklin Barton, Ifugao law, University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology,Vol.15,1919, pp.1-180.
    3A. L. Kroeber, Roy Franklin Barton,1883-1947, American Anthropologist, Vol.51,1949, p.91.
    4Sally Falk Moore, Law and Anthropology, Biennial Review of Anthropology, Vol.6,1969, p.256.
    5Annelise Riles, Representing In-Between: Law,Anthropology, and the Rhetoric of Interdisciplinarity, U. Ill. L.Rev.597,1994, p.603.
    6Simon Roberts, Law and the Study of Social Control in Small-Scale Societies, The Modern Law Review, Vol.39,No.6,1976, p.673.在随后的几篇文章中,罗伯茨所提出的“两种研究模式”在表述和标准上都有所变化,但不管采取什么划分方式,罗伯茨总是把马林诺夫斯基置于后一种研究套路,即关于秩序的更为宽泛的研究、秩序和纠纷的研究、过程主义范式。Simon Roberts, Do We Need anAnthropology of Law? RAIN, No.25,1978,p.7; Simon Roberts, Order and Dispute: An Introduction to Legal Anthropology, Penguin Books,1979, pp.198-199;John L. Comaroff and Simon Roberts, Rules and Processes: The Cultural Logic of Dispute in an African Context,The University of Chicago Press,1981, p.11.
    7Francis G. Snyder, Anthropology, Dispute Processes and Law: A Critical Introduction, British Journal of Law&Society, Vol.8,1981, p.142.
    8John M. Conley and William M. O’Barr, Legal Anthropology Comes Home: A Brief History of the EthnographicStudy of Law, Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review, Vol.27,1993, p.46.
    1Francis G. Snyder, Anthropology, Dispute Processes and Law: A Critical Introduction, British Journal of Law&
    2Society, Vol.8,1981, p.142.Richard L. Abel, A Comparative Theory of Dispute Institutions in Society, Law&Society Review, Vol.8, No.2,1984, p.305.
    5Simon Roberts, Order and Dispute: An Introduction to Legal Anthropology, Penguin Books,1979, p.12.
    2Richard L. Abel, A Comparative Theory of Dispute Institutions in Society, Law&Society Review, Vol.8, No.2,1974, p.224.
    3关于马林诺夫斯基就法律概念的讨论请参见A. Richards, The Concept of Culture in Malinqwski’s Work andSchapera, Malinowski’s Theories of Law, in Raymond Firth ed., Man and Culture: An Evaluation of the Work ofBronislaw Malinowiki, Routledge&K. Paul,1957, pp.15-31,139-155.
    1Bronislaw Malinowski, at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bronis%C5%82aw_Malinowski, Nov.5,2011.
    2Bronislaw Malinowski, A Diary in the Strict Sense of the Term, Harcourt, Brace&World,1967.
    1Isaac Schapera, at http://archives.lse.ac.uk/Record.aspx?src=CalmView.Catalog&id=SCHAPERA, Nov.5,2011.
    23Isaac Schapera, Handbook of Tswana Law and Custom, Oxford University Press,1938.Sally Falk Moore, Law and Anthropology, Biennial Review of Anthropology, Vol.6,1969, p.261.
    4Simon Roberts, Law and the Study of Social Control in Small-Scale Societies, The Modern Law Review, Vol.39,No.6,1976, p.668.
    5James M. Donovan, Legal Anthropology: An Introduction, Altamira Press,2008, p.165.
    6Isaac Schapera, Handbook of Tswana Law and Custom, Oxford University Press,1938, p.x.
    1William Twining, Law and Anthropology: A Case Study in Inter-Disciplinary Collaboration, Law&SocietyReview, Vol.7, No.4,1973, p.563.
    2William Twining, Law and Anthropology: A Case Study in Inter-Disciplinary Collaboration, Law&Society
    3Review, Vol.7, No.4,1973, pp.563-564.William Twining, Law and Anthropology: A Case Study in Inter-Disciplinary Collaboration, Law&SocietyReview, Vol.7, No.4,1973, p.563.
    4“那个夏末,卢埃林和他的妻子——一位经济学家,用十天时间参加了霍贝尔在蒙大拿州的考察——那是他在夏延度过的全部时间。”参见John M. Conley and Willian M. O‘Barr,AClassic In Spirit of Itself:TheCheyenne Way and the Case Method in Legal Anthropology, Law and Social Inquiry, Vol.29,2004, p.186.
    5William Twining, Law and Anthropology: A Case Study in Inter-Disciplinary Collaboration, Law&SocietyReview, Vol.7, No.4,1973, p.564.
    6Francis G. Snyder, Anthropology, Dispute Processes and Law: A Critical Introduction, British Journal of Law&Society, Vol.8,1981, p143.7P. H. Gulliver, Introduction for Case Studies of Law in Non-Western Societies, in Laura Nader ed., Law inCulture and Society, University of California Press,1969, p.11.
    8Laura Nader, The Anthropological Study of Law, American Anthropologist New Series, Vol.67, No.6,1965,p.10.
    1William Twining, Karl Llewellyn and the Realist Movement, Weidenfeld and Nicolson,1973, p.178.
    2不过,霍贝尔本人对此却持不同意见。据与霍贝尔就这一问题进行过私人交流的威廉·特文宁介绍,“一些学者认为‘民俗’概念和‘分析’概念对于比较法而言缺一不可,从而可以解决这个问题,霍贝尔就是其中之一。霍贝尔承认在《夏延人的方式》中,他和卢埃林因为对他们的语言习惯和民俗概念没有给予足够的关注而导致他们错过了夏延人法律行为中的一些微妙的意义,但这并不代表他们忽视了当地人的内部视角。”William Twining, A Post-Westphalian Conception of Law, Law&Society Review, Vol.37, No.1,2003,p.229.
    3William Twining, Karl Llewellyn and the Realist Movement, Weidenfeld and Nicolson,1973, p.145.
    3“Ethnography is the Laboratory of Social Science”。参见Malinowski Bronislaw, The Present State of Studies inCulture Contact: Some Comments on an American Approach, Africa Ⅻ,1939, p.27.不过美国人类学家埃尔曼·瑟维斯(Elman Service)认为相比于拉德克里夫-布朗,马林诺夫斯基应属于人文科学观的支持者。参
    4E. E. Evans-Pritchard, Social Anthropology: Past and Present, Marett Lecture(1950), in Essays in SocialAnthropology, Faber and Faber,1962, p.26.
    3Franz Boas, The Mind of Primitive Man,Macmillan,1938, pp.196-197.
    1William Fielding Ogburn and Alexander Goldenweiser ed., The Social Sciences, Houghton Mifflin Company,1927, p.51.
    4Melville Jean Herskovits, Man and His Works: The Science of Cultural Anthropology, Knopf,1948, p.76.
    2Kenneth Lee Pike, Language in Relation to a Unified Theory of the Structure of Human Behaviour, PartⅠ,Summer Institute of Linguistics,1954, p.42.
    4Annelise Riles, Representing In-Between: Law, Anthropology, and the Rhetoric of Interdisciplinarity, U. Ill. L.Rev.597,1994, p.604.
    1Paul Bohannan,at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Bohannan, Nov.10,2011.
    2Thomas H. Maugh, Paul Bohannan,87; USC Anthropologist Researched Nigerian Culture and AmericanDivorce, at http://www.latimes.com/news/science/la-me-bohannan2aug02,1,1578759.story?coll=la-news-science,Nov.10,2011.
    1Paul Bohannan, at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Bohannan, Nov.10,2011.
    2Herskovits Prize, at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herskovitz_Prize, Nov.10,2011.
    3Paul Bohannan, Justice and Judgment among the Tiv, Waveland Press,1957, p.xxi.
    4John M. Conley and William M. O'Barr, Just Words; Law, Language, and Power, University of Chicago Press,1998, p.102.
    1Paul Bohannan, Justice and Judgment among the Tiv, Waveland Press,1989, p.vii.
    2Paul Bohannan, Social Anthropology, Holt, Rinehart and Winston,1963, p.42.
    3Tom Bennett, Customary Law in South Africa, Juta and Company Ltd.,2004, p.8.
    1Paul Bohannan, Justice and Judgment among the Tiv, Oxford University Press,1957, p.vi.
    2关于博安南在语言问题上的观点,还可以参见他于1955年至1958年在《美国人类学家》杂志上与其他几位学者之间的争论。Paula Brown, Review: Tiv Farm and Settlement,American Anthropologist, New Series,Vol.57, No.6,1955, pp.1321-1322; Paul Bohannan, On the Use of Native Language Categories in Ethnology,American Anthropologist, New Series, Vol.58, No.3,1956, p.557; Ralph L. Beals, Native Terms andAnthropological Methods, American Anthropologist, New Series, Vol.59, No.4,1957, pp.716-717; Paul Bohannan,On Anthropologists' Use of Language, American Anthropologist, New Series, Vol.60, No.1,1958, pp.161-163;Douglas Taylor, On Anthropologists'Use of Linguistics, American Anthropologist, New Series, Vol.60, No.5,1958,pp.940-941; Paul Bohannan, On Anthropologists' Use of Linguistics: Rejoinder, American Anthropologist, NewSeries, Vol.60, No.5,1958, pp.941-942.
    3James N. D. Anderson, Islamic Law in Africa, Colonial Research Publication,1954.安德森(1908-1994),英国传教士,阿拉伯学研究者。
    1Arnold Leonard Epstein, Juridical Techniques and The Judicial Process: A Study in African Customary Law,Manchester University Press,1954.爱泼斯坦(1924-1999),英国人类学家,格卢克曼在利文斯顿研究院的同事,曼城学派又一代表学者。
    2Paul Philip Howell, A Manual of Nuer Law: Being an Account of Customary Law, its Evolution andDevelopment in the Courts Established by the Sudan Government, Negro Universities Press,1954.豪厄尔
    3Max Gluckman, The Judicial Process among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia, Manchester University Press,1967, p.368.
    4参见[英] A.R.拉德克利夫-布朗:《原始社会的结构和功能》,潘蛟、王贤海、刘文远、知寒译,中央民族大学出版社1999年版,第237页。
    5Peter Sack, Law, Language, Culture: Verbal Acrobatics and Social Technology,41J. Legal Pluralism&Unofficial L,1998, p.20.
    6Paul Philip Howell, A Manual of Nuer Law: Being an Account of Customary Law, its Evolution andDevelopment in the Courts Established by the Sudan Government, Negro Universities Press,1954, p.225.
    1Max Gluckman, The Judicial Process among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia, Manchester University Press,1967, p.400.
    2A. S. Diamond, Review: The Law of Primitive Man-A Study in Comparative Legal Dynamics and The JudicialProcess among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia, The International and Comparative Law Quarterly, Vol.5, No.4,1956, p.624.
    3Joan Vincent, Anthropology and Politics: Visions, Traditions, and Trends, University of Arizona Press,1990,4p.307.Robert M. Hayden, Review: Rules, Processes,and Interpretations: Geertz, Comaroff, and Roberts, American BarFoundation Research Journal, Vol.9, No.2,1984, pp.469-470; Chris Fuller, Legal Anthropology, Leagl Pluralismand Leagl Thought, Anthropology Today, Vol.10, No.3,1994, p.9.
    5Laura Nader and Harry F. Todd ed., The Disputing Process: Law in Ten Societies, Columbia University Press,1978, p.5.
    1E. Adamson Hoebel, Review: The Judicial Process among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia, The University ofChicago Law Review, Vol.23, No.3,1956, p.546.关于格卢克曼较之霍贝尔的突破,还可以参见James G. March,Sociological Jurisprudence Revisited, A Review (More or Less) of Max Gluckman, Stanford Law Review, Vol.8,No.3,1956, pp.500-502.
