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Sichuan is famous for plentiful bamboo resources. bamboo industry have developed fastly In recent years and have became the pillar industry for forestry of sichuan, it reaped significant economic, social and ecological benefits. But the research on bamboo grove ecosystem focus on cultivation and management, there is few report on bamboo grove soil microorganism. bamboo grove soil microorganism is an important component of soil ecosystem, its number and activity influence nutrient cycling situation and have significant value for maintain and enhance of soil fertility of bamboo grove. This study based on moso bamboo, yangsan sinocalamus affinis and cheng-lu thehybrid bamboo, soil microflora composition, microbial biomass, enzymatic activity and community structure in different periods throughout the year were dicussed in this study, the results showed as followed:
     1. For soil microflora composition of three bamboo grove, bacteria was the most and take up 91.24%-92.81% of total bactera count, actinomycetes take up 5.60%-8.05%, fungus was the least and only take up 0.53%-0.77%.
     2. Three monoid of bamboo grove soil microorganism showed evident season variation. Bacteria quantities increased first and then decreased, it became the maximum in summer and minimum in winter; fungus quantities increased first, then decreased and increased last, it became the maximum in summer and minimum in autumn; actinomycetes quantities increased first and then decreased, it became the maximum in summer and minimum in winter.
     3.The soil microorganism density of these three bamboo grove obviously changed by the season, and the changed trend were coincidence. The soil microorganism density first reduced and then increased, and was the highest in winter while the lowest in summer. The soil microorganism density in spring and summer were significantly reduced compared with autumn and winter(P<0.01).
     4. The microorganism enzymic activity of these three bamboo grove showed a changed trend by season with a world of difference. The urease activity of moso bamboo grove gradually reduced by season, and the urease activity was the highest in spring while the lowest in winter. The urease activity of yangsan sinocalamus affinis was the highest in spring, but there were no significantly difference among summer, autumn and winter.
     The urease activity of cheng-lu thehybrid bamboo was the highest in autumn and lowest in winter. The soil alkaline phosphatase activity of these three bamboo grove changed with a similar trend, fistly increased and then decreased by season, and was the highest in summer while lowest in winter. The peroxidaws activity of these three bamboo grove fistly increased and then decreased and increased again by season, the peroxidaws activity was the highest in summer and winter while lowest in spring and autumn. The hydrogen peroxidase of of these three bamboo grove fistly increased and then decreased by season, and was the highest in summer while lowest in winter.
     5.The soil bacteria diversity index of these three bamboo grove:moso bamboo> cheng-lu thehybrid bamboo> yangsan sinocalamus affinis. The soil bacteria diversity index of these three bamboo grove significantly changed by season, but the changed trend were different. The soil bacteria diversity index of moso bamboo:summer> autumn> spring> winter, The soil bacteria diversity index of yangsan sinocalamus affinis:autumn> summer、winter> spring. The soil bacteria diversity index of cheng-lu thehybrid bamboosummer、winter、autumn> spring。
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