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The key problem of organizational innovation motivation is solving the function mechanism of interior and exterior motivations on organizational innovation, which has become a hotspot problem in academic circle. In company with the birth, growth, mature and decline of corporates, token characteristics are different at different stages of corporate life cycle, which puts forward different requirements to organizational innovation, especially to organizational innovation motivation. With complex changes of inner and outer environment, the problem that corporates have to solve is to take specific method (organizational innovation strategy) in specific period (corporate life cycle, CLC) according to specific reason (organizational innovation motivation, OIM). Therefore, research on the function mechanism of interior and exterior motivations on organizational innovation at the basis of corporate life cycle is of great realistic significance in enhancing the performance of organizational innovation and then economic benefit and competing ability.
     Based on fuzzy mathematics, this paper constructs PAEI model of judging the stage of corporate life cycle to identify patterns of organizational innovation and categories of motivation by factor analysis, establishes theoretical analysis model of the function mechanism of interior and exterior motivations on organizational innovation to analyze the function mechanism of interior, exterior and coupling motivations on organizational innovation, and finally puts forward the problem of strategy selection of organizational innovation.
     Based on relevant theories of fuzzy aggregate, this paper puts forward PAEI model to judge the stage of corporate life cycle. In this paper, intrinsic motivations refer to strategic adjustment, organizational scale development, corporate culture change, while extrinsic motivations refer to technology push, market demand and government regulation. At different stages of corporate cycle, the three intrinsic motivations influence the development of organizational innovation in different patterns and to different extents, which results in different selections between revolutionary and evolutionary organizational innovation. The three extrinsic motivations effect organizational innovation in different aspects at different stages of corporate cycle, which also embodies in different selections between the two patterns. Meanwhile, the coupling between intrinsic and extrinsic motivations also results in different selections between the two patterns at different stages of corporate cycle. According to the research, different functions of the three kinds of motivations result in different function mechanisms on organizational innovation in Harbin Boiler Works, Ltd..
     Based on the analyses above, this paper establishes brand-new theoretical model for further research in organizational innovation, namely confirming the intrinsic and extrinsic motivations that influence organizational innovation and synthetically analyzes the function mechanism of intrinsic and extrinsic motivations on organizational innovation based on corporate cycle theory. Case study indicates that with continuously changing environment inner and outer corporates, it is mortally significant to define and guide organizational innovation motivation and it is necessary and feasible to study the strategies of organizational innovation in further research of organizational innovation motivation.
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