    2Francis G. Snyder, Anthropology, Dispute Processes and Law: A Critical Introduction, British Journal of Law&Society, Vol.8,1981, p.143.这种开创性评价,还可以参见A. L. Goodhart, Foreword, in Max Gluckman, TheJudicial Process among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia, Manchester University Press,1955, p.xiv; E. AdamsonHoebel, Review: The Judicial Process among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia, The University of Chicago LawReview, Vol.23, No.3,1956, p.546; Sally Falk Moore, Law and Anthropology, Biennial Review of Anthropology,
    3Vol.6,1969, p.263.Sally Falk Moore, Certainties Undone: Fifty Turbulent Years of Legal Anthropology,1949-1999, The Journal ofthe Royal Anthropological Institute, Vol.7,2001, p.97.
    4Sally Falk Moore, Certainties Undone: Fifty Turbulent Years of Legal Anthropology,1949-1999, The Journal ofthe Royal Anthropological Institute, Vol.7,2001, p.97.
    5Paul Bohannan, Africa and Africans, The Natural History Press,1964, perface.
    1Sally Falk Moore, Certainties Undone: Fifty Turbulent Years of Legal Anthropology,1949-1999, The Journal ofthe Royal Anthropological Institute, Vol.7,2001, p.98.
    3Richard Brown, Passages in the Life of a White Anthropologist: Max Gluckman in Northern Rhodesia, Journalof African History, Vol.20,1979, p.527.这篇文章详细介绍了格卢克曼从1939年11月成为助理人类学者到1941年4月担任院长的这段时间前前后后所发生的一系列事件。
    4Raymond Firth, Max Gluckman,1911-1975, Proceedings of the British Academy, Vol.61,1975, p.482.
    1Richard Brown, Passages in the Life of a White Anthropologist: Max Gluckman in Northern Rhodesia, Journalof African History, Vol.20,1979, p.528.
    4格卢克曼与马克思主义的关系请参见Raymond Firth, Max Gluckman,1911-1975, Proceedings of the BritishAcademy, Vol.61,1975, pp.493-494;夏希原:《马克斯·格卢克曼的社会人类学》,中央民族大学硕士学位论文,2010年,第77-79页。
    5Sally Falk Moore, Archaic Law and Modern Times on the Zambezi: Some Thoughts on Max Gluckman’sInterpretation of Barotse Law, in P. H. Gulliver ed., Cross-Examinations Essay in Memory of Max Gluckman, E. J.Brill-Leiden,1978, p.56.
    1Peter Just, History, Power, Ideology, and Culture: Current Directions in the Anthropology of Law, Law&Society Review, Vol.26, No.2,1992, p.387; Richard L. Abel, A Comparative Theory of Dispute Institutions inSociety, Law&Society Review, Vol.8, No.2,1974, p.304.再次强调,埃布尔没有标识科利尔发表这一观点的出处,估计来自于他与科利尔的私人交流。
    2Victor Turne, Schism and Continuity in an African Society: A study of Ndembu Village Life, Manchester
    3University Press,1957, pp.xxxii-xxxiii.John L. Comaroff and Simon Roberts, Rules and Processes: The Cultural Logic of Dispute in an African Context,The University of Chicago Press,1981, p.253.
    4John L. Comaroff and Simon Roberts, Rules and Processes: The Cultural Logic of Dispute in an African Context,The University of Chicago Press,1981, pp.252-253.
    5Adam Kuper, Anthropologists and Anthropology: The British School1922-1972, Penguin,1973, p.184.
    1Max Gluckman, The Judicial Process among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia, Manchester University Press,1955, p.xix.
    2Max Gluckman, The Judicial Process among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia, Manchester University Press,31955, p.xix.William Seagle, The Quest for Law, A. A. Knopf,1941.
    4Julius Stone, The Province and Function of Law: Law as Logic, Justice and Social Control, A Study inJurisprudence, Associated General Publications Pty.ltd.,1946.
    5Max Gluckman, The Ideas in Barotse Jurisprudence, Yale University Press,1965, p.xix
    6William Seagle, Primitive law and Professor Malinowski, American Anthropologist, Vol.39,1937, pp.275-290.
    1E. Adamson Hoebel, Review: The Quest for Law, American Anthropologist, Vol.44,1942, pp,141-143.
    4Simon Roberts, Against Legal Pluralism: Some Reflections of the Contemporary Enlargement of the LegalDomain,42J. Legal Pluralism&Unofficial L.95,1998, p.103.
    5Peter Sack, Law, Language, Culture: Verbal Acrobatics and Social Technology,41J. Legal Pluralism&Unofficial L,1998, p.19.
    1Southern Bantoid, at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_Bantoid, Nov.12,2011.
    2Sally Falk Moore, Law and Anthropology, Biennial Review of Anthropology, Vol.6,1969, p.265.
    3Sally Falk Moore, Law and Anthropology, Biennial Review of Anthropology, Vol.6,1969, pp.263-265.
    4Max Gluckman, The Judicial Process among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia, Manchester University Press,1955, p.xx.
    1Max Gluckman, The Ideas in Barotse Jurisprudence, Yale University Press,1965.
    2Max Gluckman, Natural Justice in Africa, Natural Law Forum, Vol.9,1964, pp.25-44.
    1Max Gluckman, The Judicial Process among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia, Manchester University Press,1955, p.xxii.
    3Max Gluckman, The Judicial Process among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia, Manchester University Press,1955, p.xxi.
    4A. L. Goodhart, Foreword, in Max Gluckman, The Judicial Process among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia,Manchester University Press,1955, p.xiv.
    1A. L. Goodhart, Foreword, in Max Gluckman, The Judicial Process among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia,Manchester University Press,1955, p.xvii.
    2Sally Falk Moore, Certainties Undone: Fifty Turbulent Years of Legal Anthropology,1949-1999, The Journal ofthe Royal Anthropological Institute, Vol.7,2001, pp.98-99.
    3Max Gluckman, The Judicial Process among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia, Manchester University Press,1955, p.xix.
    1Max Gluckman, The Judicial Process among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia, Manchester University Press,1955, p.xix.
    2Max Gluckman, The Judicial Process among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia, Manchester University Press,1955, p.xx.
    3Max Gluckman, The Judicial Process among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia, Manchester University Press,1955, p.xix.
    1Max Gluckman, The Judicial Process among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia, Manchester University Press,1955, p.xx.
    2Max Gluckman, The Judicial Process among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia, Manchester University Press,1955, p.xx.
    5Max Gluckman, The Judicial Process among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia, Manchester University Press,1955, p.xxi.
    1Max Gluckman, The Judicial Process among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia, Manchester University Press,1955, p.33.
    2Max Gluckman, The Judicial Process among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia, Manchester University Press,1955, pp.226-227.
    3Max Gluckman, The Judicial Process among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia, Manchester University Press,1955, p.229.
    1Max Gluckman, The Judicial Process among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia, Manchester University Press,1955, p.230.
    2E. Adamson Hoebel, Three Studies in African Law, Stanford Law Review, Vol.13, No.2,1961, p.434.
    2John M. Conley and William M. O’Barr, A Classic in Spite of Itself: The Cheyenne Way and the Case Method inLegal Anthropology, Law and Social Inquiry, Vol.29,2004, p.210.
    3Max Gluckman, The Judicial Process among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia, Manchester University Press,1955, p.83.
    1Max Gluckman, Order and Rebellion in tribal Africa, The Free Press of Glencoe,1963, p.178.1955年春,凭借着去年的良好口碑,格卢克曼再次得到了第三节目频道的邀请,为听众奉献了六场讲座,题目分别为:“领地的和平”、“权威的弱点”、“家庭的不和”、“巫术的逻辑”、“仪式的放纵”、“种族歧视的限制”。而后,六篇讲稿原封不动地被冠以“非洲的习惯和冲突”,由英国布莱克威尔出版社于1956年出版。这本著作基本上没有涉及法律内容,但通过题目却可以看出,格卢克曼对非洲社会的“法律”和“习惯”进行了区分。
    2Max Gluckman, The Reasonbale Man in Barotse Law:(Ⅰ)The Case of the Violent Councillor, Journal ofAfrican Administration, Vol.7,1955, pp.51-55; Max Gluckman, The Reasonbale Man in Barotse Law:(Ⅱ)TheCase of the Eloping Wife, Journal of African Administration, Vol.7,1955, pp.127-131; Max Gluckman, TheReasonbale Man in Barotse Law:(Ⅲ)The Case of the“Dog-in-the-Manger”Headman, Journal of AfricanAdministration, Vol.8,1955, pp.101-105; Max Gluckman, The Reasonbale Man in Barotse Law:(Ⅳ)The Case ofthe Disprespectful Councillor, Journal of African Administration, Vol.8,1955, pp.151-156.
    3Max Gluckman, Order and Rebellion in Tribal Africa, The Free Press of Glencoe,1963Chapter Ⅶ.
    4Laura Nader, Koch Klaus and Bruce Cox, The Ethnography of Law: A Bibliographic Survey, CurrentAnthropology, Vol.7, No.3,1966, p.272.
    1Max Gluckman, The Judicial Process among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia, Manchester University Press,21955, p.357.James G. March, Sociological Jurisprudence Revisited, A Review (More or Less) of Max Gluckman, StanfordLaw Review, Vol.8, No.3,1956, p.510.
    3Max Gluckman, In Reply, Stanford Law Review, Vol.8, No.4,1956, p.768.
    4Max Gluckman, The Judicial Process among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia, Manchester University Press,1955, p.224.
    1Sally Falk Moore, Certainties Undone: Fifty Turbulent Years of Legal Anthropology,1949-1999, The Journal ofthe Royal Anthropological Institute, Vol.7,2001, p.98.
    2Max Gluckman, The Judicial Process among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia, Manchester University Press,1955, pp.25-29.
    3Paul Bohannan, Justice and Judgment among the Tiv, Oxford University Press,1957, p.vi.
    1Paul Bohannan, Justice and Judgment among the Tiv, Oxford University Press,1957, p.v.
    2Paul Bohannan, Justice and Judgment among the Tiv, Oxford University Press,1957, p.4.
    3Richard L. Abel, A Comparative Theory of Dispute Institutions in Society, Law&Society Review, Vol.8, No.2,1874, p.304.
    1Paul Bohannan, Justice and Judgment among the Tiv, Oxford University Press,1957, pp.4-5.
    1Paul Bohannan, Justice and Judgment among the Tiv, Oxford University Press,1957, p.5.
    2Paul Bohannan, Justice and Judgment among the Tiv, Oxford University Press,1957, p.5.
    3Paul Bohannan, Justice and Judgment Among the Tiv, Oxford University Press,1957, p.14.
    4Samuel Enoch Stumpf, Review:The Judicial Process among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia, Harvard LawReview, Vol.69, No.4,1956, pp.780-787.
    5A. S. Diamond, Review: The Law of Primitive Man-A Study in Comparative Legal Dynamics and The JudicialProcess among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia, The International and Comparative Law Quarterly, Vol.5, No.4,1956, pp.624-628; J. N. D. Anderson, Review of the Judical Process among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia, TheModern Law Review,1955, pp.643-644; S. F. Nadel, Reason and Unreason in African Law, Africa: Journal of theInternational African Institute, Vol.26, No.2,1956, pp.160-173.
    6E. Adamson Hoebel, Review: The Judicial Process among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia, The University ofChicago Law Review, Vol.23, No.3,1956, pp.546-549; T. H. Marshall, Gluckman on the Judicial Process of theBarotse, The British Journal of Sociology, Vol.6, No.4,1955, pp.369-373.
