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非生物逆境是作物产量的主要制约因素。现代分子生物学手段现已广泛应用于育种研究,并获得不少具有优良耐逆能力的作物新品种。类钙调磷酸酶B亚基蛋白(calcineurin B-like proteins, CBL)是一类重要的钙信号受体蛋白,在非生物胁迫应答反应中具有重要作用,主要通过与CBL相互作用蛋白激酶(CBL-interacting protein kinases, CIPK)相互作用将信号向下游传递。拟南芥中CBL和CIPK家族成员在耐逆中的作用已有较深入的研究,其中AtSOS3(CBL4)和AtCIPK24(SOS2)是SOS途径的两个关键组分,在植物盐胁迫应答中发挥重要作用。但是小麦中CBL和CIPK家族成员功能以及是否存在SOS途径还不清楚,SOS途径在植物中是否具有保守性和通用性还未见报道。
     根据电子克隆序列,从SR3中克隆3个TaCBL和9个TaCIPK新基因,按照与拟南芥CBLs的同源性,分别命名为TaCBL1/3/4和TaC1PK2/8/11/15/17/19/30/32/34。 TaClPKs中,TaCIPK8、TaCIPK15在盐胁迫下上调表达,TaCIPK11下调表达,其他基因的应答模式有待进一步验证,为耐盐候选基因的鉴定及TaCBL互作蛋白的筛选奠定了基础。
Abiotic stress is one of major adverse constraints for crop yield. Modern molecular biology has been widely used for breeding, and a lot of stress tolerant crops were developed. In plants, the calcineurin B-like protein (CBL) family represents a unique group of calcium sensors and plays a key role in decoding calcium transients by specifically interacting with and regulating a family of protein kinases (CIPKs). Molecular genetics analyses of loss-of function mutants have implicated several CBL proteins and CIPKs as important components of abiotic stress responses. In Arabidopsis, the role of CBL and CIPK families in the response to abiotic stress has been largely elucidated; AtCBL4(SOS3) and AtCIPK24(SOS3) are two crucial component of SOS pathway, a ionic stress specific pathway in plants. However, the function of CBL and CIPK families as well as whether SOS pathway is present in wheat is still not clear, and whether SOS pathway is conserved in plants has not been documented.
     Based on these scientific issues, we comprehensively analyzed the sequences of CBL and CIPK families, and isolated a set of TaCBL and TaCIPK genes from a wheat introgression cultivar SR3with high salt tolerance, and confirmed the role of two CBL genes TaCBL4and TaCBL3in the response to abiotic stress. The main research contents and results are summarized as follows:
     1. The bioinfomatic analysis of wheat CBL and CIPK families and isolation of novel CBL/CIPK genes
     According to the bioinformatic analysis, we electronically cloned14putative CBL genes and34putative CIPK genes from wheat. Multiple sequence alignment and phylogenetic tree analysis showed that these TaCBLs are much conserved in size and structure. Of them, five TaCBL proteins have N-myristoylation site and two possess transmembrane hydrophobic region, suggesting that these seven members play important roles in the stress response in wheat. TaCIPKs vary in sequence, but their second structure is very conserved. TaCIPKs from SR3were also difference from each other, which may possibly be resulted from gene duplication during evolution. Phylogenetic analysis showed that both TaCBLs and TaCIPKs had many paralogs, and they had higher similarity to homologues of rice than to those of Arabidopsis.
     To know their salt-responsive patterns, these TaCIPKs were subject to BlastN against probes of our customized cDNA microarray. Among them, eight TaCIPKs had specifically matched probes, including four salt-inducible and four salt-restricted ones respectively; there had three salt-inducible probes, each of which referred to several TaCIPKs. These salt-responsive TaCIPKs may be involved in the response to salt stress, and their function is worthy of be elucidated.
     According to these electronically cloned sequences, We cloned three TaCBLs and nine TaCIPKs for SR3. Based on their similarity to CBLs and CIPKs in Arabidopsis, these isolated genes were named as TaCBL1, TaCBL3, TaCBU, as well as TaCIPK2, TaCIPK8, TaCIPK15, TaCIPK17, TaCIPK19, TaCIPK30, TaCIPK32and TaCIPK34. Among TaCIPKs, TaCIPK8and TaCIPK15were up-regulated after exposure to salt, while TaCIPKI I was down-regulated.
     2. The function analysis of wheat TaCBL4and TaCBL3
     2.1TaCBL4structure and putative function analysis
     TaCBL4possesses seven introns, and encodes a putative homolog of Arabidopsis CBL4/SOS3protein. TaCBL4localized in the cell membrane. TaCBL4transcribed in roots, leaves, stems, young panicle, awn, immature embryo and flag leaf, and it was drastically induced after exposure to200mM NaCl, suggesting its roles in development and response to salt stress.
