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半夏(Pinellia ternata (Thunb.) Breit)为天南星科(Araceae)半夏属(Pinellia)多年生草本植物,具有燥湿化痰、除逆止呕、消痞散结、外用消肿止痛等功效。半夏是一味非常重要的中药,不但在我国新药、特药、中成药和方药饮片中有大量使用,同时还出口韩国、日本、东南亚等各国为汉方用药。半夏植物生长习性特殊,忌涝怕旱、耐阴惧晒,易“倒苗”,人工栽培规范化生产技术不完善,产量不高,同时野生资源破坏严重,市场缺口较大。四川为半夏主产区之一,其中以南充、武胜、安岳、达州等地产量大,质量较优。为保护川半夏野生资源和满足市场对川半夏的需求,本文从川半夏的规范化生产技术及其对温度的生理响应两方面进行了研究,研究结果如下:
Pinellia ternata (Thunb.) Breit is a perennial herb belongs to Pinellia Tenore of Araceae,which has the function of dry wet, convert phlegm, lowering athwart and stopping vomit, removing ruffian and dispeling vinculum.It is important as a part of Chinese traditional medicine or used as herbal pieces, and has an increasing demand for exporting to Korea, Japan and Southeast Asia. As a shade tolerant plant, P. ternata has a special growth habit, cannot grow well with drought and flood, and the part of the ground easily withered, which are commonly known as "sprout tumble". Sichuan is one of the main producing regions of P. ternata, which has the higher yield and quality in the regions of Nanchong, Wusheng, Anyue and Dazhou. It is in need to improve the cultivation technology for a higher yield and a better protection of the wild resource. Here we researched the standardized cultivation technology in P. ternata production as well as the physiological responses under different growth temperatures, in order to satisfy the market demand and protect the wild resource. The main results are summarized as follows:
     1. Using nine different storage methods to storage the tubles of P. ternata from Sichuan in winter, the results showed that all the indexes including the germination percentage,vigor of germination,germination index,rooting number,root length,root activity and catalase activity were significantly different among different storage methods (P<0.05), except for chlorophyll content(P>0.05). So after harvesting, the tubers should be preserved in icebox (3±1℃) or the wet sand in a greenhouse. Under these conditions, the germinating vigor and growth activity of tuber performed best, which are the optimal storage methods.
     2. The tubers of three different populations of P. ternata from Sichuan were classified respectively as three different groups according to the diameters as follows: smaller group(0.5cm1.5cm), in order to explore the effect of the size of tuber on the yield and quality of P. ternata. The results showed that they all had the same growth rhythm. And the size of tubers with0.5cm1.5cm) while good strains breeding and propagation.
     3. Randomly selected300tubles of Pinellia ternata from Sichuan, examine main agronomic traits to per plant yield during the growing stages, and Calculation individual weight gain rate and proliferation rate of each plant. The results of fuzzy cluster analysis showed that the188effective tubers could be classified as three different groups. The average tuber diameter of group Ⅰ was1.27cm, with growth rate per plant of134.09%, the average tuber diameter of group Ⅱ was1.40cm with growth rate per plant only13.83%, while the average tuber diameter of group III was1.02cm with growth rate per plant up to369.98%. The tubers which diameter between0.7-1.2cm (average1.0cm) should be prefer to be selected for production, followed by diameter between1.2-1.55cm. The tubers with diameter more than1.55cm were suggested not be used.
     4. The contents of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium of the stems, leaves and tubers of different growth stages of two populations of P. ternate from Sichuan were determined. The results showed that the absorption rate of aerial and underground parts of P. ternate were different in nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium at different growing stages. Among them, the potassium uptake is the most, while the phosphorus uptake is the least. Totally, the uptakes of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium of P. ternate from Sichuan during "sprout tumble" stage were comparatively higher than that not at "sprout tumble"stage. A significant correlation was observed between the phosphorus and potassium uptake of the aerial and underground parts, respectively (P <0.05). And there was also significant positive correlation between the nitrogen and phosphorus uptake at underground parts (P<0.05). During the growth stage of P. ternate, as producing100kg air-dried P. ternate,5.02-5.64kg N,2.44-2.56kg P2O5,11.62-13.49kg K2O need to be absorbed. P. ternate from Sichuan should be given enough base fertilizer in field cultivation, and then be supplied with phosphorus and potassium by combining foliar spray with field application during the middle ten days of June and last ten days of August. The ratios of potassium should be properly improved. There was promoting effect in the phosphorus and nitrogen assimilations of the underground parts of P. ternate from Sichuan.
     5. Based on the absorption and accumulation of the dynamic study of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, the relationship between the level of fertilization and growth rhythm, major agronomic traits, yield and quality were explored. The results showed that, the P. ternata from Sichuan showed the same growth rhythm at different fertilizing levels, but there were significant difference (P<0.05)in the average emergence rate, and extremely significant difference(P<0.01) were detected in the average ratio of bolting, the average bulbils, individual growth rate, individual proliferation rate,β-sitosterol and alkaloid content under different fertilizing levels. Nitrogenous fertilizer had extremely significant effects on the content of alkaloids and β-sitosterol (P<0.01), whereas phosphata and potassium fertilizer had no significant effect. The effect of fertilizer factor and intereffects on β-sitosterol showed no significant effect, but have influence on other indexes.
     6. The content of chlorophyll, proline, protective enzymes, malondialdehyde, membranous fatty acids of P. ternate from Sichuan were consecutively determined under different temperature per24h, the root activity and alkaloid were determined finally. The results showed that the variation and amplitude of that the index of unsaturated fatty acids (IUFA) and the ratio of saturated fatty acids and unsaturated fatty acids (SFA/USFA) in20-30℃are basically the same, and similar to the control, relatively stable. The same results also showed in the content of chlorophyll a (Chla), chlorophyll b (Chlb), total chlorophyll (Chit), proline, malonyldiadehyde (MDA), and the activity of catalase(CAT), peroxidase(POD) and superoxide dismutase(SOD). Under the temperture of35-40℃, the IUFA decreased while SFA/USFA increased. The contents of Chla, Chlb, Chit decreased. The activities of CAT, POD and SOD, and the content of MDA and proline increased at the first3days. These physiological characteristics under high temperature stress exhibited rapidly. But these indexs did not continue to follow a continuous change direction under the continuous high temperature stress, which will be close or return to the appropriate level. It was considered that the optimum growth temperature for P. ternate from Sichuan was between20-30℃, the stress temperature was between30-35℃.Under the stress temperature it would appeared a series of biochemical and physiological properties even "sprout tumble"quickly. These response indicators are closely linked, and jointly promote P. ternate to adapt to the growing conditions, but long-term heat stress would cause root damage and eventually lead to plants "sprout tumble". Furthermore, have a major impact on the accumulation of main chemical compositions of P. ternate from Sichuan.
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