    1Ethel M. Albert, Review: The Judicial Process among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia, AmericanAnthropologist, Vol.61,1959, pp.318-319.
    2James G. March, Sociological Jurisprudence Revisited, A Review (More or Less) of Max Gluckman, StanfordLaw Review, Vol.8, No.3,1956, pp.499-534.
    3Paul Bohannan, Justice and Judgment among the Tiv, Oxford University Press,1957, pp.5-6.
    2Paul Bohannan, Justice and Judgment among the Tiv, Oxford University Press,1957, pp.215-217.原文并无表格。
    3Paul Bohannan, Justice and Judgment among the Tiv, Oxford University Press,1957, p.215.
    1Paul Bohannan, Justice and Judgment among the Tiv, Oxford University Press,1957, p.2.
    3Paul Bohannan, Justice and Judgment among the Tiv, Oxford University Press,1957, p.2.
    1Paul Bohannan, Justice and Judgment among the Tiv, Oxford University Press,1957, pp.2-3.
    1Paul Bohannan, Justice and Judgment among the Tiv, Oxford University Press,1957, p.7.
    2Paul Bohannan, Justice and Judgment among the Tiv, Oxford University Press,1957, p.7-8.
    1Sally Falk Moore, Comparative Studies, in Laura Nader ed., Law in Culture and Society, Aldine Publish,1969,p.341.
    1Paul Bohannan, Justice and Judgment among the Tiv, Oxford University Press,1957, p.19.
    2T. O. Elias, Book Reviews:Judgment and Justice among the Tiv, The International and Comparative LawQuarterly, Vol.8, No.1,1959, p.234.
    1Paul Bohannan, Justice and Judgment among the Tiv, Oxford University Press,1957, p.vi.
    2John M. Conley and William M. O’Barr, A Classic in Spite of Itself: The Cheyenne Way and the Case Method inLegal Anthropology, Law and Social Inquiry, Vol.29,2004, p.208.
    3John M. Conley and William M. O’Barr, Legal Anthropology Comes Home: A Brief History of the EthnographicStudy of Law, Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review, Vol.27,1993, pp.51-54.
    1Paul Bohannan, Justice and Judgment among the Tiv, Oxford University Press,1957, p.45.
    2Paul Bohannan, Justice and Judgment among the Tiv, Oxford University Press,1957, p.85.
    3John M. Conley and William M. O’Barr, Legal Anthropology Comes Home: A Brief History of the EthnographicStudy of Law, Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review, Vol.27,1993, p.52.
    1Paul Bohannan, Justice and Judgment among the Tiv, Oxford University Press,1957, p.45.
    2John M. Conley and William M. O’Barr, Legal Anthropology Comes Home: A Brief History of the EthnographicStudy of Law, Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review, Vol.27,1993, p.53.
    3T. O. Elias, Book Reviews:Judgment and Justice among the Tiv, The International and Comparative LawQuarterly, Vol.8, No.1,1959, p.233.
    4Paul Bohannan, Justice and Judgment among the Tiv, Oxford University Press,1957, p.8.
    1T. O. Elias, Book Reviews:Judgment and Justice among the Tiv, The International and Comparative LawQuarterly, Vol.8, No.1,1959, p.234.
    2Paul Bohannan, Gregory Bateson, David E. Hansen, Sidney Morgenbesser, Anthropological Theories, Science,New Series, Vol.129, No.3345,1959, pp.292+294+296+298+347-348.
    3Sidney Morgenbesser, Role and Status of Anthropological Theories, Science, Vol.128,1958, p.285.
    4Paul Bohannan, Anthropological Theories, Science, New Series, Vol.129, No.3345,1959, p.292.
    1Paul Bohannan, Anthropological Theories, Science, New Series, Vol.129, No.3345,1959, p.292.
    2Paul Bohannan, Anthropological Theories, Science, New Series, Vol.129, No.3345,1959, p.292.
    1James M. Donovan, Legal Anthropology: An Introduction, Altamira Press,2008, p.166.
    2Paul Bohannan, Anthropological Theories, Science, New Series, Vol.129, No.3345,1959, p.292.
    1Paul Bohannan, Anthropological Theories, Science, New Series, Vol.129, No.3345,1959, p.294.
    2Paul Bohannan, Anthropological Theories, Science, New Series, Vol.129, No.3345,1959, p.294.
    1Paul Bohannan, Anthropological Theories, Science, New Series, Vol.129, No.3345,1959, p.294.
    1Stanley Diamond ed., Culture in History: Essays in Honor of Paul Radin, Columbia University Press,1960.
    2Max Gluckman, The Technical Vocabulary of Barotse Jurisprudence, American Anthropologist, New Series,Vol.61, No.5, Part1,1959, pp.743-759.
    1Max Gluckman, The Technical Vocabulary of Barotse Jurisprudence, American Anthropologist, New Series,Vol.61, No.5, Part1,1959, p.754.
    2Max Gluckman, The Technical Vocabulary of Barotse Jurisprudence, American Anthropologist, New Series,Vol.61, No.5, Part1,1959, p.754.
    1Max Gluckman, The Technical Vocabulary of Barotse Jurisprudence, American Anthropologist, New Series,Vol.61, No.5, Part1,1959, p.755.
    2Paul Bohannan, Justice and Judgment among the Tiv, Oxford University Press,1957, p.212.
    3Max Gluckman, The Technical Vocabulary of Barotse Jurisprudence,American Anthropologist, New Series,Vol.61, No.5, Part1,1959, p.755.
    1Max Gluckman, The Technical Vocabulary of Barotse Jurisprudence,American Anthropologist, New Series,Vol.61, No.5, Part1,1959, p.755.
    2Max Gluckman, The Technical Vocabulary of Barotse Jurisprudence, American Anthropologist, New Series,Vol.61, No.5, Part1,1959, pp.758-759.
    3Max Gluckman, The Technical Vocabulary of Barotse Jurisprudence, American Anthropologist, New Series,Vol.61, No.5, Part1,1959, p.759.
    4穆尔认为格卢克曼的“身份”在使用上更接近于拉德克里夫·布朗的“社会地位”。参见Sally FalkMoore, Archaic Law and Modern Times on the Zambezi: Some Thoughts on Max Gluckman’s Interpretation of
    1Max Gluckman, African Jurisprudence,Advancement of Science, Vol.18,1961, pp.439-454.
    2Paul Bohannan, Justice and Judgment among the Tiv, Oxford University Press,1957, p.69.
    3Max Gluckman, African Jurisprudence, Advancement of Science, Vol.18,1961, p.446.
    4Max Gluckman, African Jurisprudence, Advancement of Science, Vol.18,1961, p.448.
    1Max Gluckman, African Jurisprudence, Advancement of Science, Vol.18,1961, p.445.
    2Max Gluckman, African Jurisprudence, Advancement of Science, Vol.18,1961, p.442
    3Max Gluckman, African Jurisprudence, Advancement of Science, Vol.18,1961, p.444-446.
    1Max Gluckman, African Jurisprudence, Advancement of Science, Vol.18,1961, p.453.
    2Max Gluckman, Natural Justice in Africa, Natural Law Forum, Vol.9,1964, pp.25-44.
    3Max Gluckman, Natural Justice in Africa, Natural Law Forum, Vol.9,1964, p.25.
    4Paul Bohannan, Justice and Judgment among the Tiv, Oxford University Press,1957, p.50.
    1Max Gluckman, Natural Justice in Africa, Natural Law Forum, Vol.9,1964, pp.42-43.
    2Max Gluckman, Natural Justice in Africa, Natural Law Forum, Vol.9,1964, p.43.
    3Max Gluckman, Natural Justice in Africa, Natural Law Forum, Vol.9,1964, p.43.
    2Max Gluckman, The Ideas in Barotse Jurisprudence, Yale University Press,1965, p.xv.
    3Max Gluckman, The Ideas in Barotse Jurisprudence, Yale University Press,1965, p.xiii.
    4Max Gluckman, The Ideas in Barotse Jurisprudence, Yale University Press,1965, p.xv.
    1Max Gluckman, The Ideas in Barotse Jurisprudence, Yale University Press,1965, p.xvii.
    2Annelise Riles, Representing In-Between:Law, Anthropology, and the Rhetoric of Interdisciplinarity, U. Ill. L.Rev.597,1994, p.638.
    3Max Gluckman, The Ideas in Barotse Jurisprudence, Yale University Press,1965, p.xvi.
    4Max Gluckman, The Ideas in Barotse Jurisprudence, Yale University Press,1965, p.xvi.
    12Max Gluckman, The Ideas in Barotse Jurisprudence, Yale University Press,1965, pp.251-265.Max Gluckman, The Ideas in Barotse Jurisprudence, Yale University Press,1965, p.251.
    3Max Gluckman, The Ideas in Barotse Jurisprudence, Yale University Press,1965, p.251.
    4Paul Bohannan, Justice and Judgment among the Tiv, Oxford University Press,1957, p.69.
    5Max Gluckman, The Ideas in Barotse Jurisprudence, Yale University Press,1965, p.251.
    6Max Gluckman, The Ideas in Barotse Jurisprudence, Yale University Press,1965, p.252.
    1Paul Bohannan, Justice and Judgment among the Tiv, Oxford University Press,1957, pp.119-120.
    2Max Gluckman, The Ideas in Barotse Jurisprudence, Yale University Press,1965, p.253.
    3Max Gluckman, The Ideas in Barotse Jurisprudence, Yale University Press,1965, p.254.
    1Max Gluckman, The Ideas in Barotse Jurisprudence, Yale University Press,1965, p.254.
    2Max Gluckman, The Ideas in Barotse Jurisprudence, Yale University Press,1965, p.254.
    3Max Gluckman, African Jurisprudence, Advancement of Science, Vol.18,1961, p.453.
    1Max Gluckman, The Ideas in Barotse Jurisprudence, Yale University Press,1965, p.254.
    2Paul Bohannan, Anthropological Theories,Science, New Series, Vol.129, No.3345,1959, p.294.
    3Paul Bohannan, Justice and Judgment among the Tiv, Oxford University Press,1957, p.212.
    4Max Gluckman, The Ideas in Barotse Jurisprudence, Yale University Press,1965, p.257.
    5Paul Bohannan, Justice and Judgment among the Tiv, Oxford University Press,1957, p.212.
    1Max Gluckman, The Ideas in Barotse Jurisprudence, Yale University Press,1965, p.257.
    2Max Gluckman, The Ideas in Barotse Jurisprudence, Yale University Press,1965, p.257.
    3Max Gluckman, The Ideas in Barotse Jurisprudence, Yale University Press,1965, p.259.
    5Max Gluckman, The Ideas in Barotse Jurisprudence, Yale University Press,1965, p.261.
    6Max Gluckman, The Ideas in Barotse Jurisprudence, Yale University Press,1965, pp.262-263.
    1Max Gluckman, The Ideas in Barotse Jurisprudence, Yale University Press,1965, p.265.
    2Max Gluckman, Reasonableness and Responsibility in the Law of Segmentary Societies, in Hilda Kuper and LeoKuper ed., African law: Adaptation and Development, University Califonia Press,1965, pp.120-146.
    1Max Gluckman, Reasonableness and Responsibility in the Law of Segmentary Societies, in Hilda Kuper and LeoKuper ed., African law: Adaptation and Development, University Califonia Press,1965, p.142.
    2Max Gluckman, The Judicial Process among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia, Manchester University Press,1973, p.xxix.
