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As a result of the advantages of steel structure buildings, at the same time with fast speed of output of steels, they appear quickly in recent years, especially for multi-story and high-rise building, steel structures are widely used, and good economic and social benefits are obtained. One of dominating structural systems is steel moment frames. Moreover, whether beam-to-column connections are good or not, it is a key of realizing structural intensity and ductility. But during the 1994 Northridge Earthquake and 1995 Hyogoken-Nanbu Earthquake, beam-to-column connections experienced a great deal of brittle fracture phenomenon, which indicated that the performance on the damage mechanism of some style joints were rather inadequate. In order to avoid similar damage in future, investigation of some further new and finer joint types of the beam-column connections, analyses of the damage mechanism of new joints types under cyclical load and advance of new aseismatic design measure are not only significant from the
     theoretical aspect, but also important in practice.
    At present, strong column weak beam principle is to consume energy in virtue of plastic-hinge which comes into being in the beam, strong joints weak pole is used to make up some shortage of common design method. How to design connections of the column to the beam, the way that is required is to how to realize ductility design of joints.
    In this paper, experiment study, theoretic analysis, FEM program are combined, T-type connections of beam-to-column are carried out systems analysis and research.
    In this experiment, four groups tests were made, including pin-connected, semi-rigid connection of bolted beam-to-column connections, rigid connection of welded flange-bolted web beam-to-column connections. The whole process reappeared work truth of three types connection of beam-to-column, by dint of recording data, trimming, some useful disciplines are obtained.
    In order to contract and to predict the brittle fracture behavior of welded-bolted beam-to-column joints under cyclical load, on the basis of experiments, software ANSYS was adopted to analysis the results. In order to predict high-strength bolts pretension and contact-friction in contact zone, status nonlinear in contact zone is adopted in FEM model. The computation and analysis on the behavior of beam-to-column rigidity joints subjected to constant axial pressure on the top of column and cyclical load at tip of beam is carried out.
    At last, some conclusions and design recommendations are provided for actual practice, they are very useful for engineering design. This paper plays a basis role of more investigation about beam-to-column connections.
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