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Lenin once said : "Nobody will be in pursuit of truths without emotions." The emotion is "the catalyst" and "the lubricant" for successful teaching. As a instrument of casting the human soul, the ideology and politics lesson in middle school must be participated in emotion in among them even more. The emotion teaching brings the students' various kinds of emotion experiences such as surprises and proud in discovery, happiness in satisfying curiosity and joy of creation and so on. The students learn and think in highly and excited mood. Then teaching become a activity with passion.. This article probes into how to implement emotion teaching in the ideology and politics lessons.
    This text attempts to explain the Application of emotion teaching in the ideology and politics lessons from these aspects: optimization of the teaching design, setting up the emotion goals, developing the teaching democracy, constructing the happy and harmonious emotion atmosphere; developing teaching resources, excavating the emotion factors of the content of courses; improving the teaching arts, exciting the students' the emotion needs; guiding the students' independent activities, training the students' positive emotion; perfecting teaching mechanism of appraising ; consolidating the students' emotions experiences and so on.
    This text consists of four parts:
    The first part : Definition, characteristic, function of emotion teaching;
    The second part : Necessity of implement emotion teaching in ideology and politics lessons.
    The third part : How to implement emotion teaching in ideology and politics lessons;
    The fourth part : Two questions which we should pay attention to in implement emotion teaching in ideology and politics lessons.
    In a word, this article reasonably and practically described the
    application strategies of emotion teaching in ideology and politics lessons in the middle school. This article tells us that the emotion teaching plays an important role in teaching of ideology and politics lessons. It will promote the student's development in an all- round way.
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