    3Max Gluckman, Reasonableness and Responsibility in the Law of Segmentary Societies, in Hilda Kuper and LeoKuper ed., African law: Adaptation and Development, University Califonia Press,1965, p.143.
    4Max Gluckman, Reasonableness and Responsibility in the Law of Segmentary Societies, in Hilda Kuper and LeoKuper ed., African law: Adaptation and Development, University Califonia Press,1965, p.143.
    1Max Gluckman, Politics, Law and Ritual in Tribal Society, Basil Blackwell,1965.对该书的中文解读参见夏希原:《马克斯·格卢克曼的社会人类学》,中央民族大学硕士学位论文,2010年,第五章,第56-64页。赵旭东:《部落社会中的政治、法律与仪式》,载《民俗研究》1999年第4期。
    2Max Gluckman, Politics, Law and Ritual in Tribal Society, Basil Blackwell,1965, pp.169-215.
    3Max Gluckman, Politics, Law and Ritual in Tribal Society, Basil Blackwell,1965, p.xxii.
    4Max Gluckman, Politics, Law and Ritual in Tribal Society, Basil Blackwell,1965, p.183.
    12Max Gluckman, Politics, Law and Ritual in Tribal Society, Basil Blackwell,1965, p.184..Raymond Firth, Max Gluckman,1911-1975, Proceedings of the British Academy, Vol.61,1975, p.494.
    3Paul Bohannan ed., African Homicide and Suicide, Princeton University Press,1960.
    4Paul Bohannan and George Dalton ed., Markets in Africa: Aight Subsistence Economies, NorthwesternUniversity Press,1962.
    5Paul Bohannan, Social anthropology, Holt, Rinehart and Winston,1963.
    1Paul Bohannan, Africa and Africans, Garden City, Natural History Press,1964.
    2Paul Bohannan, Anthropology and the Law, in Sol Tax ed., Horizons of Anthropology, Aldine Pub. Co,1964.
    3Laura Nader, The Anthropological Study of Law, American Anthropologist, New Series, Vol.67, No.6,1965,p.25.
    4Paul Bohannan, The Differing Realms of the Law, American Anthropologist, New Series, Vol.67, No.6,1965,pp.33-42.
    5Simon Roberts, Order and Dispute: An Introduction to Legal Anthropology, Penguin Books,1979, p.196.
    6Paul Bohannan, The Differing Realms of the Law,American Anthropologist, Vol.67, No.6,1965, p.35.
    1Paul Bohannan, The Differing Realms of the Law, American Anthropologist, Vol.67, No.6,1965, pp.35-36.
    2Paul Bohannan, The Differing Realms of the Law,American Anthropologist, Vol.67, No.6,1965, p.38.
    3Paul Bohannan, The Differing Realms of the Law, American Anthropologist, Vol.67, No.6,1965, p.38.
    1Paul Bohannan, The Differing Realms of the Law, American Anthropologist, Vol.67, No.6,1965, p.41.
    2Paul Bohannan, The Differing Realms of the Law, American Anthropologist, Vol.67, No.6,1965, p.42.
    3Paul Bohannan, Justice and Judgment among the Tiv, Oxford University Press,1957, p.v.
    1Max Gluckman, The Judicial Process among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia, Manchester University Press,1967, p.xxiv.
    2Max Gluckman, The Judicial Process among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia, Manchester University Press,1967, p.376.
    1Max Gluckman, The Judicial Process among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia, Manchester University Press,1967, p.380.
    2Victor Ayoub, Review: The Judicial Process in Two African Societies, in Morris Janowitz ed., CommunityPolitical Systems, International Yearbook of Political Behavior Research, Vol.Ⅰ, Free Press,1961, p.248.
    3Max Gluckman, The Judicial Process among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia, Manchester University Press,1967, p.381.
    4Max Gluckman, The Judicial Process among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia, Manchester University Press,1967, p.381.
    5Max Gluckman, The Judicial Process among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia, Manchester University Press,1967, p.381.
    6Max Gluckman, The Judicial Process among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia, Manchester University Press,1967, p.381.
    1Max Gluckman, The Judicial Process among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia, Manchester University Press,1967, p.404..
    1Max Gluckman, The Judicial Process among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia, Manchester University Press,1967, p.404.
    2Paul Bohannan, Review: The Ideas in Barotse Jurisprudence, Kroeber Anthropogical Papers, Vol.36,1967,pp.94-101.
    3Paul Bohannan, Review: The Ideas in Barotse Jurisprudence, Kroeber Anthropogical Papers, Vol.36,1967, p.95.
    1弗朗兹贝尔曼斯坦纳(1909-1952),捷克民族学家、评论家、诗人。二战期间,拜在埃文斯·普里查德门下学习人类学,1949年成为牛津大学社会人类学讲师。在其求学以及任教期间,对博安南产生了一定的影响。Franz Baermann Steiner,at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franz_Baermann_Steiner, Sep.12,2011.
    2Paul Bohannan, Review: The Ideas in Barotse Jurisprudence, Kroeber Anthropogical Papers, Vol.36,1967, p.96.
    3Paul Bohannan, Review: The Ideas in Barotse Jurisprudence, Kroeber Anthropogical Papers, Vol.36,1967, p.96.
    4Paul Bohannan, Review: The Ideas in Barotse Jurisprudence, Kroeber Anthropogical Papers, Vol.36,1967, p.97.
    1《世界文化大纲》是美国人类学家乔治·皮特·默多克(George Peter Murdock)的代表作,出版于1963年。
    2弗雷德里克·拉塞尔·埃根(Frederick Russell Eggan),美国人类学家,以英国社会人类学的方法研究美国的土著部落而闻名。
    3沃德·古迪纳夫(Ward H. Goodenough),美国人类学家,乔治·皮特·默多克的学生,在亲属制度、语言人类学等领域有着突出的成就。
    4Paul Bohannan, Review: The Ideas in Barotse Jurisprudence, Kroeber Anthropogical Papers, Vol.36,1967,pp.97-98.
    1Paul Bohannan, Review: The Ideas in Barotse Jurisprudence,Kroeber Anthropogical Papers, Vol.36,1967, p.99.
    2博安南认为“假设”(Postulates)是由霍贝尔在《原始人的法》中首次将其引入法律人类学的话语之中。Paul Bohannan, Review: The Ideas in Barotse Jurisprudence, Kroeber Anthropogical Papers, Vol.36,1967, p.99.
    3Max Gluckman, The Judicial Process among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia, Manchester University Press,1955, p.327.博安南将这段表述的页码错误地标记为“第318页”,不知何故。
    4Paul Bohannan, Review: The Ideas in Barotse Jurisprudence, Kroeber Anthropogical Papers, Vol.36,1967, p.99.
    1Paul Bohannan, Review: The Ideas in Barotse Jurisprudence, Kroeber Anthropogical Papers, Vol.36,1967,pp.99-100.
    1Max Gluckman, The Judicial Process among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia, Manchester University Press,1955, p.33.
    2Paul Bohannan, Review: The Ideas in Barotse Jurisprudence, Kroeber Anthropogical Papers, Vol.36,1967,p.100.
    1Paul Bohannan, Law and legal Institutions, in David L. Sills ed., International Encyclopaedia of the SocialSciences, Vol.9,1968, pp.73-78.中文编译本参见[美]保罗·博安南:《法律与法律制度》(原江译),[英]马林诺夫斯基著:《原始社会的犯罪与习俗》,法律出版社2007年版,第119-131页。
    2Paul Bohannan, Justice and Judgment Among the Tiv, Waveland press,1968.
    3Paul Bohannan, Justice and Judgment Among the Tiv, Waveland Press,1968, p.xv.
    4Paul Bohannan, Justice and Judgment Among the Tiv, Waveland Press,1968, p.xv-xvi.
    1Paul Bohannan, Justice and Judgment Among the Tiv, Waveland Press,1968, p.xvi.
    2Paul Bohannan, Justice and Judgment Among the Tiv, Waveland Press,1968, p.xvi.
    3Paul Bohannan, Justice and Judgment Among the Tiv, Waveland Press,1968, p.xvii.
    1Paul Bohannan, Justice and Judgment Among the Tiv, Waveland Press,1968, p.xviii.
    2Max Gluckman ed., Ideas and Procedures in African Customary Law, Oxford University Press,1969.
    3A. N. Allot, A. L. Epstein and Max Gluckman, Introduction, in Max Gluckman ed., Ideas and Procedures inAfrican Customary Law, Oxford University Press,1969, p.20.
    1Laura Nader ed., Law in Culture and Society, Aldine Publish,1969.
    2Max Gluckman, Concepts in the Concepts in Comparative Study of Tribal Law, in Laura Nader ed., Law inCulture and Society, Aldine Publish,1969, pp.349-373.
    3Paul Bohannan, Ethnography and Comparison in Legal Anthropology, in Laura Nader ed., Law in Culture and
    4Society, Aldine Publish,1969, pp.401-418.Laura Nader, Preface, in Laura Nader ed., Law in Culture and Society, Aldine Publish,1969, p.ix; Sally FalkMoore,Introduction: Comparative Studies, in Laura Nader ed., Law in Culture and Society, Aldine Publish,1969,p.340.
    5Laura Nader, The Anthropological Study of Law, American Anthropologist, New Series, Vol.67, No.6,1965,p.11.
    1Max Gluckman, Concepts in the Concepts in the Comparative Study of Tribal Law, in Laura Nader ed., Law inCulture and Society, Aldine Publish,1969, p.351.
    2Max Gluckman, Concepts in the Comparative Study of Tribal Law, in Laura Nader ed., Law in Culture andSociety, Aldine Publish,1969, p.353.
    3Max Gluckman, Concepts in the Comparative Study of Tribal Law, in Laura Nader ed., Law in Culture andSociety, Aldine Publish,1969, p.353.
    4Max Gluckman, Concepts in the Comparative Study of Tribal Law, in Laura Nader ed., Law in Culture andSociety, Aldine Publish,1969, p.354.
    1Max Gluckman, Concepts in the Comparative Study of Tribal Law, in Laura Nader ed., Law in Culture andSociety, Aldine Publish,1969, p.354.
    1Max Gluckman, Concepts in the Comparative Study of Tribal Law, in Laura Nader ed., Law in Culture andSociety, Aldine Publish,1969, pp.354-366.
    2Max Gluckman, Concepts in the Comparative Study of Tribal Law,in Laura Nader ed., Law in Culture andSociety, Aldine Publish,1969, p.357.
    3Max Gluckman, Concepts in the Comparative Study of Tribal Law, in Laura Nader ed., Law in Culture andSociety, Aldine Publish,1969, p.364
    4Max Gluckman, Concepts in the Comparative Study of Tribal Law, in Laura Nader ed., Law in Culture andSociety, Aldine Publish,1969, p.366.
    1Max Gluckman, Concepts in the Comparative Study of Tribal Law, in Laura Nader ed., Law in Culture and
    2Society, Aldine Publish,1969, p.373.Mary Douglas, L’homme Primitif et la loi, Zaire, Vol.x,1956, p.369.
    3Paul Bohannan, Ethnography and Comparison in Legal Anthropology, in Laura Nader ed., Law in Culture andSociety, Aldine Publish,1969, p.401.
    4Paul Bohannan, Ethnography and Comparison in Legal Anthropology, in Laura Nader ed., Law in Culture andSociety, Aldine Publish,1969, p.402.
    1Paul Bohannan, Ethnography and Comparison in Legal Anthropology, in Laura Nader ed., Law in Culture andSociety, Aldine Publish,1969, p.401.
    2Paul Bohannan, Ethnography and Comparison in Legal Anthropology, in Laura Nader ed., Law in Culture andSociety, Aldine Publish,1969, p.402.
