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Along with the era of globalization comes, aviation transportation becomes more and more important. As the main body of aviation transportation, airlines always act the vital function to economic development of one country or district, so all of the countries with great power economy very regard airlines development and becoming strong. Recently, the success combination of Air France and KLM start one new round of combination cosmically, such as Lufthansa merged Switzerland airlines, Delta combined with Northwest Airlines, Britain Airlines combined with Iberia Airlines, the combinations make the super airlines with strong competition and perfect network. However, airlines of our country also through merger enlarged the scale, but have not made the core competence with efficiency combination, also can not compete with the foreign strong airlines. Along with complex environment changes dynamically, airlines only with the core competence can not keep on with development, need the dynamic core competence acclimation keep on development. Dynamic core competence theory mostly fastens on research of the general enterprise, seldom research some special industry, dynamic core competence of airlines and its evolution research have hardly been involved. In order to boost up the competition of our countries’airlines, perfect the theory of dynamic core competence, this paper researched dynamic core competence of airlines with the analysis frame and method of evolvement economics, and statistical multi-analysis method.
     Through searching the correlation literature and study, this paper concluded the origin, come into being and development of corporation evolvement theory, core competence theory, dynamic core competence theory and some research of airlines competition, and made them as theory support of this paper. Selected over thirty representative airlines from three dimensions and analyzed the evolution rules of airlines’dynamic core competence during the competition process, first dimension is district and strength which including North America, Europe and Asia Pacific; second dimension is service model which including full service, LCC and high quality service; third dimension is success and fail. Based on theory and example analysis, this paper put forward the airlines’dynamic core competence is the capability of airlines renew adapt ability, one kind complex adaptability mechanism, one process of core competence come into being competitive advantage, its essence is the core competence of airlines matching with changing complex environment, forming with external five factors: GDP and population of airlines main base city, government policy, plane manufacture and maintain technology, competition status and substitution threaten; and with internal five factors: scale and network, safety operation ability, management ability, service innovation ability and administration system. In different phases of industry lifecycle, through complex adaptability mechanism, airlines make the best adaptability image of their dynamic core competence get along with wave crest status, could always adapt the complex environment, such as economic cycle, oil price fluctuate, break out event, etc., and survive, then develop. During the evolvement process of acclimation, the competition among airlines follow the evolvement rules from low administrative levels to high administrative levels, in turn they are resource and scale levels competition, function levels competition, core competence levels competition and dynamic core competence competition. Type path of success airlines are: the path of resource and scale celerity expand, the path of low cost carrier price compete, the path of high quality service and its innovation, the path of network service with different brand.
     Through comparing system evolvement research method NW model, evolutionary game theory, self-organizing theory and cellular automata, choose cellular automata as the demonstration evolvement research method. After analysis cellular automata application in research of airlines’dynamic core competence, with the theory hypothesis, based on cellular automata, designed airlines competition levels evolvement model, service innovation evolvement model and core competence evolvement model. Through computer making program, separately took airlines competition levels evolvement of United States of America and China, Shenzhen Airlines service innovation evolvement, and core competence evolvement of Shenzhen to Beijing airline as example simulate, the result of simulation validated correctness of the theory hypothesis and the designed cellular automata evolvement model. This research indicates that cellular automata could well simulate evolvement of airlines dynamic core competence, at the same time, could forecast and control evolvement of airlines dynamic core competence through simulation program and its parameter adjusting. At last, set up different competitive levels evaluating index system of airlines dynamic core competence, based on factor analysis and clustering analysis, evaluated 25 main sample airlines all over the world with their index data of 2009, the evaluating result could well validate the theory analysis and hypothesis. Through analysis the key index which effect the evaluating result, this paper proposed different suggestion for fostering dynamic core competence of different sample airlines.
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