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For a long time, finance as an important part of the economy, is also showing a relatively strong regional characteristics, due to the different level of economic development, natural resource endowments on the spatial structure has significant non-equilibrium of our country. Financial resources, and related elements in space driven by the rapid accumulation to urban centers, lead to the gradual formation of a regional financial center. Regional financial center growth process, through the combined effect of financial agglomeration, diffusion effects, spillover effects and the effects of economic growth, regional financial resources achieving optimal configuration, it stimulates regional economic growth. Given to the importance of the regional financial center, most underdeveloped western regional capital cities have also set off a regional financial center construction boom.This situation needs to be calmly analyzed, thought deeply. The growth of financial center has its own internal rules or mechanism.If we do not recognize the hidden objective laws, blind actions will inevitably bring harm to regional economic development.
     In this paper, the theory of the regional financial development, financial geography, the theory of the financial center as the guide, it relys on the theory from the perspective of financial agglomeration^new institutional economics and the butterfly effect and path dependence theory to explore the internal mechanism of the growth of the financial center. Studies suggest that the formation of financial centers depends on the natural gathering on the one hand that the real economic growth causing the demand of the residents and business demand for various financial services surge, bringing financial system ever-expanding, leading to the formation of a financial center; on the other hand, the model of the government promotion makes the formation of the financial gathering area with a certain advance, that supply is another important driving force to guide the financial system undergoing a qualitative change. Especially in the early stage of the formation of the financial center, the guiding role of the government plays a decisive role, but once into the stage of self-organization of the financial center, the leading role of the government will be weakened. Based on the above theoretical analysis, it furtherly elaborates the feasibility of constructing regional financial centers in the western region, and analyzes the development trend of the future regional financial center of the western region. Based on the financial geography of thought, it builts up a set of evaluation index system to evaluate the growing level in the western region regional financial center, and gets financial geography competitiveness index.Taking the econometric research methods, it studys o the level of competitiveness of the western financial geography of ten regional financial center alternative nodes of the city deeply. Studies suggest that economic factors, efficiency factors, information elements, location factors,and financial elements,have more significant to the competitiveness of the financial geography.
     Based on the competitiveness of the financial geographic,it measures the level of financial development of the sample cities, and the top three are Chengdu, Chongqing and Xi'an.Taking the cluster analysis method, the sample cities are divided into four square, that Chengdu belongs to the first phalanx, Xi'an, Chongqing and Kunming belong to the second phalanx, Nanning, Urumqi, Hohhot, and Guiyang belong to the third phalanx, Lanzhou and Yinchuan belong to the fourth square. Although the majority of the capital city of the western region have the urge to build a regional financial center, but the paper argues that the growth of the regional financial center of man's will. For example, the level of financial development in Kunming and Urumqi two cities are relatively good, but the radiation is relatively small, so the target of the regional financial center is not realistic for a long period of time. By calculating the spatial extent of the hinterland of the alternative node cities, it eventually filters out two cities as major cities in the western region of China's current regional financial center layout, namely Chengdu and Xi'an, among which Chengdu is one of the core city of Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Zone, Xi'an is the core city of Guanzhong-Tianshui economic Zone.From the strategic perspective of national economic zone herein western regional financial center layout were discussed.Finally, this article proposes a specific path about in the western region to build regional financial center, that should follow "the province Financial Centre-Inter-provincial Financial Linkage Center Western regional financial center," the gradual development path, and propose appropriate policy measures about regional financial policies and the financial environment conducive to the growth of the regional financial center.
① 资料来源:殷德生、肖顺喜:《体制转轨中的区域经济研究》,上海,学林出版社2000年版。
    1 1820年的纽约人口为123700,费城人口是112000;到了1860年,这两个数字就变成了1080330和565529
    1 《萨班斯-奥克斯利法案》被业界称作是专门针对在美上市公司的“严刑峻法”,这套法案要求上市公司对产生财务费用的所有作业流程,如能见度、透明度控制、通信、风险管理和欺诈防范等进行控制,且这些流程必须详加记录到可追查交易源头的地步,整个流程极为严格和苛刻。
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