    1Paul Bohannan, Ethnography and Comparison in Legal Anthropology, in Laura Nader ed., Law in Culture andSociety, Aldine Publish,1969, p.403.
    2Paul Bohannan, Ethnography and Comparison in Legal Anthropology, in Laura Nader ed., Law in Culture andSociety, Aldine Publish,1969, p.404.
    1Paul Bohannan, Ethnography and Comparison in Legal Anthropology, in Laura Nader ed., Law in Culture andSociety, Aldine Publish,1969, p.404.
    2Paul Bohannan, Ethnography and Comparison in Legal Anthropology, in Laura Nader ed., Law in Culture andSociety, Aldine Publish,1969, p.405.
    1Paul Bohannan, Ethnography and Comparison in Legal Anthropology, in Laura Nader ed., Law in Culture andSociety, Aldine Publish,1969, p.406.
    2Paul Bohannan, Ethnography and Comparison in Legal Anthropology, in Laura Nader ed., Law in Culture andSociety, Aldine Publish,1969, p.407.
    1Paul Bohannan, Ethnography and Comparison in Legal Anthropology, in Laura Nader ed., Law in Culture andSociety, Aldine Publish,1969, p.407.
    2Paul Bohannan, Ethnography and Comparison in Legal Anthropology, in Laura Nader ed., Law in Culture andSociety, Aldine Publish,1969, p.409.
    1Paul Bohannan, Ethnography and Comparison in Legal Anthropology, in Laura Nader ed., Law in Culture andSociety, Aldine Publish,1969, p.410.
    2Max Gluckman, Politics, Law and Ritual in Tribal Society, Basil Blackwell,1965, p.183..
    3Paul Bohannan, Ethnography and Comparison in Legal Anthropology, in Laura Nader ed., Law in Culture andSociety, Aldine Publish,1969, p.415.
    1Paul Bohannan, Ethnography and Comparison in Legal Anthropology, in Laura Nader ed., Law in Culture andSociety, Aldine Publish,1969, p.416.
    2Paul Bohannan, Ethnography and Comparison in Legal Anthropology, in Laura Nader ed., Law in Culture and
    3Society, Aldine Publish,1969, pp.416-417.Annelise Riles, Representing In-Between: Law,Anthropology, and the Rhetoric of Interdisciplinarity, U. Ill. L.Rev.597,1994, p.605; Richard L. Abel, A Comparative Theory of Dispute Institutions in Society,Law&SocietyReview, Vol.8, No.2,1974, p.304.
    4Peter Sack, Law, Language, Culture: Verbal Acrobatics and Social Technology,41J. Legal Pluralism&Unofficial L,1998, p.16.
    1Paul Bohannan, Ethnography and Comparison in Legal Anthropology, in Laura Nader ed., Law in Culture andSociety, Aldine Publish,1969, pp.417-418.
    2Max Gluckman, The Ideas in Barotse Jurisprudence, Yale University Press,1972, p.xlii, n.1.
    1Max Gluckman, The Ideas in Barotse Jurisprudence, Yale University Press,1972, p.xliii, n.6.
    2Max Gluckman, The Ideas in Barotse Jurisprudence, Yale University Press,1972, p.xlv, n.19.
    3“You'll get PIE IN THE SKY when you die!”出自美国流行作曲家、世界产业工人联盟的组织者乔·希尔
    (Joe Hill)于1911年所作的一首著名歌曲《传教士与奴隶》。英语中著名的成语“天上掉馅饼”就出自这首歌。
    4Max Gluckman, The Ideas in Barotse Jurisprudence, Yale University Press,1972, p.xliv.
    1Max Gluckman, The Judicial Process among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia, Manchester University Press,1973, p.xxvii.
    2Max Gluckman, The Judicial Process among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia, Manchester University Press,1973, p.xxvii.
    3Max Gluckman, The Judicial Process among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia, Manchester University Press,1973, pp.xxvii-xxviii.
    1Max Gluckman, The Judicial Process among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia, Manchester University Press,1973, p.xxxii..
    2Paul Bohannan, Some Long-Since-Afterthoughts on Justice and Judgment, Newsl. Ass’n Pol.&Leg.Anthropology, Vol.4,1980, pp.4-6.
    3Paul Bohannan, Some Long-Since-Afterthoughts on Justice and Judgment,Newsl. Ass’n Pol.&Leg.Anthropology, Vol.4,1980, p.5.
    1Paul Bohannan, Some Long-Since-Afterthoughts on Justice and Judgment, Newsl. Assn Pol.&Leg.Anthropology, Vol.4,1980, p.5.
    2“行为链”的概念,最早由荷兰动物行为学家与鸟类学家尼古拉斯·廷伯根(Nikolaas Tinbergen)提出,在生物学上是指“动物行为要素的强迫秩序”,后来经由人类学家艾德华·霍尔(Edward Hall)将其引入行为科学当中。
    3Paul Bohannan, Some Long-Since-Afterthoughts on Justice and Judgment, Newsl. Ass’n Pol.&Leg.Anthropology, Vol.4,1980, pp.5-6.
    4Paul Bohannan, Justice and Judgment among the Tiv, Waveland Press,1989, pp.v-vi.
    1Paul Bohannan, Justice and Judgment among the Tiv, Waveland Press,1989, pp.vi-vii.
    2Paul Bohannan, Justice and Judgment among the Tiv, Waveland Press,1989, p.vii.
    1Paul Bohannan, Justice and Judgment among the Tiv, Waveland Press,1989, pp.vii-viii.
    2Paul Bohannan, Justice and Judgment among the Tiv, Waveland Press,1989, pp.ix-x.
    1Paul Bohannan, Justice and Judgment among the Tiv, Waveland Press,1989, p.xii.
    2Marilyn Strathern, The Gender of the Gift: Problems with Women and Problems with Society in Melanesia,University of California Press,1988.
    3Jane Collier Fishburne, Marriage and Inequality in Classless Societies, Standford University Press,1988.
    5Paul Bohannan, Justice and Judgment among the Tiv, Waveland Press,1989, p.xiv.
    1John L. Comaroff and Simon Roberts, Rules and Processes: The Cultural Logic of Dispute in an African Context,The University of Chicago Press,1981, p.252.
    2Sally Falk Moore, Comparative Studies, in Laura Nader ed., Law in Culture and Society, Aldine Publish,1969,p.343.
    3Paul Bohannan, Ethnography and Comparison in Legal Anthropology, in Laura Nader ed., Law in Culture andSociety, Aldine Publish,1969, p.416.
    4Max Gluckman, The Judicial Process among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia, Manchester University Press,1973, p.xxvi.
    1John L. Comaroff and Simon Roberts, Rules and Processes: The Cultural Logic of Dispute in an African Context,The University of Chicago Press,1981, p.252.
    2John M. Conley and William M. O’Barr, A Classic in Spite of Itself: The Cheyenne Way and the Case Method inLegal Anthropology, Law and Social Inquiry, Vol.29,2004, p.211.
    3Annelise Riles, Representing In-Between: Law, Anthropology, and the Rhetoric of Interdisciplinarity, U. Ill. L.Rev.597,1994, p.604.
    1Leopold J. Pospisil, Kapauku Papuans and Their Law, Yale University Publications in Anthropology,1958.
    2Leopold J. Pospisil, The Kapauku Papuans of West New Guinea, Holt, Rinehart and Winston,1963, p.vii.
    3Leopold J. Pospisil, Anthropology of Law, A Comparative Theory, Harper&Row,1971, p.xi.
    4Leopold J. Pospisil, Kapauku Papuans and Their Law, Yale University Publications in Anthropology,1958,pp.208-230.
    5波斯比斯尔特别强调,必须要使用“Obligatio”这个罗马法概念,不能混同于只标识义务的“Obligation”。 Leopold J. Pospisil, Kapauku Papuans and Their Law, Yale University Publications inAnthropology,1958, p.264.
    6Leopold J. Pospisil, Kapauku Papuans and Their Law, Yale University Publications in Anthropology,1958,p.272.
    7Leopold J. Pospisil, The Ethnology of Law, Addison-Wesley Module Publications,1972.该文第二章的部分内容已有中文译本,参见[美]波斯比斯尔:《法律不是什么》,胡昌明译,http://article.chinalawinfo.com/Article_Detail.asp?ArticleId=34649,(访问日期:2011年11月14日)。
    2Joshua Zake, Approaches to the Study of Legal Systems in Nonliterate Societies, Ph.D. Dissertation,Northwestern University, Department of Anthropology, Evanston,1962.
    3Joshua Zake, Approaches to the Study of Legal Systems in Nonliterate Societies, Ph.D. Dissertation,Northwestern University, Department of Anthropology, Evanston,1962, pp.68-88.
    4Mark Ryan Goodale, Leopold Pospisil: A Critical Reappraisal, Journal of Legal Pluralism, Vol.40,1998, p.136.
    5参见[美]波斯比斯尔:《法律不是什么》,胡昌明译,http://article.chinalawinfo.com/Article_Detail.asp?ArticleId=34649,(访问日期:2011年11月14日)。霍贝尔的这番表述出自E. Adamson Hoebel, Three Studies inAfrican Law, Stanford Law Review, Vol.13, No.2,1961,p.432.
    1P. H. Gulliver, Neighbours and Networks: The Idiom of Kinship in Social Action Among the Ndendeuli ofTanzania, University of California Press,1971.
    2P. H. Gulliver, Neighbours and Networks: The Idiom of Kinship in Social Action Among the Ndendeuli ofTanzania, University of California Press,1971, pp.244-246.
    3Leopold J. Pospisil, The Ethnology of Law, Addison-Wesley module publications,1972, p.11.
    1Simon Roberts, Law and the Study of Social Control in Small-Scale Societies, The Modern Law Review, Vol.39,No.6,1976, p.668.
    2Laura Nader, The Anthropological Study of Law, American Anthropologist, New Series, Vol.67, No.6,1965,p.25.
    3Laura Nader, The Anthropological Study of Law, American Anthropologist, New Series, Vol.67, No.6,1965,4p.11.Max Gluckman, Comparative Study of Tribal Law, in Laura Nader ed., Law in Culture and Society, AldinePublish,1969, p.352; Max Gluckman, The Ideas in Barotse Jurisprudence, Yale University Press,1972, p.xliii.
    5Max Gluckman, The Ideas in Barotse Jurisprudence, Yale University Press,1972, p.xliii.
    6Jan Vansina, A Traditional Legal System: The Kuba, in H. Kuper and L. Kuper ed., African Law: Adaptation andDevelopment, Univerisity of California Press,1965, p.117.
    1H. Kuper and L. Kuper, Introduction, in H. Kuper and L. Kuper ed., African Law: Adaptation and Development,
    2Univerisity of California Press,1965, p.5.Max Gluckman, The Ideas in Barotse Jurisprudence, Yale University Press,1972, p.xliii.
    3Max Gluckman, The Judicial Process among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia, Manchester University Press,1973, p.xxxvi.
    4Annelise Riles, Representing In-Between: Law, Anthropology, and the Rhetoric of Interdisciplinarity, U. Ill. L.Rev.597,1994, p.604.
    1Laura Nader, Introduction, in Laura Nader ed., Law in Culture and Society, Aldine Publish,1969, pp.7-8.
    2Laura Nader, Introduction, in Laura Nader ed., Law in Culture and Society, Aldine Publish,1969, p.9.
    3Laura Nader, Introduction, in Laura Nader ed., Law in Culture and Society, Aldine Publish,1969, p.2.
    1Paul Bohannan, Justice and Judgment among the Tiv, Waveland Press,1989, pp.v-vi.
