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本文介质球散射理论的基础上,讨论了水平路径上沙尘暴对 Ka 频段电波传
    衰预报模型,并以日本的通信卫星为例并结合中国国内 58 地区的进行了有关衰
    减计算,拟合出了适用[21,39]GHz 频率转换因子。在开环功率控制算法的基础
    上,将 LMS 算法用于预测抵消时延,并进形 MATLAB 了仿真。研究了衰减和
    化的消除技术。本文中笔者所做工作对于 Ka 频段卫星通信系统的总体设计有重
In this paper, the effects of attenuation and depolarization induced by sand-dust storms on
    Ka waves band electromagnetic waves propagation along horizontal paths are discussed on the
    basis of the medium sphere scattering theory. And based on experience models which are applied
    in the condition of low height, the effective models of attenuation and XPD due to sand-dust
    storms on Ka waves band electromagnetic waves propagation along earth-space paths are given,
    and results obtained are simulated. Using for reference the depolarization and rain attenuation
    prediction models are analyzed and the results are simulated by connecting the parameters of
    Japan’s satellite with measuring data of 58 China main earth-station. And the frequent attenuation
    scale ration formula is derived. On the basis of open-loop control algorithm, the LMS algorithm is
    used to cancel the time delay, and the result of this algorithm is simulated in the MATLAB
    software. The effect of attenuation and depolarization on digital system is investigated, and the
    correlation formula was derived. At last, the technology about cancel the effect of depolarization
    was discussed. he results obtained are of great value in the overall design of satellite systems on
    Ka waves band.
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