     To know its role in the response to abiotic stress, and its similarity to and difference from AtSOS3, TaCBL4was transformed into Arabidopsis Col-0wild type and sos3mutant to observe the phenotypic alteration, and AtSOS3overexpression Arabidopsis were used as the control. We found that TaCBL4ovevcxpression had no effect on vegetative and reproductive growth. In1/2MS medium, there had no difference among both roots and leaves of seedlings of Col-0(WT), TaCBL4overexpression (OE) lines, sos3overexpression TaCBL4(sOE)-Under NaCl treatment, in comparison with WT, sos3had shorter roots, and its leaves was severely bleached; both OE and sOE lines showed no significant difference, while there leaves became smaller, which phenocopied the effect of AtSOS3. This indicates that TaCBL4rescued the root phenotype of sos3, and firstly found that TaCBL4inhibited leaf growth under salt stress. Under LiCl treatment, in comparison with WT, sos3had shorter roots and smaller leaves, while OE and sOE lines as well as AtSOS3overexpression lines had longer roots and larger leaves, firstly demonstrating that TaCBL4and AtSOS3can enhance Li+tolerance. Under ABA and osmotic stress, no significant difference was found, indicating that TaCBL4is a salt specifically responsive gene.
     In comparison with plant development, salt stress has a more severe adverse effect on seed germination. To know the role of TaCBL4at this stage, we compared the germination rate. Under NaCl treatment, sos3did not germinate, the germination rate of WT was reduced, while the germination rate of OE and sOE lines were comparable. Under LiCl treatment, the germination rate of WT and sos3was significantly lowered with a more extent in sos3, while that of OE and sOE lines was not affected; the growth of early-stage seedlings of WT and sos3was obviously inhibited, while the effect on OE and sOE lines was slight.
     High saline soils are often alkaline. We found that under saline and alkaline conditions, OE lines had higher germination rate and superior growth ability at early stage than WT.
     Above results indicate that, alike AtSOS3, TaCBL4was a Na+and Li+responsive gene, and they performed similar roles in the response to salt stress. This suggests that SOS pathway is under work in wheat, this pathway shares conservation among plants. Our work also shows that, it is a ideal strategy to let TaCBL4specifically transcribe at germination stage when breeding Na+tolerant wheat, and the gene can be constitutively expressed when breeding Li+tolerant cultivars.
     Interestingly, under low K+conditions, in comparison with WT, the leaves of OE and sOE lines were smaller, while those of AtSOS3overexpression lines were similar, suggesting that TaCBL4can modulate the activities of K'channels. This result indicates that the role of TaCBL4in the response to salt was associated with K+ which outline the specificities of SOS pathway among different plants.
     To further uncover the mechanism of TaCBL4performance and its similarity to and difference from AtSOS3, we isolated TaCBL4interacting AtCIPKs using the yeast two hybridization method. TaCBL4interacted with AtCIPK5,10,11,15,18,21and24, among which AtCIPK15and24are AtSOS3interacting proteins, while AICIPK6,7, the other AtSOS3interacting proteins, did not bind to TaCBL4. We speculate that TaCBL4interacts with AtCIPK11and inhibits its activity to improve the tolerance to saline and alkaline stress, and it interacts with AtCIPK24(SOS2) and triggers SOS pathway to accelerate Na+efflux. The coming question is whether or not the similarity and difference between TaCBL4and AtSOS3with respective to CIPK interaction, along with the putative difference between the modulation of TaCBL4and AtSOS3on their shared interacting CIPKs, are associated with the enhancement of TaCBL4-mediated sensitivity to low K+
     2.2The primary analysis of TaCBL3function
     TaCBL3shared high identities to rice OsCBL6and Arabidopsis AtCBL2and AtCBL6, and its encoding protein localized in vacuolar membrane. Under NaCl and osmotic stress, there had no phenotypic difference among Col-0and TaCBL3overexpression lines. Lack K'induced the expression of TaCBL3; under lack K+conditions, in comparison with Col-0, TaCBL3overexpression lines were more seriously etiolated, and their growth was more obviously inhibited. This demonstrated that TaCBL3is possibly a inhibitory factor of K'channels.
     In summary, we comprehensively analyzed the sequence and expression characteristics of wheat CBL and CIPK families, and found the similarity and difference among SOS pathway of different plants during response to high Na+/Li+and low K+, which provided evidence for further understanding the regulatory mechanisms of SOS pathway and response to ionic stress, and these CBL and CIPK genes can be used for breeding new cultivars with salt tolerance and high K+utilization efficiency.
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