    1Sally Falk Moore, Law and Anthropology, Biennial Review of Anthropology, Vol.6,1969, p.268.
    2P. H. Gulliver, Social Control in an African Society: A Study of the Arusha: Agricultural Masai of NorthernTanganyika, Routledge&Kegan Paul,1963, p.ix.
    3P. H. Gulliver, Social Control in an African Society: A Study of the Arusha: Agricultural Masai of NorthernTanganyika, Routledge&Kegan Paul,1963, p.x.
    4P. H. Gulliver, Social Control in an African Society: A Study of the Arusha: Agricultural Masai of NorthernTanganyika, Routledge&Kegan Paul,1963, pp.299-300.
    5P. H. Gulliver, Social Control in an African Society: A Study of the Arusha: Agricultural Masai of NorthernTanganyika, Routledge&Kegan Paul,1963, p.299.
    1Sally Falk Moore, Certainties Undone: Fifty Turbulent Years of Legal Anthropology,1949-1999, The Journal ofthe Royal Anthropological Institute, Vol.7,2001, p.101.
    2Ian Hammnett ed., Social Anthropology and Law, Acdemic Press,1977.
    3Laura Nader, The Anthropological Study of Law, American Anthropologist, New Series, Vol.67, No.6,1965,p.23.
    4Francis G. Snyder, Anthropology,Dispute Processes and Law: A Critical Introduction, British Journal of Law&Society, Vol.8, No.2,1981, p.145.
    5Laura Nader, The Anthropological Study of Law, American Anthropologist, New Series, Vol.67, No.6,1965,p.23.
    1Laura Nader, The Anthropological Study of Law, American Anthropologist, New Series, Vol.67, No.6,1965,p.26.
    2Laura Nader and Harry F. Todd, ed., The Disputing Process: Law in Ten Societies, Columbia University Press,1978, preface.
    3Klaus-Friedrich Koch, War and Peace in Jalemo: The Management of Conflict in Highland New Guinea,Harvard University Press,1974.
    4June Starr, Dispute and Settlement in Rural Tarkey: An Ethnography of Law, Brill,1978.
    5Cathie J. Witty, Mediation and Society: Conflict Management in Lebanon, Academic Press,1980.
    6Barbara Yngvesson, Virtuous Citizens,Disruptive Subjects: Order and Complaint in a New England Court,Routledge,1993.
    7Laura Nader and Harry F. Todd ed., The Disputing Process: Law in Ten Societies, Columbia University Press,1978, preface.除此之外,“伯克利乡村比较法律项目”还发表了一些重要论文,主要有Laura Nader andBarbara Yngvesson, On Studying the Ethnography of Law and its Consequences, in John Joseph Honigmann ed.,A Handbook of Social and Cultural Anthropology, RandMcNally,1973; June Starr and Jonathon Pool, The Impactof a Legal Revolution in Rural Turkey,8Law&Soc'y Rev.533,1974; June Starr and Barbara Yngvesson, Scarcityand Disputing: Zeroing-in on Compromise Decisions, Amercian Ethnologist, Vol.2,1975, p.553.
    8Richard L. Abel, A Comparative Theory of Dispute Institutions in Society,8Law&Soc'y Rev,1974, p.217.
    9Jane Fishburne Collier, Law and Social Change in Zinacantan, Stanford University Press,1973.
    1David M. Engel, Code and Custom in a Thai Provincial Court, University of Arizona Press,1978.
    2Carol J. Greenhouse, Nature Is to Culture as Praying Is to Suing: Legal Pluralism in an American Suburb,20J.Legal Pluralism&Unof-ficial L,1982.
    3Francis G. Snyder, Anthropology, Dispute Processes and Law: A Critical Introduction, British Journal of Law&Society, Vol.8, No.2,1981, p.145.
    45June Starr, Dispute and Settlement in Rural Tarkey: An Ethnography of Law, Brill,1978, p.256.Jane Fishburne Collier, Law and Social Change in Zinacantan,Stanford University Press,1973, p.244.
    6Francis G. Snyder, Anthropology, Dispute Processes and Law: A Critical Introduction, British Journal of Law&Society,1981, Vol.8, No.2, p.145.
    7John L. Comaroff and Simon Roberts, Rules and Processes: The Cultural Logic of Dispute in an African Context,The University of Chicago Press,1981, pp.13-14.
    2参见[挪威]费雷德里克·巴特、[奥]安德烈·金格里希、[英]罗伯特·帕金、[美]西德尔·希尔弗曼:《人类学的四大传统——英国、德国、法国和美国的人类学》,高丙中等译,商务印书馆2008年版,第47页。值得一提的是,在这本合著中,撰写“英国人类学传统”的挪威学者费雷德里克·巴特(Fredrik Barth)就是格卢克曼的学生,曼城学派的代表学者之一。
    3J. Van Velsen, The Extended-Case Method and Situational Analysis, and A. L. Epstein, The Case Method in theField of Law, both in A. L. Epstein ed., The Craft of Social Anthropology, Tavistock,1967, pp.130-131.
    4Max Gluckman, Introduction, in Arnold Leonard Epstein ed., The Craft of Social Anthropology, Tavistock,1967,p.xx.
    1Max Gluckman, The Judicial Process among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia, Manchester University Press,1967, pp.371-372.
    2Max Gluckman, The Judicial Process among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia, Manchester University Press,1957, pp.25-29.
    3Max Gluckman, The Judicial Process among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia, Manchester University Press,1967, pp.370-371.本文第四章将会就非洲的独立对法律人类学研究的影响展开讨论。
    4Max Gluckman, The Judicial Process among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia, Manchester University Press,1967, p.372.
    5Max Gluckman, The Judicial Process among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia, Manchester University Press,1967, p.372.
    1Paul Bohannan, Justice and Judgment Among the Tiv, Waveland press,1968, p.xviii.
    2Thomas H. Maugh, Paul Bohannan,87:USC Anthropologist Researched Nigerian Culture and AmericanDivorce, at http://www.latimes.com/news/science/la-me-bohannan2aug02,1,1578759.story?coll=la-news-science,Nov.18,2011.
    3Paul Bohannan, All the Happy Families: Exploring the Varieties of Family Life, McGraw-Hill,1985, p.50.
    1Laura Nader, Introduction, in Laura Nader ed., Law in Culture and Society, Aldine Publish,1969, p.4.
    2John M. Conley and William M. O’Barr, A Classic in Spite of Itself: The Cheyenne Way and the Case Method inLegal Anthropology, Law and Social Inquiry, Vol.29,2004, p.211.
    3John M. Conley and William M. O’Barr, A Classic in Spite of Itself: The Cheyenne Way and the Case Method inLegal Anthropology, Law and Social Inquiry, Vol.29,2004, p.212.
    1John M. Conley and William M. O’Barr, A Classic in Spite of Itself: The Cheyenne Way and the Case Method inLegal Anthropology, Law and Social Inquiry, Vol.29,2004, p.211.
    1Leopold J. Pospisil, Anthropology of Law, A Comparative Theory, Harper&Row,1971, Leopold J. Pospisil,The Ethnology of Law, Addison-Wesley Module Publications,1972.
    2Lloyd A. Fallers, Law Without Precedent: Legal Ideas in Action in the Courts of Colonial Busoga, University ofChicago Press,1969, pp.13-17.
    3Ian Hamnett, Chieftainship and Legitimacy: An Anthropological Study of Executive Law in Lesotho, Routledge
    4&Kegan Paul,1975, p.22.Simon Roberts, Review: Chieftainship and legitimacy: An Anthropological Study of Executive Law in Lesotho,Journal of African Law, Vol.25, No.1,1981, p.54.
    5Chris Fuller, Legal Anthropology, Leagl Pluralism and Leagl Thought, Anthropology Today, Vol.10, No.3,1994,p.9.
    6Ian Hamnett ed., Social Anthropology and Law, Academic Press,1977, p.8.
    1Peter Sack, Law, Language, Culture: Verbal Acrobatics and Social Technology,41J. Legal Pluralism&Unofficial L,1998, p.34.
    2Peter Sack, Law, Language, Culture: Verbal Acrobatics and Social Technology,41J. Legal Pluralism&Unofficial L,1998, p.20.
    3Eugene Cotran, Restatement of African Law, Kenya Vol.1, The Law of Marriage and Divorce, University ofLondon School of Oriental and African Studies,1968; Eugene Cotran, Restatement of African Law, Kenya Vol.2,The Law of Succession, Sweet&Maxwell,1969; J. O. Ibik, Restatement of African Law, Malawi Vol.1, The Lawof Marriage and Divorce, Sweet&Maxwell,1970; J. O. Ibik, Restatement of African Law, Malawi Vol.2, TheLaw of Land, Succession, Movable Property, Agreements and Civil Wrongs, Sweet&Maxwell,1971.
    4Simon Roberts, Law and the Study of Social Control in Small-Scale Societies, The Modern Law Review, Vol.39,No.6,1976, pp.671-672.
    1据英国语言哲学家玛格丽特玛斯特曼(Margaret Masterman)统计,库恩在书中有至少二十一种“范式”的用法。参见[英]玛格丽特玛斯特曼:《范式的本质》(周寄中译),[英]伊姆雷拉卡托斯、艾兰马斯格雷夫主编《批判与知识的增长》,华夏出版社1987年版,第77-83页。
    5John L. Comaroff and Simon Roberts, Rules and Processes: The Cultural Logic of Dispute in an African context,
    6The University of Chicago Press,1981, p.4.Robert M. Hayden, Review: Rules, Processes, and Interpretations: Geertz, Comaroff, and Roberts, American BarFoundation Research Journal, Vol.9, No.2,1984, pp.469-471.
    7Annelise Riles, Representing In-Between: Law, Anthropology, and the Rhetoric of Interdisciplinarity, U. Ill. L.Rev.597,1994; Sally Falk Moore, Certainties Undone: Fifty Turbulent Years of Legal Anthropology,1949-1999,The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, Vol.7,2001, pp.95-116.
    1Peter Just, History, Power, Ideology, and Culture: Current Directions in the Anthropology of Law, Law&Society Review, Vol.26, No.2,1992, pp.373-412.
    2John L. Comaroff and Simon Roberts, Rules and Processes: The Cultural Logic of Dispute in an African Context,The University of Chicago Press,1981, p.5
    3John L. Comaroff and Simon Roberts, Rules and Processes: The Cultural Logic of Dispute in an African Context,The University of Chicago Press,1981, pp.11-17,252.
    1John L. Comaroff and Simon Roberts, Rules and Processes: The Cultural Logic of Dispute in an African Context,The University of Chicago Press,1981, p.12.
    2John L. Comaroff and Simon Roberts, Rules and Processes: The Cultural Logic of Dispute in an African Context,The University of Chicago Press,1981, pp.5-6.
    3John L. Comaroff and Simon Roberts, Rules and Processes: The Cultural Logic of Dispute in an African Context,The University of Chicago Press,1981, pp.11-12.
    4实际上,罗伯茨在同年的一篇书评中曾明确表示:“当然,这一时期也出现了像法勒斯的《没有先例的法律》和波斯比斯尔的《法律人类学》这样的作品,但社会科学整体上从规范性到解释性研究方法的转向对法律人类学有着强烈的影响。”Simon Roberts, Review: Chieftainship and Legitimacy:AnAnthropologicalStudy of Executive Law in Lesotho, Journal of African Law, Vol.25, No.1,1981, p.54.
    5Robert M. Hayden, Review: Rules, Processes, and Interpretations: Geertz, Comaroff, and Roberts, American BarFoundation Research Journal, Vol.9, No.2,1984, pp.469-471.
    1John L. Comaroff and Simon Roberts, Rules and Processes: The Cultural Logic of Dispute in an African Context,The University of Chicago Press,1981, pp.13-14.
    4Simon Roberts, Law and the Study of Social Control in Small-Scale Societies, The Modern Law Review, Vol.39,No.6,1976, p.674; Simon Roberts, Order and Dispute: An Introduction to Legal Anthropology, Penguin Books,1979, p.199.
    5Robert M. Hayden, Review: Rules, Processes, and Interpretations: Geertz, Comaroff, and Roberts, American BarFoundation Research Journal, Vol.9, No.2,1984, pp.469-470.
    1Paul Bohannan, The Differing Realms of the Law, American Anthropologist, Vol.67, Issue6,1965, p.35.
    2Max Gluckman, The Judicial Process among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia, Manchester University Press,1967, p.369.
    3Max Gluckman, Politics, Law and Ritual in Tribal Society, Basil Blackwell,1965, p.xxii.
    2P. H. Gulliver, Introduction: Case Studies of Law in Non-Western Societies, in Laura Nader ed., Law in Cultureand Society, Aldine Publish,1969, p.17.
    3与之相比,法国的法律人类学至少在1980年代仍然关注于法律的定义问题。佛朗西斯斯奈德在1981年的论文中曾提道:“与博安南的强调相一致的,但是却主要受早期的法国研究的启发,在巴黎的法律人类学实验室的带领下进行的许多研究,集中于阐明与法律和社会控制相关的‘民间’概念。十几年来直到最近,它的主要兴趣点就是对非洲土著观念进行仔细的语言学和语义学分析,在一些研究中,也包括与国家法律概念的比较。”仍然关注于法律的定义问题,这似乎也暗示了法国法律人类学历史上很可能没有出现过“格博之争”。Francis G. Snyder, Anthropology, Dispute Processes and Law: ACritical Introduction, BritishJournal of Law&Society, Vol.8, No.2,1981, p.157.
    1Francis G. Snyder, Anthropology,Dispute Processes and Law: A Critical Introduction, British Journal of Law&Society, Vol.8, No.2,1981, p.157.
    2Simon Roberts, Law and the Study of Social Control in Small-Scale Societies, The Modern Law Review, Vol.39,No.6,1976, pp.663-679.
    3Simon Roberts, Order and Dispute: An Introduction to Legal Anthropology, Penguin Books,1979.
    2Simon Roberts, Review: Chieftainship and Legitimacy: An Anthropological Study of Executive Law in Lesotho,Journal of African Law, Vol.25, No.1,1981, p.54.
    1Simon Roberts, Law and the Study of Social Control in Small-Scale Societies, The Modern Law Review, Vol.39,No.6,1976, p.663.
    2Simon Roberts, Law and the Study of Social Control in Small-Scale Societies, The Modern Law Review, Vol.39,No.6,1976, pp.663-679.
    3Simon Roberts, Do We Need an Anthropology of Law? RAIN, No.25,1978, p.6.
    1Simon Roberts, Do We Need an Anthropology of Law? RAIN, No.25,1978, p.7.
    2Simon Roberts, Order and Dispute: An Introduction to Legal Anthropology, Penguin Books,1979, preface.
    3Simon Roberts, Order and Dispute: An Introduction to Legal Anthropology, Penguin Books,1979, p.197.
    4Simon Roberts, Order and Dispute: An Introduction to Legal Anthropology, Penguin Books,1979, p.196.
    1Peter Just, History, Power, Ideology, and Culture: Current Directions in the Anthropology of Law, Law&Society Review, Vol.26, No.2,1992, p.386.
    2John M. Conley and William M. O’Barr, Legal Anthropology Comes Home: A Brief History of the EthnographicStudy of Law, Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review, Vol.27,1993, p.50.
    1Sally Falk Moore, Certainties Undone: Fifty Turbulent Years of Legal Anthropology,1949-1999, The Journal ofthe Royal Anthropological Institute, Vol.7,2001, p.95.
    2Max Gluckman, Comparative Study of Tribal Law,in Laura Nader ed., Law in Culture and Society, AldinePublish,1969, p.350.
    1Franz von Benda-Beckmann, Riding or Killing the Centaur? Reflections on the Identities of LegalAnthropology, International Journal of Law in Context, Vol.4, No.2,2008, p.89; Angela Bratton, FeministAnthropology, at http://www.indiana.edu/~wanthro/fem.htm, Nov.21,2011.
    3E. Adamson Hoebel, Three Studies in African Law, Stanford Law Review, Vol.13, No.2,1961,pp.438-439.
    4Max Gluckman, Reasonableness and Responsibility in the Law of segmentary societies, in Hilda Kuper and LeoKuper ed., African law: Adaptation and Development, University Califonia Press,1965, pp.126-137.
    1Sally Falk Moore, Law and Anthropology, Biennial Review of Anthropology, Vol.6,1969, pp.253-255.
    1Laura Nader, Introduction, in Laura Nader ed., Law in Culture and Society, Aldine Publish,1969, p.4.
    1John M. Conley and William M. O’Barr, A Classic in Spite of Itself: The Cheyenne Way and the Case Method inLegal Anthropology, Law and Social Inquiry, Vol.29,2004, p.210.
    2Max Gluckman, The Judicial Process among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia, Manchester University Press,1967, p.386.
    3Paul Bohannan, Review: The Ideas in Barotse Jurisprudence, Kroeber Anthropogical Papers, Vol.36,1967, p.99.
    4Max Gluckman, The Judicial Process among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia, Manchester University Press,1955, p.230.
    5Max Gluckman, In Reply, Stanford Law Review, Vol.8, No.4,1956, p.768.
    1Sally Falk Moore, Archaic Law and Modern Times on the Zambezi: Some Thoughts on Max Gluckman’sInterpretation of Barotse Law, in P. H. Gulliver ed., Cross-Examinations Essay in Memory of Max Gluckman, E. J.Brill-Leiden,1978, p.56.
    2Max Gluckman, The Judicial Process among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia, Manchester University Press,1955, p.33.
    1M. J. Herskovits, Cultural Relativism: Perspectives in Cultural Pluralism, Random House,1973, p.15.
    2Paul Bohannan, Ethnography and Comparison in Legal Anthropology, in Laura Nader ed., Law in Culture andSociety, Aldine Publish,1969, p.407.
    1Simon Roberts, Against Legal Pluralism: Some Reflections of the Contemporary Enlargement of the LegalDomain,42J. Legal Pluralism&Unofficial L.95,1998, p.104.
    2John M. Conley and William M. O'Barr, Just Words: Law, Language, and Power, University of Chicago Press,1998, p.99.
    4John M. Conley and William M. O'Barr, Just Words: Law, Language, and Power, University of Chicago Press,1998; Sally Engle Merry, Transnational Human Rights and Local Activism: Mapping the Middle, AmericanAnthropologist, Vol.108, Issue1,2006, pp.38–51; Richard Wilson ed., Human Rights: Culture and Context, PultoPress,1997.
    1John M. Conley and William M. O'Barr, Just Words: Law, Language, and Power, University of Chicago Press,1998, p.99.
    2Max Gluckman, The Ideas in Barotse Jurisprudence, Yale University Press,1965, pp.253-264; Max Gluckman,Reasonableness and Responsibility in the Law of Segmentary Societies, in Hilda Kuper and Leo Kuper ed.,African law: Adaptation and Development, University Califonia Press,1965, p.143.
    1John M. Conley and William M. O'Barr, Just Words: Law, Language, and Power, University of Chicago Press,1998, p.99.
    23Max Gluckman, African Jurisprudence, Advancement of Science, Vol.18,1961, p.446.Max Gluckman, The Ideas in Barotse Jurisprudence, Yale University Press,1965, p.251.
    4Max Gluckman, The Ideas in Barotse Jurisprudence, Yale University Press,1965, p.253.
    5Max Gluckman, The Ideas in Barotse Jurisprudence, Yale University Press,1965, p.254.
    6Sally Falk Moore, Certainties Undone: Fifty Turbulent Years of Legal Anthropology,1949-1999, The Journal ofthe Royal Anthropological Institute, Vol.7,2001, p.110.
    23Radcliffe-Brown, Primitive Law,9Encyclopaedia of the Social Sciences,1933, p.202.Radcliffe-Brown, Primitive Law,9Encyclopaedia of the Social Sciences,1933, p.202.
    1E. E. Evans-Pritchard, Witchcraft, Oracles, and Magic among the Azande, Oxford University Press,1937.中文译本请参见[英]埃文思·普里查德:《阿赞德人的巫术、神谕和魔法》,覃俐俐译,商务印书馆2010年版。
    2Peter Winch, Understanding a Primitive Society, American Philosophical Quarterly, Vol.1, No.4,1964, p.315.
    1Max Gluckman, The Judicial Process among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia, Manchester University Press,1967, p.369.
    1Max Gluckman, The Ideas in Barotse Jurisprudence, Yale University Press,1965, p.24.
    2Max Gluckman, The Ideas in Barotse Jurisprudence, Yale University Press,1965, p.xiv.
    3Max Gluckman, The Ideas in Barotse Jurisprudence, Yale University Press,1965, p.xiv.
    4Max Gluckman, The Ideas in Barotse Jurisprudence, Yale University Press,1972, p.xxii.
    5Sally Falk Moore, Law and Anthropology, Biennial Review of Anthropology, Vol.6,1969, pp.267-268.
    1Max Gluckman, The Ideas in Barotse Jurisprudence, Yale University Press,1965, p.265.
    2Paul Bohannan, Justice and Judgment among the Tiv, Waveland Press,1989, pp.vii-viii.
    1Paul Bohannan, Social anthropology, Holt, Rinehart and Winston,1963, p.46.
    2Paul Bohannan, Ethnography and Comparison in Legal Anthropology, in Laura Nader ed., Law in Culture andSociety, Aldine Publish,1969, p.406.
    3Paul Bohannan, Ethnography and Comparison in Legal Anthropology, in Laura Nader ed., Law in Culture andSociety, Aldine Publish,1969, p.407.
    4Paul Bohannan, Review: The Ideas in Barotse Jurisprudence, Kroeber Anthropogical Papers, Vol.36,1967,pp.99-100.
    1John M. Conley and William M. O’Barr, Legal Anthropology Comes Home: A Brief History of the EthnographicStudy of Law, Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review, Vol.27,1993, p.45
    1Malinowski, Coral Gardens and Their Magic, E. P. Dutton edition,1961, p.25.
    2Laura Nader, Introduction, in Laura Nader ed., Law in Culture and Society, Aldine Publish,1969, p.4.
    3Laura Nader, Introduction, in Laura Nader ed., Law in Culture and Society, Aldine Publish,1969, p.4.
    1Laura Nader, Introduction, in Laura Nader ed., Law in Culture and Society, Aldine Publish,1969, pp.4-5.
    4Michele Stephen, A'aisa's Gift, A Study of Magic and the Self, University of California Press,1995, p.23.
    5Alan Jones, Mekeo chiefs and Sorcerers: Metaphor, Ideology and Practice, Oceania, Vol.77, No.3,2007, p.287.
    1Bergendorff Steen, Contextual Translation--Concepts and Practices among the Mekeo of Papua New Guinea,Oceania, Vol.79, No.3,2009, p.225.
    2Bergendorff Steen, Contextual Translation--Concepts and Practices among the Mekeo of Papua New Guinea,Oceania, Vol.79, No.3,2009, p.226.
    4Karl Polanyi, Conrad M. Arensberg and Harry W. Pearson ed., Trade and Market in the Early Empires:Economies in History and Theory, Free Press,1957.
    1Richard R. Wilk and Lisa Cliggett, Economies and Cultures: Foundations of Economic Anthropology,Westview Press,2007, p.3.
    2Chris Fuller, Legal Anthropology, Leagl Pluralism and Leagl Thought, Anthropology Today, Vol.10, No.3,1994,p.9.
    3Peter G. Sack and Jonathan Aleck ed., Law and Anthropology: The International Library of Essays in Law andLegal Theory: Legal Cultures, New York University Press,1992, p.xx.
    1Max Gluckman, The Judicial Process among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia, Manchester University Press,1955, p.xix.
    2Paul Bohannan, Justice and Judgment among the Tiv, Oxford University Press,1957, p.v.
    4Richard L. Abel, A Comparative Theory of Dispute Institutions in Society, Law&Society Review, Vol.8, No.2,1994, p.305.
    5Sally Falk Moore, Comparative Studies, in Laura Nader ed., Law in Culture and Society, Aldine Publish,1969,p.339.
    1Max Gluckman, The Judicial Process among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia, Manchester University Press,1955, p.xix.
    2Max Gluckman, The Judicial Process among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia, Manchester University Press,1955, xix-xx.
    1Max Gluckman, The Judicial Process among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia, Manchester University Press,1955, xxi.
    2A. L. Goodhart, Foreword, in Max Gluckman, The Judicial Process among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia,Manchester University Press,1955, pp.xv-xvi.
    1Max Gluckman, The Judicial Process among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia, Manchester University Press,1955, p.xix.
    2Max Gluckman, The Ideas in Barotse Jurisprudence, Yale University Press,1972, p.xxii.
    1Sally Falk Moore, Archaic Law and Modern Times on the Zambezi: Some Thoughts on Max Gluckman’sInterpretation of Barotse Law, in P. H. Gulliver ed., Cross-Examinations Essay in Memory of Max Gluckman, E. J.Brill-Leiden,1978, p.55.
    2Annelise Riles, Representing In-Between: Law, Anthropology, and the Rhetoric of Interdisciplinarity, U. Ill. L.Rev.597,1994, p.638.
    3Max Gluckman, The Ideas in Barotse Jurisprudence, Yale University Press,1965, pp.xiii-xiv.
    4Paul Bohannan, Justice and Judgment among the Tiv, Oxford University Press,1957, p.v.
    1Paul Bohannan, Justice and Judgment among the Tiv, Oxford University Press,1957, p.v.
    2T. O. Elias, Book Reviews: Judgment and Justice among the Tiv, The International and Comparative LawQuarterly, Vol.8, No.1,1959, p.234.
    3Peter Sack, Law, Language, Culture: Verbal Acrobatics and Social Technology,41J. Legal Pluralism&Unofficial L,1998, p.20.
    1Paul Bohannan, Review: The Ideas in Barotse Jurisprudence, Kroeber Anthropogical Papers, Vol.36,1967,p.101.
    1Laura Nader, The Anthropological Study of Law, American Anthropologist, New Series, Vol.67, No.6,1965, p.3.
    2Francis G. Snyder, Anthropology, Dispute Processes and Law: A Critical Introduction, British Journal of Law&Society, Vol.8, No.2,1981, p.152.
    1Francis G. Snyder, Anthropology, Dispute Processes and Law: A Critical Introduction, British Journal of Law&Society, Vol.8, No.2,1981, p.146.
    2Laura Nader and Harry F. Todd ed., The Disputing Process: Law in Ten Societies, Columbia University Press,1978, pp.14-15.
    3Barbara Yngvesson, Virtuous Citizens, Disruptive Subjects: Order and Complaint in a New England Court,Routledge,1993; June Starr, Dispute and Settlement in Rural Tarkey: An Ethnography of Law, Brill,1978.
    4Carol J. Greenhouse, Just in Time: Temporality and the Cultural Legitimation of Law,98Yale L. J.1631,1989,p.1631.
    6Max Gluckman, The Judicial Process among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia, Manchester University Press,1967, p.370.
    1Max Gluckman, The Judicial Process among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia, Manchester University Press,1967, pp.374-375.
    2Laura Nader, The Anthropological Study of Law, American Anthropologist, New Series, Vol.67, No.6,1965,p.14.
    1John M. Conley and William M. O’Barr, Legal Anthropology Comes Home: A Brief History of the EthnographicStudy of Law, Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review, Vol.27,1993, p.56.
    2Francis G. Snyder, Anthropology, Dispute Processes and Law: A Critical Introduction, British Journal of Law&
    3Society, Vol.8,1981, p.163.Joan Vincent, Anthropology and Politics: Visions, Traditions, and Trends, University of Arizona Press,1990,p.375.
    4Simon Roberts, Against Legal Pluralism: Some Reflections of the Contemporary Enlargement of the LegalDomain,42J. Legal Pluralism&Unofficial L.95,1998, p.97.关于对法律多元中的人类学与法学的关系之评价请参见:Francis G. Snyder,Anthropology, Dispute Processes and Law:ACritical Introduction, British Journal ofLaw&Society, Vol.8,1981, p.157; Chris Fuller, Legal Anthropology, Leagl Pluralism and Leagl Thought,Anthropology Today, Vol.10, No.3,1994, p.10; Sally Engle Merry, Anthropology, Law, and Transnational
    5Processes, Annual Review of Anthropology, Vol.21,1992, pp.357-79.Francis G. Snyder, Anthropology, Dispute Processes and Law: A Critical Introduction, British Journal of Law&Society, Vol.8,1981, p.149.
    6Francis G. Snyder, Anthropology, Dispute Processes and Law: A Critical Introduction, British Journal of Law&Society, Vol.8,1981, p.142.
    7Simon Roberts, Do We Need an Anthropology of Law? RAIN, No.25,1978, p.4.
    1Chris Fuller, Legal Anthropology, Leagl Pluralism and Leagl Thought, Anthropology Today, Vol.10, No.3,1994,p.9.
    2Chris Fuller, Legal Anthropology, Leagl Pluralism and Leagl Thought, Anthropology Today, Vol.10, No.3,1994,p.10.
    3斯奈德观察到:可以比较一下美国的《法律和社会评论》和英国的《法律和社会杂志》就能看出这种区别。再者,人类学者或是对人类学方法颇感兴趣的学者供职于美国主流法学院的人数超过了10人。1971年11月,耶鲁大学法学院的“法律和现代化”项目举办了为期两天的研讨会——“法律人类学与法律的比较社会研究”,大多数论文都是由人类学家提交,但是超过一半的与会学者却都是专业法学家。加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校的人类学家劳拉纳德一直稳定地保持着与博尔特法学院的关系,同时也为哈佛大学法学院主持的“非正式替代法院”工作,还是威斯康星法学院正在进行的纠纷程序项目的主要负责人。当然,这些关联并非都出自人类学家,而且除了这些国际性法学院之外的情况则不能过分强调。Francis G. Snyder,Anthropology, Dispute Processes and Law: A Critical Introduction, British Journal of Law&Society, Vol.8,1981,p.164.
    1Annelise Riles, Representing In-Between: Law, Anthropology, and the Rhetoric of Interdisciplinarity, U. Ill. L.Rev.597,1994, p.651.
    2Chris Fuller, Legal Anthropology, Leagl Pluralism and Leagl Thought, Anthropology Today, Vol.10, No.3,1994,p.10.
    3Francis G. Snyder, Anthropology, Dispute Processes and Law: A Critical Introduction, British Journal of Law&Society, Vol.8,1981, p.165.
    4Franz von Benda-Beckmann, Riding or Killing the Centaur? Reflections on the Identities of LegalAnthropology, International Journal of Law in Context, Vol.4, No.2,2008, pp.101-102.
    12Paul Bohannan, Social Anthropology, Holt, Rinehart and Winston,1963, p.284.Francis G. Snyder, Anthropology, Dispute Processes and Law: A Critical Introduction, British Journal of Law&Society, Vol.8,1981, p.142.经济学和法学的交叉以及心理学和法学的交叉参见该杂志“法律与其他学科关系”系列的前两篇,Veljanovski, The Economic Approach to Law: ACritical Introduction, British Journal of Lawand Society, Vol.7,1980, pp.158-193; Lloyd Bostock, Psychology and the Law: A Critical Review of Research andPractice, British Journal of Law and Society, Vol.8,1981, pp.1-28.
    1Cornelis van Vollenhoven, at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cornelis_van_Vollenhoven, Dec.7.2011.
    2Norbert Rouland, Legal Anthropology, translated by Philippe G. Planel, The Athlone Press,1994, p.86
    1Cornelis van Vollenhoven, Miskenningen van het adatrecht, Brill,1909.
    2Franz von Benda-Beckmann, Riding or Killing the Centaur? Reflections on the Identities of LegalAnthropology, International Journal of Law in Context, Vol.4, No.2,2008, p.90.
    3Norbert Rouland, Legal Anthropology, translated by Philippe G. Planel, The Athlone Press,1994, p.86
    5Norbert Rouland, Legal Anthropology, translated by Philippe G. Planel, The Athlone Press,1994, p.86.
    6Johan Frederik Holleman, Shona Customary Law, With reference to Kinship, Marriage, the Family and the
    7Estate, Oxford University Press,1952.Johan Frederik Holleman, Trouble-cases and Trouble-less Cases in the Study of Customary Law and LegalReform, Law&Society Review, Vol.7,1973, pp.589-607.
    8Franz von Benda-Beckmann and Han F. Vermeulen, Adat Law and Legal Anthropology: In Memoriam JohanFrederik(Hans) Holleman (18December1915-28August2001): With a Bibliography, Journal of Legal Pluralism,Vol.46,2001, p.104.
    1Wim M. J. van Binsbergen, Introduction: The Dynamics of Power and the Rule of Law in Africa and Beyond, inWim M. J. van Binsbergen ed., The Dynamics of Power and the Rule of Law: Essays on Africa and Beyond; inHonour of Emile Adriaan B. van Rouveroy van Nieuwaal, Lit-Verlag,2003, p.13.
    2Wim M. J. van Binsbergen, Introduction: The Dynamics of Power and the Rule of Law in Africa and Beyond, inWim M. J. van Binsbergen ed., The Dynamics of Power and the Rule of Law: Essays on Africa and Beyond; inHonour of Emile Adriaan B. van Rouveroy van Nieuwaal, Lit-Verlag,2003, p.15.
    1Norbert Rouland, Legal Anthropology, translated by Philippe G. Planel, The Athlone Press,1994, p.86.
    2Norbert Rouland, Legal Anthropology, translated by Philippe G.Planel, The Athlone Press,1994, p.87.
    3Franz von Benda-Beckmann and Han F. Vermeulen, Adat Law and Legal Anthropology: In Memoriam JohanFrederik(Hans) Holleman (18December1915-28August2001); With a Bibliography, Journal of Legal Pluralism,Vol.46,2001, pp.103-114.
    1Franz von Benda-Beckmann, Riding or Killing the Centaur? Reflections on the Identities of LegalAnthropology, International Journal of Law in Context, Vol.4, No.2,2008, p.208.
    4Annelise Riles, Representing In-Between: Law, Anthropology, and the Rhetoric of Interdisciplinarity, U. Ill. L.Rev.597,1994, p.601.
    2Francis G. Snyder, Anthropology, Dispute Processes and Law: A Critical Introduction, British Journal of Law&Society, Vol.8, No.2,1981, p.163.
    3Paul Bohannan, Ethnography and Comparison in Legal Anthropology, in Laura Nader ed., Law in Culture andSociety, Aldine Publish,1969, p.415.
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